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Parents: How Can You Help Your Cyber Student Stay on Track?

cyber schooling

As a parent, you are your child’s first and foremost teacher. You play a major role in your child’s education, and your actions and behavior can really influence your child’s academic success. Studies show students succeed at higher rates when their parents are involved in their education. With your help and support, your child can maximize their potential and perform well in online school. Here are a few ways you can help your child stay on track and accomplish their goals in a virtual charter school.

Create a Comfortable Learning Space

Since cyber students aren’t in a traditional learning environment, such as a classroom, it’s important to create a comfortable study space where they can eliminate all distractions and focus all of their attention on their studies. Work with your child to determine where they can focus and learn best. Your child may perform best at home or at the local library. If your child chooses to work at home, then set up a quiet and comfortable space that’s specifically designed for learning. Here they can set up all of their equipment, including their computer and notebooks, and completely concentrate on their schoolwork.

Encourage Your Child to Get Help from Teachers

Cyber schooling vastly differs from learning in a typical classroom setting. While online students have teachers and learning coaches who are readily available to provide instruction and guidance, students need to reach out to them when they need help. At 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS), we have 56 hours of teacher availability per week (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday). Typically, students who struggle in cyber schooling are those who either aren’t putting in the six to eight hours of learning a day, or have questions but aren’t reaching out to teachers for help. Encourage your child to reach out to their teachers. We have a Virtual Office, where students can sign in and get the help they need. There is always a certified teacher available in each subject.

Monitor Your Child’s Success

At 21CCCS, parents have their own account where they can log in and see what their child has completed on any given day. Here you can also monitor your child’s grades and progress. Utilize this portal to help your child stay on track. We offer a parent orientation to teach you how to use this portal, and teachers and learning coaches are also available to help you.

Celebrate Your Child’s Accomplishments

Be enthusiastic about your child’s education and offer praise for their accomplishments. Whether they improved their test score or Aced a class, celebrate your child’s achievements to show that you’re proud of them and to motivate them to keep up the good work.

Supporting your child can help put them on the path toward success. Contact us today for more advice on helping your child succeed in cyber schooling.

5 Effective Study Tips for High Schoolers


Developing good study habits is crucial to academic success. Not only does studying help students earn high marks on exams, but also it enables them to develop a more thorough understanding of a given subject. Here are some effective study tips to help students expand their knowledge and succeed academically.

  1. Identify your learning style. Everyone learns differently. The learning style that works for you may not work for someone else. Generally speaking, there are four types of learners: visual, auditory, read-write, and kinesthetic. Understand which type of learner you are and cater your study approach to best suit your needs. Maybe you learn best with visuals. Or, perhaps writing down what you’re reading helps you retain information best.
  1. Minimize distractions. Create a designated study space that’s free of noise and other distractions. If you’re studying at school, pick a secluded area in the library where you can really focus. At home, choose a quiet room that’s closed off from the rest of the house and away from the common living spaces. Your room may be a good place to study if you have a desk. Studying in bed can result in you laying down and falling asleep. No matter where you study, avoid any distractions that can disrupt your focus, such as your phone and TV.
  1. Don’t procrastinate. When studying for an exam, many students make the mistake of procrastinating. Putting off your studies until the last minute and cramming the night before is not a good study practice. Cramming makes it difficult for your brain to retain all the information you are learning. Instead, study your coursework throughout the semester. In addition to your assignments, study your coursework a little every night. This will lessen your workload come exam time and ensure you’re really understanding and retaining the information.
  1. Ask questions. Reach out to your teachers if you have questions about any of the material you’re reviewing. Teachers are available to answer any questions you may have. Reaching out for help will also show your teacher that you’re dedicated to the class and really want to learn.
  1. Get a good night’s sleep. The night before a big test, make sure you get a full eight hours of sleep. While you may be tempted to stay up late studying, doing so will only hurt your chances of acing the test. Your brain needs to be well rested so you can remain focused and attentive at test time.

To improve your grades and expand your knowledge, utilize these five study tips. For more helpful resources, visit our online school in PA.