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PSSA and Keystone Exams: 7 Tips for Students Preparing to Ace Their Tests

online schooling programs

Created to replace the Grade 11 PSSA, the Keystone exams are a core component of Pennsylvania’s high school graduation criteria. They are end-of-course tests taken by all students, whether in online schooling programs or another format, and used to determine students’ proficiency in Literature, Biology, and Algebra I.

Similarly, PSSA testing (Pennsylvania System School Assessment) is an annual nail-biter for students and educators alike. This examination is focused on determining how well students, and the schools they attend, measure up to proficiency standards in subjects like Science, English Language Arts, Technology, and Math. English Language Arts (ELA) and Math testing is required for all PA students in grades 3 through 8, while grade 4 and grade 8 students are tested in Science. The test prep suggestions discussed below for the Keystone exams work equally well for the PSSA.

Getting ready for the Keystone exams can feel stressful, leaving pupils anxious, concerned, and underprepared. But by utilizing the seven top tips below, becoming fully Keystone-ready isn’t so difficult.

1 Remember the RUN Method

While running away may be more in line with how students feel when they begin preparing for exams, RUN is an acronym designed to help them remember to:

  • Read — Carefully scrutinizing the instructions leaves less room for error. It’s a case of “measuring twice, cutting once.”
  • Underline — While reading the instructions a second time, underlining specific required actions helps affirm the question’s objective.
  • Note — Examinees should record any special requirements outlined by the question.

2 The Importance of Practice Papers

Practice papers work wonders to prepare students for the real deal. Achieving top marks on the day proved much easier after following a revision schedule that included working on practice papers.

Ideally, test takers should simulate the test center atmosphere as perfectly as possible. That way, they can estimate how well they cope with an otherwise unfamiliar environment.

On top of that, practice papers allow for time management enhancements. The trick is to tackle the easier questions before going back and working through the more complicated objectives.

3 Allow the Body and Mind to Rest and Recharge

Perhaps one of the most vital components of preparing for Keystone exams (or any test, for that matter) is to sleep well. Human brains and bodies cannot optimally function without a full night’s rest.

Students with ad-hoc sleeping patterns should start regulating their body clock ahead of schedule. Then, they’ll be able to sleep peacefully the nights before the exams and recall information much faster.

Experts at the Mayo Clinic put forth the following advice to achieve a healthy sleeping pattern before tests:

  • Go to bed and get up at the same time each day
  • Eat dinner at least a couple of hours before bed
  • Prioritize calm activities (sleeping, stretching, etc.) before bed
  • Regularly exercise
online schooling programs

4 Utilize Online Study Resources

Schools across Pennsylvania post resources online for students to access for free prior to sitting the Keystone exams. While the topics are covered in detail in school, teachers encourage pupils to incorporate at-home revision into their schedule.

For effective home studying, guidelines suggest individuals consult the following websites:

  • Quizlet
  • Study Island
  • Pennsylvania Department of Education

5 Clothing and Food Matters

Dressing for success doesn’t mean feeling uncomfortable. Instead, tutors recommend students dress in multiple, comfy layers.

Test centers aren’t necessarily designed with comfort in mind, and pupils might grow too hot or cold. Numerous layers ensure they’re prepared for any environment, allowing them to focus easily on the task at hand.

Additionally, a nutritious breakfast is an essential part of Keystone preparation. Different foods like the following help stimulate various brain functions while satiating the body:

  • Berries (including strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries) — High in anthocyanins which increase blood flow to the brain, improving signaling pathways to increase memory and learning.
  • Eggs — Rich in vitamin B12, selenium, and choline necessary for cognitive performance.
  • Citrus fruits — Nutrients prevent mental decline and promote information recall.

6 A Realistic Revision Schedule Is a Must-Have

Many students set themselves up to fail by trying to stick to an unrealistic revision timetable. After all, there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything!

Thus, pupils should endeavor to accurately work out how many hours they have free every day to revise. Then, slot in manageable revision chunks. People often find it useful to switch subjects to ensure optimal engagement throughout study sessions.

7 Customize Notes to Aid Information Recall

Different learners respond better to different revision aids. For example, some students prefer audio notes, while others love flashcards and diagrams.

Many teachers suggest color-coding to help organize and find the necessary information quickly.

The Bottom Line

By using the seven top tips above, students can appropriately prepare their minds and bodies to achieve excellence in the PSSA and Keystone exams.

How to Create a Learning Space for Cyber School Students

Girl working on PA cyber school curriculum

The fact that PA cyber schools do not require students to leave their homes to learn gives them a level of flexibility and freedom. With this freedom comes the responsibility to ensure that their learning space has everything that they need to succeed academically. Fortunately, helping students create a learning space can be an easy and fun experience for parents. 21st Century Cyber Charter School acknowledges that there are many ways to build a suitable space for a cyber school student and, here, they include 5 simple ways to start.

Choose the location wisely

When helping your child pick a location for their learning space, always try to ensure that it is in an area that sets them up for success. This can differ depending upon their individual learning preferences. For example, if your child prefers silent areas for schoolwork, their own bedroom or a spare room could be excellent choices. Some students work better with background noise that keeps them from feeling isolated while they work. In these instances, a space closer to others within the house may be best for their learning space. One important thing to remember is that a learning space can always be tweaked or changed if you are not seeing the best results. Do not be afraid to let your student try several spots if there is more than one suitable location in your home.

Consider the lighting

Studies show that natural light improves mood, behavior, and performance levels. For these reasons, finding ways to let light in is crucial for developing a learning space. If the location of the learning space is near a window, open the blinds to give it an inviting atmosphere. Not every space will have great access to natural light- and that is okay! It is always possible to mimic natural light with artificial lighting from LED or blue-enriched light bulbs. Whether you bring light into a room with a great lamp or by opening the blinds, you will be surprised to find how helpful it can be for creating a positive learning environment.

Provide easy access to supplies

girl working on cyber school program

Students of PA cyber schools will use a computer for school work, but this does not mean that they will not need access to traditional school supplies for learning. To make things easy, gather supplies such as notebooks, writing utensils, calculators, and textbooks and place them in an easily accessible spot with the learning area. Parents can also make sure that the learning space has outlets for the student’s laptop and that that internet access is strong to reduce risks of technical difficulty. Having all necessary supplies within arms reach goes a long way towards limiting distractions during the school day. This is because students will not need to leave the learning area to hurriedly search for what they need.

Make the area comfortable and personalized

Ideally, a learning space will be an area that a student feels comfortable spending time working in. Making a space comfortable involves balance. For example, if your child is not comfortable, they will likely not want to work in their space for hours at a time. On the other hand, if the space is too comfortable, they may find it difficult to fully focus on their work. One way to make a learning space perfectly comfortable is to invest in a comfortable chair with ample back support. Another way to make a learning space comfortable is to allow the student to personalize it. Allowing them to place some personal items such as framed pictures, art, a plant, or posters nearby can give them a sense of control over their workspace that keeps them motivated. Since this is an area where they will spend quite a bit of time, feeling as though it is their own can be excellent for helping them reach their academic goals.

Help keep it organized

Even the most motivated students of PA cyber schools can have difficulties keeping their learning space organized. Parents can take an active role in helping their children keep their area clean and conducive to learning without needing to stress. Perhaps the easiest way to do so is to help make sure that all materials have their own spot. It is important to remember that the simpler the method, the more likely your child will keep up with it. For example, some parents designate baskets or organizational storage to different activities and learning materials. This streamlines organization for the student as they can simply place materials back in their designated places once they are done.

While creating a learning space for your child can seem daunting at first, it is important to remember that there are several ways to do it successfully. Each student has their own individual needs that should be considered during the process, and parents should not be afraid to try multiple things to customize an area for their child. With just a little time and thought, your child will have a learning space that gives them everything necessary to succeed.

What are the Pros and Cons of Cyber School?

PA online cyber school student raising hand on zoom call

As students moved to remote or hybrid learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents started to consider cyber school as a permanent option for their children. As with any important decision, it is a great idea to get an understanding of what the potential pros and cons are before committing. Here, 21st Century Cyber Charter School includes a list of potential pros and cons of cyber schooling for parents currently considering cyber school for their children.

Potential Pros of Cyber School

Scheduling Flexibility

One of the most popular aspects of cyber schools is the flexibility that it offers students. Students can work on their assignments at any point in the day during the week and can access their classes from any location that has internet. This means that students can read and review course material at their own pace and can account for situations such as doctor appointments or other responsibilities without derailing their work. The flexibility of cyber schooling also teaches students about important concepts such as time management.

Personalized Curriculums

Boy performing online school work and making raise the roof gesture

The customizable curriculums available at cyber schools ensure that each student receives an education tailored to their needs and interests. One reason that this approach to curriculums is important for students is because all students do not learn the same way. Some students take their time with learning and some are quick to grasp new concepts. Similarly, some students may require more assistance during lessons while some may be more independent learners. Recently there has been an emphasis on personalized curriculums because they recognize that each learning style is legitimate and foster students’ individual educational development by working to their strengths and preferences. This not only keeps students motivated in their studies, but positively impacts their educational performance as well.

Crucial Guidance from Staff

Cyber schools understand that some parents may be concerned about students not developing strong relationships with staff and work tirelessly to ensure that this is not the case. As a result, cyber schools have an excellent track record for monitoring the academic trajectory of their students, helping as needed. Students have access to academic advisors that meet with them more frequently than with brick-and-mortar schools. These advisors work with students throughout their studies to give them guidance and instruction as well as act as an educational advocate. Teachers at cyber schools also take an active role in the education of their students and are available to answer questions, provide extra help, and talk with students beyond the hours that in-person schooling requires.

Potential Cons of Cyber School

Less In-Person Interaction Time

Cyber schools do an excellent job giving students the opportunity to interact with each other, teachers, and administration. Still, because the lessons for cyber schools are online, students may have less opportunities to work with their peers in-person during school hours. While in-person interaction plays a crucial role in the social development of young people, it is important to acknowledge that cyber schools have adapted to this necessity. As a result, many cyber schools offer several opportunities to meet with other students via field trips and organized events throughout the school year.

Depends Heavily on Technology

Access to technology and the ability to use it for educational purposes is a blessing, but obstacles to schooling can arise if any of our important devices do not work as intended. For example, a student’s computer or router could fail during the school day, limiting their ability to complete assignments as expected. In some instances, a student may do have issues remembering to save their work or charging their laptops before the battery dies during learning. One positive is that the reliability of technology is increasing, and cyber schools that have been around for years have steadily improved their processes for quickly and effectively handling technical issues. The flexibility of cyber school schedules also ensures that time spent handling technical issues can be made up very easily.

Motivation May be a Concern

One of the benefits of cyber school is that it allows students to take an active role in their education. On the other side of this, however, some students may have difficulties finding their footing and staying motivated at first. For example, students that have issues with time management or difficulties remaining motivated on their own terms may need more time to fully adapt to a cyber learning environment. To keep students of all learning styles motivated and on task, cyber schools’ staff are experts at recognizing students’ patterns and academic performance, assisting before issues arise.


Examining the pros and cons of anything is an important step in making decisions, but always remember that what is truly considered a pro or con will depend heavily on the student. Consider that many of the potential “cons” of cyber school have addressed and adapted to by institutions, while the potential “pros” do not always ensure cyber school is the best fit.

Why Parents Should Consider 21CCCS for the 2021 School Year

switch to online learning in PA

It has been over ten months since the first COVID-19 case was reported in the US. Many aspects of American’s daily lives have changed during this time, and perhaps one of the most publicized changes has been the effects COVID has had on our public school system. While many schools throughout the US decided to switch to online learning for their spring semester, some schools have chosen to reopen for their fall semester. Since then, parents have had to make the difficult decision between returning their child to an in-person learning environment or keeping their child home and enrolling them in online learning.

The 21st Century Cyber Charter School, or 21CCCS, is one of Pennsylvania’s top-performing online schools. Founded in XXX, 21CCCS emphasizes a personalized curriculum and the importance of a strong educational community. This educational method has proven successful by 21CCCS ranking within the top 8% on the College Ready Benchmark among Pennsylvania High Schools. Below, the 21CCCS will help parents decide the best learning method for their child and emphasize the many pros to an online learning experience.


An item on this list that cannot be left unmentioned is safety. At the forefront of every parent’s mind during 2020 and, potentially, the 2021 school year is their child’s exposure to the COVID-19 virus. As more studies are released discussing the dangers of in-class learning during the pandemic, parents are looking for alternative ways of keeping their child’s risk of infection low.

Lack of Disruptions

According to a University of Nebraska-Lincoln study, high school students are distracted on average during 20% of their classroom time. Frequently, students are distracted by friends, other students talking, or phone usage. A common incorrect assumption among people is that students taking online classes are more likely to use their phones without teacher supervision. However, lack of disruptions trigger self-motivation and determination in a positive way. 21CCCS understands this correlation and their Academic Advisors help mentor their students to focus on achieving their academic goals.

Focus on Technology

In a world with a growing reliance on technological advancement, the importance of students learning essential computer skills cannot be over-emphasized. Studies show that technological know-how is no longer the desired skill set in the hiring process but an expectation. To strengthen a future resume or have a greater chance at a promotion, students should learn, at minimum, Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop programs. 21CCCS understands the importance of computer literacy in the 21st-century job market and incorporates many different computer programs into their high-school curriculum as well as providing each student with a MacBook and iPad. Recently, 21CCCS was recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for these programs and their commitment to innovation and academic excellence.

Standards set by Pennsylvania DOE are Daily Benchmarks for Cyber Charter Schools

Student using laptop for online cyber school

The 2020-21 school year is one that parents and students won’t soon forget. For the first time in our lifetimes, the back-to-school tradition has been turned on its head. This is largely due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is unfortunate, but this disruption is going to cause confusion for students who typically attended in-person classes with staggered schedules. The switch to remote learning in these districts has not been without bumps in the road. Teachers and administration had to scramble to convert classrooms into online alternatives.

On the other hand, those enrolled with 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS) have been able to continue at-home learning lessons with minimal to no interruptions. We expect to see a spike in interest in online charter schools in the coming months and years. That makes now the time to learn more about the structure of 21CCCS and other cyber charter schools. Information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, which clearly explains the Pa. cyber charter school structure, should thus prove useful to parents.

Purpose and advantage: According to the Pennsylvania DOE, the creation of charter schools was approved to provide “schools that operate independently from the existing school district structure.” These cyber schools operate under a charter and are heavily technology-based, since the Internet is used to deliver “a significant portion of curriculum” and instruction. Standardized tests are one of the few instances when a cyber charter school student would enter a supervised facility. In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, this translates to safety for both students and their families.

Clear-cut goals: A cyber charter school must meet certain benchmarks and 21CCCS is committed to quality education. The daily objectives, per Pennsylvania DOE expectations, include increased learning opportunities, the use of innovative teaching methods, new educational opportunities and “meeting measurable academic standards.” Based on standardized test scores and graduation rates, 21CCCS is proud to say that it is one of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber charter schools in academics.

Efficient and effective: 21CCCS strives to provide the best education possible to every student. This is accomplished daily by dedicated professionals who instruct digital classrooms and help oversee an online student body. It’s unlike the traditional brick-and-mortar school setting, but it helps many students to thrive. 21CCCS has been able to easily pivot during the coronavirus pandemic because remote instruction has long been the standard operating procedure.

Your choice as a parent is important, but the accomplishments outlined above should make that choice clear. The Pennsylvania DOE acknowledges the difficulty of the coronavirus pandemic on children and teenagers. More information on assistance can be found here. What’s worth noting is that cyber charter schools like 21CCCS have been able to stay the course over the past seven months and continue to provide effective and engaging remote education.

Parents Should Inquire about Cyber Charter Schools as Remote Learning Popularity Soars

PA cyber charter schools

Nothing about daily life in 2020 resembles the ease and convenience of 2019. We’ve all been forced to adapt and overcome. Parents have seen work schedules disrupted and children are facing a “new normal” at school. With the start of the 2020-21 school year just around the corner, cyber charter schools like 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS) are getting more inquiries than ever. This innovative approach to education allows students to learn from home. Lessons are also administered by staff who work for one of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber charter schools. This combination is ideal for parents concerned about safety and performance due to the ongoing health crisis. There’s so much to online charter schools, so let’s get started answering some frequently encountered questions!

Forming bonds: Remote learning has been surging in popularity. These digital classrooms are engaging and informative. Every 6th through 12th grade course administered by 21CCCS has a weekly “live” class where direct interactions with teachers and students is the norm. We enhance this offering with contact via phone, email and Virtual Office hours. Virtual Office hours are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and until 3:30 p.m. Fridays. This provides students with the opportunity to speak with teachers and get additional instructions regarding work or to receive feedback.

Tech support: The digital classroom presents a few unique situations that brick-and-mortar schools aren’t as accustomed to. Students of 21CCCS need laptops, tablets, calculators and textbooks to effectively learn from home. Parents of these pupils will be pleased to hear that our cyber charter school provides these materials. This ensures a flexible learning environment, where parents worry less about procuring supplies and more about when classroom “quiet time” hours should be. It also relieves some financial pressure, which is a leading topic during the ongoing health crisis, and ensures that all students are on the same page using identical materials.

The return to normal: The current restrictions on large gatherings will end eventually. When they do, our cyber charter school will again be able to resume in-person social events and graduation ceremonies. These are cherished opportunities to socialize with fellow students as well as our staff and teachers. Our online clubs, which you can learn more about here, cover everything from chess and yoga to photography. Once we’re given the all-clear, 21CCCS looks forward to the annual graduation ceremony attended by family and friends. All graduating students also receive an official diploma from 21CCCS.

We put student experience at the forefront of our offerings. As remote learning becomes more common, we implore parents to consider the cyber charter school that has an impeccable academic track record. Our PSSA, PSAT, SAT, Keystone Exam and other academic rankings makes 21CCCS one of the top-performing cyber schools in Pa. What’s more, we’ve ranked within the top 8 percent of Pennsylvania high school schools scored on the College Ready Benchmark. Parents may visit this link to learn more!

3 Tips to Help Parents Find the Right School for Their Child

One of the biggest apprehensions for parents is whether the school that their children are placed in is a good fit. Parents know that a good school can put a child on the fast track for academic and behavioral success, but many are unsure of the ways in which they can find the right school for their child. 21st Century Cyber Charter School understands the significance of picking the right learning environment for your children and provides 3 tips for parents.

Know Your Top Qualities in a School: A good first step in finding the right school for your child is a simple one: list off your top qualities in an ideal school. A big part of looking for a quality school is possessing the knowledge and awareness of what sets them apart from schools that might not be a great match for your child. A list will also help you as a parent prioritize qualities, knowing what you are willing to budge on and what are deal breakers before you even get to the visiting stage of the school selection process.

Research Schools: Before making any big decision, it is always important to do your research in order to make the most informed decision as possible. Choosing a school for your child is no different in that regard. Take advantage of internet reviews, social media, and even word of mouth regarding schools that you believe are a potential match. Keep in mind in your search that every child and parent are different and that their views will not necessarily be your own. Still, reasonable information could and should be considered during the research process.

Visit Schools Open Houses: Visiting a schools open house is the best way to get a feel for them and establish if they are a good match for your child. Be attentive during visits and make a note of both the perceived strengths as well as challenges of the schools. Use the information gathered from visiting the open house in addition to the research that you have done online and compare. Is the feeling that you get when visiting the school like that of the reviews? Do you get a different impression of the school than what was presented online or by your friends and family? Whatever the case may be, visiting is the best way to make sure that the decision you end up making is an informed one.

Parents: How Can You Help Your Cyber Student Stay on Track?

cyber schooling

As a parent, you are your child’s first and foremost teacher. You play a major role in your child’s education, and your actions and behavior can really influence your child’s academic success. Studies show students succeed at higher rates when their parents are involved in their education. With your help and support, your child can maximize their potential and perform well in online school. Here are a few ways you can help your child stay on track and accomplish their goals in a virtual charter school.

Create a Comfortable Learning Space

Since cyber students aren’t in a traditional learning environment, such as a classroom, it’s important to create a comfortable study space where they can eliminate all distractions and focus all of their attention on their studies. Work with your child to determine where they can focus and learn best. Your child may perform best at home or at the local library. If your child chooses to work at home, then set up a quiet and comfortable space that’s specifically designed for learning. Here they can set up all of their equipment, including their computer and notebooks, and completely concentrate on their schoolwork.

Encourage Your Child to Get Help from Teachers

Cyber schooling vastly differs from learning in a typical classroom setting. While online students have teachers and learning coaches who are readily available to provide instruction and guidance, students need to reach out to them when they need help. At 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS), we have 56 hours of teacher availability per week (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday). Typically, students who struggle in cyber schooling are those who either aren’t putting in the six to eight hours of learning a day, or have questions but aren’t reaching out to teachers for help. Encourage your child to reach out to their teachers. We have a Virtual Office, where students can sign in and get the help they need. There is always a certified teacher available in each subject.

Monitor Your Child’s Success

At 21CCCS, parents have their own account where they can log in and see what their child has completed on any given day. Here you can also monitor your child’s grades and progress. Utilize this portal to help your child stay on track. We offer a parent orientation to teach you how to use this portal, and teachers and learning coaches are also available to help you.

Celebrate Your Child’s Accomplishments

Be enthusiastic about your child’s education and offer praise for their accomplishments. Whether they improved their test score or Aced a class, celebrate your child’s achievements to show that you’re proud of them and to motivate them to keep up the good work.

Supporting your child can help put them on the path toward success. Contact us today for more advice on helping your child succeed in cyber schooling.

How to Manage School and Work

Composite of Clock and CalendarOne of the major benefits of a Pennsylvania virtual charter school is having the flexibility to set your own schedule. This makes online schooling very desirable for students who need to work while pursuing an education. School and work are both your obligations, but balancing your academic responsibilities with your work commitments isn’t always easy. Fortunately, there are a lot of students who are in your shoes, and it can be done. Here are a few tips to help you manage school and work.

Build a support system

If you’re a student with a job, building a strong support system can help you succeed. You do not have to go at this alone, so surround yourself with people who will support you. Along with your friends and family, reach out to your teachers and learning coaches to make them aware of your work obligations; they can help you develop a school schedule and routine that work for you.

Find a flexible job

Find a job that will accommodate your busy high school schedule, including your schoolwork and extracurricular activities. It’s usually best to choose a job with a fixed schedule, so that you aren’t constantly moving your school routine around week after week. Let your work manager know about your academic obligations and the maximum number of hours you can work each week. Also make sure the job allows you to request off when necessary; request off work well in advance if you need extra time for big tests and assignments.

Be mindful of deadlines

While virtual charter schools offer flexibility, academic deadlines are very concrete. Be mindful of your deadlines, and be sure your work schedule allows you to meet them. As soon as you receive your syllabus, create daily to-do lists to prioritize your responsibilities. Again, utilize your teachers and learning coaches. They can help you craft a work schedule around your deadlines.

Stay healthy

Managing school and work can be stressful, and being overly stressed can take a toll on your body. Make sure you are living a healthy lifestyle to avoid feeling burnt out. Eat well, remain active, and get seven to eight hours of rest every night.

Transitioning from a Traditional to Online School

A book coming out of a computer with library on the screen of the computer representing online library, school, manual, instruction, e-book, research, search, dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia.With the rise of technology, online schooling has become a popular option among students of all ages. While online education is common at the university level, it has become prevalent at the high school and middle school levels as well.

A lot of students grades six through 12 are considering making the switch from traditional to virtual schooling because they feel it better suits their lifestyle and academic needs. For someone who has spent most of their years in a traditional school, the switch to an online school can seem like a big transition. Consider these tips for a smooth transition to online learning and to get the most out of your educational experience.

Designate a Specific Learning Space

While PA cyber schools don’t have distractions like class clowns and bullies, it’s important to create a designated home study space, where you can remain focused on your school work. This space should be someplace quiet, where you won’t be distracted by family members or the television. A desk in a secluded home office, for instance, makes a great learning space.

Commit to a Schedule

One of the major perks of being a cyber school student is getting to set your own schedule. With this, a cyber charter school offers great flexibility, allowing you to learn when it’s best for you. But, because you are responsible for setting your schedule and completing your schoolwork on your own time, you need to be very organized and create a daily schedule.

Whether or not you’re someone who needs to balance work and school, reach out to your teachers and learning coaches to help you build a schedule.   Your teachers and coaches can help you create a schedule around your other obligations to lay the foundation for academic success.

Utilize Your Resources

A key difference in online schooling is you aren’t being taught by a teacher in person. Just because you can’t raise your hand to ask a question or speak with a teacher after class, it doesn’t mean your teachers aren’t available whenever you need them. In a cyber charter school, teachers are always available, but you have to reach out to them. Your teachers and learning coaches are just a click away, so maintain open communication with them and ask for help and guidance whenever you need it.