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Why Parents Should Consider 21CCCS for the 2021 School Year

switch to online learning in PA

It has been over ten months since the first COVID-19 case was reported in the US. Many aspects of American’s daily lives have changed during this time, and perhaps one of the most publicized changes has been the effects COVID has had on our public school system. While many schools throughout the US decided to switch to online learning for their spring semester, some schools have chosen to reopen for their fall semester. Since then, parents have had to make the difficult decision between returning their child to an in-person learning environment or keeping their child home and enrolling them in online learning.

The 21st Century Cyber Charter School, or 21CCCS, is one of Pennsylvania’s top-performing online schools. Founded in XXX, 21CCCS emphasizes a personalized curriculum and the importance of a strong educational community. This educational method has proven successful by 21CCCS ranking within the top 8% on the College Ready Benchmark among Pennsylvania High Schools. Below, the 21CCCS will help parents decide the best learning method for their child and emphasize the many pros to an online learning experience.


An item on this list that cannot be left unmentioned is safety. At the forefront of every parent’s mind during 2020 and, potentially, the 2021 school year is their child’s exposure to the COVID-19 virus. As more studies are released discussing the dangers of in-class learning during the pandemic, parents are looking for alternative ways of keeping their child’s risk of infection low.

Lack of Disruptions

According to a University of Nebraska-Lincoln study, high school students are distracted on average during 20% of their classroom time. Frequently, students are distracted by friends, other students talking, or phone usage. A common incorrect assumption among people is that students taking online classes are more likely to use their phones without teacher supervision. However, lack of disruptions trigger self-motivation and determination in a positive way. 21CCCS understands this correlation and their Academic Advisors help mentor their students to focus on achieving their academic goals.

Focus on Technology

In a world with a growing reliance on technological advancement, the importance of students learning essential computer skills cannot be over-emphasized. Studies show that technological know-how is no longer the desired skill set in the hiring process but an expectation. To strengthen a future resume or have a greater chance at a promotion, students should learn, at minimum, Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop programs. 21CCCS understands the importance of computer literacy in the 21st-century job market and incorporates many different computer programs into their high-school curriculum as well as providing each student with a MacBook and iPad. Recently, 21CCCS was recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for these programs and their commitment to innovation and academic excellence.

Standards set by Pennsylvania DOE are Daily Benchmarks for Cyber Charter Schools

Student using laptop for online cyber school

The 2020-21 school year is one that parents and students won’t soon forget. For the first time in our lifetimes, the back-to-school tradition has been turned on its head. This is largely due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is unfortunate, but this disruption is going to cause confusion for students who typically attended in-person classes with staggered schedules. The switch to remote learning in these districts has not been without bumps in the road. Teachers and administration had to scramble to convert classrooms into online alternatives.

On the other hand, those enrolled with 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS) have been able to continue at-home learning lessons with minimal to no interruptions. We expect to see a spike in interest in online charter schools in the coming months and years. That makes now the time to learn more about the structure of 21CCCS and other cyber charter schools. Information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, which clearly explains the Pa. cyber charter school structure, should thus prove useful to parents.

Purpose and advantage: According to the Pennsylvania DOE, the creation of charter schools was approved to provide “schools that operate independently from the existing school district structure.” These cyber schools operate under a charter and are heavily technology-based, since the Internet is used to deliver “a significant portion of curriculum” and instruction. Standardized tests are one of the few instances when a cyber charter school student would enter a supervised facility. In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, this translates to safety for both students and their families.

Clear-cut goals: A cyber charter school must meet certain benchmarks and 21CCCS is committed to quality education. The daily objectives, per Pennsylvania DOE expectations, include increased learning opportunities, the use of innovative teaching methods, new educational opportunities and “meeting measurable academic standards.” Based on standardized test scores and graduation rates, 21CCCS is proud to say that it is one of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber charter schools in academics.

Efficient and effective: 21CCCS strives to provide the best education possible to every student. This is accomplished daily by dedicated professionals who instruct digital classrooms and help oversee an online student body. It’s unlike the traditional brick-and-mortar school setting, but it helps many students to thrive. 21CCCS has been able to easily pivot during the coronavirus pandemic because remote instruction has long been the standard operating procedure.

Your choice as a parent is important, but the accomplishments outlined above should make that choice clear. The Pennsylvania DOE acknowledges the difficulty of the coronavirus pandemic on children and teenagers. More information on assistance can be found here. What’s worth noting is that cyber charter schools like 21CCCS have been able to stay the course over the past seven months and continue to provide effective and engaging remote education.

Parents Should Inquire about Cyber Charter Schools as Remote Learning Popularity Soars

PA cyber charter schools

Nothing about daily life in 2020 resembles the ease and convenience of 2019. We’ve all been forced to adapt and overcome. Parents have seen work schedules disrupted and children are facing a “new normal” at school. With the start of the 2020-21 school year just around the corner, cyber charter schools like 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS) are getting more inquiries than ever. This innovative approach to education allows students to learn from home. Lessons are also administered by staff who work for one of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber charter schools. This combination is ideal for parents concerned about safety and performance due to the ongoing health crisis. There’s so much to online charter schools, so let’s get started answering some frequently encountered questions!

Forming bonds: Remote learning has been surging in popularity. These digital classrooms are engaging and informative. Every 6th through 12th grade course administered by 21CCCS has a weekly “live” class where direct interactions with teachers and students is the norm. We enhance this offering with contact via phone, email and Virtual Office hours. Virtual Office hours are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and until 3:30 p.m. Fridays. This provides students with the opportunity to speak with teachers and get additional instructions regarding work or to receive feedback.

Tech support: The digital classroom presents a few unique situations that brick-and-mortar schools aren’t as accustomed to. Students of 21CCCS need laptops, tablets, calculators and textbooks to effectively learn from home. Parents of these pupils will be pleased to hear that our cyber charter school provides these materials. This ensures a flexible learning environment, where parents worry less about procuring supplies and more about when classroom “quiet time” hours should be. It also relieves some financial pressure, which is a leading topic during the ongoing health crisis, and ensures that all students are on the same page using identical materials.

The return to normal: The current restrictions on large gatherings will end eventually. When they do, our cyber charter school will again be able to resume in-person social events and graduation ceremonies. These are cherished opportunities to socialize with fellow students as well as our staff and teachers. Our online clubs, which you can learn more about here, cover everything from chess and yoga to photography. Once we’re given the all-clear, 21CCCS looks forward to the annual graduation ceremony attended by family and friends. All graduating students also receive an official diploma from 21CCCS.

We put student experience at the forefront of our offerings. As remote learning becomes more common, we implore parents to consider the cyber charter school that has an impeccable academic track record. Our PSSA, PSAT, SAT, Keystone Exam and other academic rankings makes 21CCCS one of the top-performing cyber schools in Pa. What’s more, we’ve ranked within the top 8 percent of Pennsylvania high school schools scored on the College Ready Benchmark. Parents may visit this link to learn more!

Useful Life Skills that Online Schools Teach Students

What we learned in school went well beyond the lessons found in a textbook or the slide presentations given by teachers. Any adult now can tell you that the skills they acquired and developed in school were just as valuable as the lessons they learned. Now, in today’s Pennsylvania educational environment and the increasing presence of online schools in PA, an online high school can do more in the way of life skill preparedness than a brick and mortar school could.

The following are 4 simple yet useful life skills that you can learn from enrolling in an online high school.

Time Management
In a traditional high school, you have teachers, fellow students, and class bells to keep you on track throughout the day. Your entire schedule is laid out for you, dictating where you need to go and when you need to get there. Online high schools; however, do not have a fixed schedule. This forces students who are enrolled in online high school programs to manage their time effectively. Additionally, it teaches them to be accountable for their work and balancing their studies with their personal obligations.

In tandem with time management, the absence of teachers and students being physically present and reminding you to stay on top of your studies reinforces the idea of self-motivation within those enrolled in online programs.  Strengthening the ability to motive yourself into getting something done-even if you don’t feel like it-can go a long way in college and in your potential career field. Self-motivation leads to a self-starting attitude and many future employers look at that as a desirable skill to have.

Critical Thinking
In a brick and mortar high school, the traditional method of learning is simply giving the children the information they need to complete assignments. With an online structured setting, students not only hone their research skills, but also learn how to disseminate all of the information they have researched. Students enrolled in online schools quickly learn how to make decisions and follow through without the need for excessive amounts of instructions.

Technology and e-learning have a very real presence in today’s world. While many schools teach computers as an elective or life studies course, only spending 45 minutes a day, every other day, or once a week is nothing compared to the continual exposure that online students have. Gaining your education through an online-structured program helps prepare students for the high-tech world that we are currently in. As the landscape for technology is growing at a rapid place, online students experience these changes in real time, on a first hand basis, instead of waiting for their class’ scheduled day in the computer lab. Furthermore, with email being the main form of communication in an online school, students develop the ability to express themselves effectively. They hone their writing skills and develop the ability to express themselves in concise, more meaningful manners.

While online schools may not be for everybody, there are a number of added benefits that can come from choosing an online learning environment over a traditional high school. For online students, the best part of their education is knowing that they are well prepared for whatever obstacles and challenges this digital word may throw at them.