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How Students Can Maintain Academic Skills Over the Summer

Summer break is a cherished time for students, offering a much-needed respite from the rigors of academic life. However, for students enrolled in Pennsylvania cyber schools or online programs, the extended break can sometimes lead to a loss of academic skills, commonly referred to as the “summer slide.” To ensure that students return to their virtual classrooms in the fall prepared and confident, it’s essential to engage in activities that keep their minds sharp, and their skills polished. Here are several strategies to help students maintain their academic skills over the summer.

Create a Structured Routine

One of the advantages of online schooling is the flexibility it offers, but this can also be a drawback during summer when routines can easily fall by the wayside. Establishing a daily schedule that includes time for reading, math practice, and other educational activities can provide structure. Consistency is key; even dedicating just an hour or two each day to academic pursuits can make a significant difference.

Engage in Daily Reading

Reading is one of the most effective ways to maintain and improve academic skills over the summer. Encourage students to read daily, choosing materials that interest them to foster a love of reading. Whether it’s novels, biographies, or scientific articles, reading enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Make the most of your local library by exploring its resources, attending exciting events, and encouraging your children to participate in a summer reading contest for an extra boost of motivation.

Utilize Online Resources and Educational Apps

Students are already familiar with online learning platforms, so why not leverage this familiarity during the summer? There are numerous educational websites and apps designed to make learning fun and interactive. Websites like Duolingo, and Mathway offer lessons and practice exercises in secondary language learning and solving algebraic problems. These tools can help students reinforce what they’ve learned during the school year and explore new topics at their own pace.

Participate in Virtual Summer Programs

These online programs can provide structured learning opportunities in a more relaxed setting. Whether it’s a course on creative writing, a virtual science camp, or a coding workshop, these programs can keep students engaged and intellectually stimulated over the break.

Practice Writing Regularly

Writing is another critical skill that can diminish during the summer if not practiced. Encourage students to keep a journal, write stories, or start a blog. These activities not only improve writing skills but also allow them to express themselves creatively. For older children, writing essays on topics of interest or even drafting college application essays can be beneficial.

Incorporate Educational Games and Activities

Learning doesn’t always have to be formal. Educational games and activities can make skill retention fun. Board games that require strategy, logic puzzles, and even video games with educational content can help maintain critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, activities like cooking or gardening can be used to teach practical applications of math and science.

Connect Learning with Everyday Activities

Parents and guardians can integrate learning into daily activities. Cooking can become a lesson in fractions and measurements, while grocery shopping can involve budgeting and addition. Watching educational documentaries or visiting museums can also provide valuable learning experiences. These real-world applications help students see the relevance of their academic skills in everyday life.

Set Goals and Monitor Progress

Setting specific academic goals for the summer can give students a sense of purpose and achievement. Whether it’s mastering a new math concept, reading a certain number of books, or completing an online course, having clear objectives can keep students motivated. Regularly reviewing progress towards these goals can also provide a sense of accomplishment and encourage continued effort.

Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activity is crucial for overall well-being and can also benefit academic performance. Encourage students to stay active through sports, outdoor play, or even try a kid-friendly fitness class. Physical exercise has been shown to improve concentration, memory, and mood, all of which are important for academic success, and overall wellbeing.

Foster a Positive Attitude Towards Learning

Finally, fostering a positive attitude towards learning is essential. Encourage curiosity and a love of learning for its own sake, rather than as a chore to be endured. Celebrating achievements, no matter how small, and providing encouragement and support can help students stay engaged and motivated. Remind your children that engaging in these summer activities can keep their skills sharp while still allowing them to enjoy all the fun and relaxation that summer offers.

In conclusion, maintaining academic skills over the summer is particularly important for students. By establishing routines, engaging in daily reading, and writing, utilizing online resources, and integrating learning into everyday activities, students can keep their minds active and ready for the new school year. With these strategies, summer can be a time of growth and enrichment, setting the stage for continued academic success.

Navigating Keystone State Testing and PSSA Exams

Navigating Keystone State Testing and PSSA Exams

As the academic year nears its end, students across Pennsylvania are gearing up for the Keystone State Testing and PSSA exams. For grades 6, 7, and 8, these assessments are not just a routine part of the educational calendar; they are pivotal moments that offer students the chance to showcase their knowledge and skills acquired throughout the year. Below is a comprehensive guide for PA cyber charter school students and parents, to help them prepare effectively for these important testing modules.

Understanding the Purpose of Standardized Testing

The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) and Keystone Exams are cornerstones of the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s efforts to assess student learning and ensure educational standards are met across the state.

The PSSA exams are administered annually to students in grades 3 through 8. These assessments evaluate students’ proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, providing valuable insights into their understanding of core academic subjects. Additionally, 8th grade students undergo a Science assessment as part of the PSSA exams, further broadening the scope of subjects covered.

On the other hand, the Keystone Exams are high-stakes assessments that specifically target three key subject areas: Algebra I, Biology, and Literature. These exams are not only designed to evaluate proficiency but also serve as graduation requirements under Act 158 of the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students must demonstrate proficiency in these subjects to fulfill their graduation requirements, emphasizing the significance of these assessments in shaping students’ academic trajectories.

By evaluating student proficiency in these key subject areas, the PSSA and Keystone Exams provide educators, parents, and policymakers with valuable data to gauge the effectiveness of curriculum, instructional practices, and overall educational outcomes. Furthermore, these assessments help identify areas where additional support and intervention may be needed to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed academically.

Both the PSSA and Keystone testing modules serve as critical tools for assessing student learning and ensuring educational standards are met in Pennsylvania. By evaluating proficiency in core subjects such as ELA, Mathematics, Science, Algebra I, Biology, and Literature, these assessments play a vital role in shaping students’ academic journeys and preparing them for future success.

Navigating Keystone State Testing and PSSA Exams

Preparation Tips for Success

  • Take the Tests Seriously: Parents are asked to emphasize the importance of these exams with their child. Encourage them to approach the tests with a positive attitude and a determination to do their best.
  • Review Throughout the Year: Effective preparation starts long before test day. Teachers and parents should encourage regular review of class materials, completion of homework assignments, and active participation in class discussions in preparation for testing.
  • Practice with Past Papers: Familiarize your child with the format and types of questions they will encounter on the exams by practicing with past papers or sample questions available online.
  • Arrive Prepared and On Time: It’s important that the student receives a good night’s rest before each testing day. Arrive at the testing site on time to avoid unnecessary stress and disruptions.
  • Bring Necessary Materials: Remind students to bring essential items such as a calculator, water bottle, snacks, and any required testing materials.
  • Follow Testing Guidelines: Parents should try to familiarize themselves and their children with the testing guidelines provided by the school, including rules regarding electronic devices and testing room procedures.

Test Day Logistics

For PSSA exams, these tests will take place on April 23rd, 24th, and 25th, starting promptly at 8:00 AM. Dismissal will be at 2:00 PM on April 23rd and 12:00 PM on the following days.

For Keystone exams, grade 8 students will be assessed in Algebra I, Biology, and Literature on May 14th, 15th, and 16th respectively. These exams start at 9:00 AM and conclude at 1:00 PM each day.

During testing, students are not permitted to leave the testing session until all students have completed their test. Additionally, cell phones and electronic devices must be collected prior to testing as per PDE guidelines.

Navigating Keystone State Testing and PSSA Exams

Parental Support

As a parent, your role in supporting your child during their testing experience cannot be overstated. Your words of encouragement and reassurance can significantly impact their mindset and approach towards the exams. Here’s why your support is crucial and how you can effectively convey it to your child:

  • Emotional Support: Testing can be stressful for many students, as they may feel pressure to perform well. Reassurance that you are proud of their efforts, regardless of the outcome, can alleviate some of this stress. Let them know that you believe in their abilities and that their worth is not defined by their test scores.
  • Focus on Effort and Growth: Remind your child that what matters most is the effort they put into their preparation and their commitment to learning and growth. Encourage them to view the testing experience as an opportunity to demonstrate their progress and skills, rather than just a measure of their intelligence or abilities.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Regardless of the test results, take the time to celebrate your child’s achievements and hard work. Recognize their dedication to their studies and acknowledge the progress they have made throughout the year. Celebrating small victories can boost their confidence and motivation.
  • Provide Perspective: Help your child understand that test scores are just one aspect of their academic journey. Emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes, seeking help when needed, and continually striving for improvement. Encourage them to focus on their long-term goals and the skills they are developing, rather than getting caught up in the pressure of a single test.
  • Maintain Open Communication: Create a supportive environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their thoughts and feelings about testing. Listen attentively to their concerns and provide encouragement and guidance as needed. Reassure them that you are there to support them every step of the way.
  • Promote Balance: Encourage your child to maintain a healthy balance between studying and self-care. Remind them to take breaks, get plenty of rest, and engage in activities they enjoy to alleviate stress and maintain overall well-being.

By providing unwavering support and encouragement, you can help your child navigate the testing experience with confidence and resilience. Remember that your words and actions have a profound impact on their mindset and self-perception, so it’s important to continue to be their biggest cheerleader throughout their academic journey.

In Conclusion

Preparing for the Keystone State Testing and PSSA exams requires dedication, focus, and effective planning. By following these tips and guidelines, students can approach test day with confidence, knowing they have put in the effort to showcase their knowledge and skills. Remember, these exams are not just about assessment; they are opportunities for students to demonstrate their academic achievements and readiness for future success.

April 24th Marks the Start of PSSA Testing

pa cyber school

Today, April 24th, marks the start of Pennsylvania System School Assessment (PSSA) testing!

With the PSSA underway and Keystone testing scheduled to begin on May 15th, we at 21st Century Cyber Charter School would like to go over a bit of information on the tests and how students can work to do their best and reduce test-related stress along the way.

More About PSSA and Keystone Testing

The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is annual testing conducted for students in grades 3-8 to measure proficiency in areas such as Science, English Language Arts, Math, and Technology. Students in grades 3 through 8 are required to be tested in ELA and Math and students in grades 4 and 8 are tested in Science as well. The Keystone exams were created to replace the PSSA for students in 11th grade to evaluate proficiency in Algebra 1, Biology, and Literature.

online schooling programs

How Can Students Prepare for Testing?

Preparing for standardized testing can be stressful for students regardless of how ready they are. Still, we recognize that there are a variety of ways that students can work to prepare themselves for the experience and do their best.

Reflect on Past Reviews and Use the RUN Method

Remember the practice papers and past live classes/ test prep sessions that teachers went over? They are a solid guide for working your way through tough questions. Students can also reference the RUN Method. By reading instructions carefully, underlining specific actions required by the test, and noting special requirements outlined by questions, students can more effectively follow directions and come to the correct answers.

In addition to practice papers and the RUN Method, students can also benefit from exploring online study resources from schools across Pennsylvania. These resources can help students prepare for the general format and type of questions present on the exams. Quizlet, Study Island, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education are just a few example of sites that students along with their parents can visit for more information.

Reduce Stress

Keeping stress down during testing time can be easier said than done, but the fact remains there are a variety of ways that students can work to manage stress and perform better on their exams as a result.

One of the best ways to fight test related stress is by getting enough rest the night before each day of testing. Getting to bed a bit early can help you get to your testing site refreshed and ready to go. Enough rest will also help ensure that you have time to wake up on time, eat a healthy, balanced breakfast, and get into the zone well before test time.

During testing, it is always important to remember not to panic. You have prepared for this moment! If you find yourself stressed during PSSA testing, take your time and remember to breathe. Careful, deep breaths can help you recenter and refocus your attention on what is being asked within each section of the test.

Reach out to Academic Advisors

Our Academic Advisors play a vital role at 21CCCS, assisting students with exploring available resources, answering questions related to coursework, and helping with communication between students and teachers. Academic Advisors are also available to help students handle stresses they may face during PSSA and Keystone testing, and we encourage them to reach out should they need to.

Our team of Academic Advisors consists of educators who are no strangers to PSSA and Keystone testing. With that in mind, please do not hesitate to reach out to them for more support as you prepare for your exams!

Do Your Best!

PSSA and Keystone testing should be taken seriously, however, students’ physical and mental health are extremely important and should be considered throughout the test schedule. With preparation and additional support on our students’ side, all that is left is for them to try their hardest and answer each question to the best of their ability.

We at 21CCCS wish our students good luck as they begin the PSSA and continue to prepare for the upcoming Keystone testing that will take place May 15th-19th. Remember, prepare to the best of your ability, reflect on what you have learned, reduce stress when possible, and reach out should you need any support. You’ve got this!

3 Tips to Help Parents Find the Right School for Their Child

One of the biggest apprehensions for parents is whether the school that their children are placed in is a good fit. Parents know that a good school can put a child on the fast track for academic and behavioral success, but many are unsure of the ways in which they can find the right school for their child. 21st Century Cyber Charter School understands the significance of picking the right learning environment for your children and provides 3 tips for parents.

Know Your Top Qualities in a School: A good first step in finding the right school for your child is a simple one: list off your top qualities in an ideal school. A big part of looking for a quality school is possessing the knowledge and awareness of what sets them apart from schools that might not be a great match for your child. A list will also help you as a parent prioritize qualities, knowing what you are willing to budge on and what are deal breakers before you even get to the visiting stage of the school selection process.

Research Schools: Before making any big decision, it is always important to do your research in order to make the most informed decision as possible. Choosing a school for your child is no different in that regard. Take advantage of internet reviews, social media, and even word of mouth regarding schools that you believe are a potential match. Keep in mind in your search that every child and parent are different and that their views will not necessarily be your own. Still, reasonable information could and should be considered during the research process.

Visit Schools Open Houses: Visiting a schools open house is the best way to get a feel for them and establish if they are a good match for your child. Be attentive during visits and make a note of both the perceived strengths as well as challenges of the schools. Use the information gathered from visiting the open house in addition to the research that you have done online and compare. Is the feeling that you get when visiting the school like that of the reviews? Do you get a different impression of the school than what was presented online or by your friends and family? Whatever the case may be, visiting is the best way to make sure that the decision you end up making is an informed one.

What Makes Us The Cyber Charter School for Your Child?

Cyber charter schools are becoming more popular in Pennsylvania, as students and parents are realizing their benefits. Cyber charter schools give students the flexibility to set their own schedule and figure out how they learn best.

A student can enroll in a Pennsylvania cyber school as long as they are a state resident and eligible to attend a brick-and-mortar public school. For instance, a student who has been expelled from their public school or is over the age of 21 cannot attend a cyber school. With that said, a student can choose to attend any cyber school within the state. This gives students several options for home cyber schools in PA, and it’s important to consider what makes 21st Century Cyber Charter School stand out.

Here are five key considerations to think about when considering our cyber charter school:

A Sense of Community

One of the biggest fears for any parent changing their child’s schooling system is whether or not their student will miss out on crucial interaction periods with their peers. We remedy this issue in many ways. For starters, we have clubs that range from adventure and astrology to photography and music journalism. Whatever your child is interested in, there’s a club where they can meet other kids who share their passion. We also organize different field trips and community outreach events that your child is sure to love!

Consider Your Child’s Needs

The most important consideration is your child’s needs. Every student has their own reason for wanting to attend a cyber school. Perhaps, the learning environment provided by brick-and-mortar schools is not working for your child. In traditional schools, teachers must teach at a level and pace that suits the majority of the students in the classroom. This pace could be too fast or too slow for many students. Our cyber school allows your student to learn at the pace that best suits them and utilize the methods that allow them to learn best. A student may also be considering a cyber school due to a health reason, bullying, or work or family obligations. Regardless of the reason, we are happy to accommodate their needs.

Consider Flexibility

Most schools don’t allow their students to pursue their passion until they reach college. Our teachers allow students to plan their weeks to fit their pace and specific needs. Whether your child is a musician, an athlete or a dancer, they can schedule their courses around their practice schedule. This allows for a student to grow just as quickly socially as they are academically.

Consider the Curriculum

Another key factor to consider is the curriculum. We customize our teachings to meet your child’s unique learning style and pace. We have state certified teachers who create the curriculum to best fit the needs of the child. Teachers run live classes and engage with students every day to assist them. Also, learning coaches guide and advise students and parents whenever they need guidance to make students successful.

Consider Support

While our cyber school provides a great deal of flexibility, we always offer the support students need to be successful. The success of our students is the success of our school. It’s this shared success that drives us to constantly enhance our offerings. While our teachers and learning coaches support students and parents, our ISD and tech department help out and resolve any kind of issues students and parents may encounter. You can call our school, email us or you can contact us via social media; however, you will get a quicker response by calling our school.

We look forward to getting to know your child’s learning needs and providing them with an exceptional education that will propel them to future successes.



Parents: How Can You Help Your Cyber Student Stay on Track?

cyber schooling

As a parent, you are your child’s first and foremost teacher. You play a major role in your child’s education, and your actions and behavior can really influence your child’s academic success. Studies show students succeed at higher rates when their parents are involved in their education. With your help and support, your child can maximize their potential and perform well in online school. Here are a few ways you can help your child stay on track and accomplish their goals in a virtual charter school.

Create a Comfortable Learning Space

Since cyber students aren’t in a traditional learning environment, such as a classroom, it’s important to create a comfortable study space where they can eliminate all distractions and focus all of their attention on their studies. Work with your child to determine where they can focus and learn best. Your child may perform best at home or at the local library. If your child chooses to work at home, then set up a quiet and comfortable space that’s specifically designed for learning. Here they can set up all of their equipment, including their computer and notebooks, and completely concentrate on their schoolwork.

Encourage Your Child to Get Help from Teachers

Cyber schooling vastly differs from learning in a typical classroom setting. While online students have teachers and learning coaches who are readily available to provide instruction and guidance, students need to reach out to them when they need help. At 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS), we have 56 hours of teacher availability per week (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday). Typically, students who struggle in cyber schooling are those who either aren’t putting in the six to eight hours of learning a day, or have questions but aren’t reaching out to teachers for help. Encourage your child to reach out to their teachers. We have a Virtual Office, where students can sign in and get the help they need. There is always a certified teacher available in each subject.

Monitor Your Child’s Success

At 21CCCS, parents have their own account where they can log in and see what their child has completed on any given day. Here you can also monitor your child’s grades and progress. Utilize this portal to help your child stay on track. We offer a parent orientation to teach you how to use this portal, and teachers and learning coaches are also available to help you.

Celebrate Your Child’s Accomplishments

Be enthusiastic about your child’s education and offer praise for their accomplishments. Whether they improved their test score or Aced a class, celebrate your child’s achievements to show that you’re proud of them and to motivate them to keep up the good work.

Supporting your child can help put them on the path toward success. Contact us today for more advice on helping your child succeed in cyber schooling.

Is a Cyber Charter School Right for Your Child?

Pennsylvania virtual charter schools are revolutionizing what it means for a child to get a truly individualized, high quality education—and one that prepares them for the digital future. Online charter schools provide an alternative to traditional K-12 schooling, one where students can work asynchronously and in a more self-directed way, while striving for the highest possible academic achievement. Many parents find themselves wondering if this kind of school might be right for their child. And for many, the answer is yes.


There are many different kinds of families and children who choose a Pennsylvania virtual charter school. It’s a personal choice that only you can make. Here are some of the top reasons we see with students who thrive in the virtual environment:

  • To learn to be self-directed. One of the most important life skills for anyone growing up today is being capable of taking initiative and managing oneself in self-directed work activities. This has always been a key skill for leaders and is increasingly in demand for top jobs across all industries. A virtual charter school helps students learn this habit at a young age, by allowing them to structure their own schedules around fixed academic requirements. Academic mentors will help the student build a schedule that will allow him or her to be successful.
  • To provide stability with busy schedules. All kinds of families find value in an online school, but for many, it’s a way to accommodate a life that is busy with other interests. Traditionally, students would attempt to balance a schedule that required them to be in school for seven straight hours with pursuit of an outside interest such as acting, dancing, music, or athletics. With an online school, students are still able to have the structure of formal schooling while working their school hours around an intense pursuit of their interests.
  • To teach 21st century computer skills. The future of business is online. When your child grows up, they will perform many of their work tasks in an online environment and often work with colleagues and supervisors who are in different cities or even on different continents. By growing up in this kind of environment, they will be at home in tomorrow’s professional climate.
  • Individualized education. The flexible environment provided by cyber charter schools allows students to build an educational experience tailored to their specific needs. Students are able to structure their days around a school schedule that suits them, spending less time on subjects they learn easily and spending more time on subjects they struggle with.

How to Overcome Test Anxiety


Does the thought of taking an exam make your heart race and palms sweat? Though it’s normal to feel a little nervous before a test, feelings of intense worry or self-doubt can hinder your test-taking abilities, as well as cause discomfort. People of all ages can suffer from test taking anxiety— even adult professionals taking a certification test.

Fortunately, there are many techniques that can help manage and even overcome your test anxiety. However, while these strategies may for work some, they may not work for everyone. Talk our cyber schools’ counselors or a mental health provider for further assistance with overcoming your anxiety.

  1. Come prepared. Being ill-prepared for a test can contribute to your anxiety. Make sure you are preparing for your exam using a study approach that works for you. To do this, think about how you retain information best. Some students are visual learners, while others may benefit most from reading and writing the material. You’ll feel more at ease if you’ve thoroughly studied and practiced the material that will be on the test.
  1. Learn to relax. There are a variety of relaxation techniques that can help you remain relaxed and confident come exam time. Focus on calming yourself through deep breathing exercises, relaxing your muscles, and refocusing on a positive outcome.
  1. Think positive. Approach the test with confidence and personalize your success using a strategy that works for you. You may prefer repeating some words of encouragement to yourself, or closing your eyes and visualizing a positive outcome. Focus on clearing your mind of negative thoughts, and view the test as an opportunity to show off your knowledge and hard work.
  1. Talk to your teachers. You don’t have to feel alone when you have test anxiety. Your teachers are here to help and support you. Talk to your teachers and let them know what’s going on. Your teacher can help you feel more comfortable and offer suggestions, as well as help you understand what will be on the test and how to prepare.

Remember, if you suffer from test anxiety, you are not alone. Reach out to your family, counselors, teachers and classmates for support.


Online Homeschool Programs

If you are a parent, then you are aware of the fact that your child needs to attend school to get an education. Traditionally, parents were left with three educational options: have their child attend classes in their local school district, pay private school tuition, or homeschool their children.  While homeschooling regulations can drastically vary from state to state, these three options were essentially the only forms of getting a primary education. However, as time has progressed, another option emerged in the form of online cyber charter schools where parents could allow their child to learn virtually via the computer.

While there are numerous reasons as to why a parent would want to explore other educational options for their child, many are unaware of the clear differences between homeschooling and online homeschool programs. With that said, let’s take a look at the key differences between both of these educational options and the advantages  one may have over the other.

Teachers & Faculty

While the concept of getting an education at home is relatively the same, the structure of education can be vastly differ between homeschooling and online homeschool programs. For instance, at 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS), all the teachers are highly qualified, certified by the state of Pennsylvania, and hold college degrees. Plus, there are other certified faculty members from guidance counselors to staff administrators and more.

However, when it comes to homeschooling, parents may find themselves teaching subjects they are not very experienced or familiar with. On top of that, the parent acts as the administrator, guidance counselor, advisor, subject matter expert and any other educational role when necessary.


Public cyber charter schools implement a curriculum that is set and approved by the state, in which 21CCCS specifically bases their programs on the Pennsylvania Core Standards. Furthermore, online cyber charter schools can individualize the curriculum to suit the students’ learning style and varying academic level. In addition, they provide for a full range of courses that can encompass not only the core subjects, but delve into world languages, honors/AP level studies and much more.

When it comes to a curriculum for homeschooling, it’s left up to the parent to find and research an appropriate curriculum that adheres to state and national standards, then develop plans to teach that curriculum.

Attendance & Academic Policies

It is important to understand that online homeschool programs follow the same state attendance and academic policies that are already set in place, so the educational accountability is already established. This also accounts for other records like grades, testing and other requirements that are maintained from day one within the online learning management system. Additionally, cyber charter schools follow a traditional school year calendar but there aren’t any snow days or buses to catch to attend class.

On the other hand, homeschooling parents are responsible for understanding the local attendance and academic policies and are accountable for reporting those records to the state while also preparing for yearly evaluations.


Online homeschool programs provide students with many opportunities to socialize with other students, both online and offline. They regularly schedule local activities, events, trips, clubs and other meetings that are designed to encourage and support socialization among the student body. Additionally, they offer students with activities found in traditional school settings like a yearbook committee, literary magazines and virtual drama presentations to promote creativity. Lastly, students who meet graduation requirements are eligible to attend a formal graduation ceremony to receive a diploma with the school’s name on it. They also have the traditional cap and gown experience with fellow students, faculty, staff and family members.

Socialization activities for homeschooled children are often challenging as the parent must research and find socialization opportunities on their own. It should also be noted that homeschooled children may miss out on the opportunity to participate in clubs like yearbook and other group-driven activities. Additionally, the parent is responsible for creating a diploma and graduation ceremony and some choose to receive a GED as a record of high school equivalence.

graduation With the above information, you now understand the key differences between homeschooling and an education from online homeschool programs. At the end of the day, it all comes down to providing your child with an education because they need to learn important skills in order to succeed. However, with all the above points, cyber charter school have numerous advantages and benefits that cannot be replicated through homeschooling. Set your child up for success today by enrolling them in 21st Century Cyber Charter School for the best online education in Pennsylvania.

Socialization in Cyber School? No Way! Well, Guess Again!

“You don’t socialize in cyber school.  How can you?  It’s just you and your computer all day!”

Does this sound familiar to you?  If so, you’ve most likely found yourself on the defense, explaining to friends and family that your beloved cyber school choice does involve a community and social learning experience.  At 21CCCS, one of the most frequently asked questions our enrollment team fields from prospective families is, “What opportunities are available for my child to socialize?”  We explain that it is true that 21CCCS provides an asynchronous, cyber learning environment, which means we do not require students to log into classes at any specific time of day. However, our students come together for lots of things! We’ve developed many ways to offer social outlets for our students.  Let me share a few.

1.) Community Outreach Events

These events are held throughout Pennsylvania on a weekly basis and are attended by our teachers, students, family members, and friends. Students are often given a chance to work on schoolwork and tutoring for the first half of the evening. Then, they are given time to play games, meet with their friends, and get to know their teachers. Next month we have cooking class on the calendar.  Don’t miss it!  The schedule for these events is posted weekly in Moodle and if you have any questions, ask Ms. Hoyt, Mr. Kinsch or your learning coach.


2.) Field Trips

Our field trips are most often educationally minded opportunities for students to come together and share a common learning experience.  Ms. Elder and Mr. Chu work to schedule and organize the trips on a monthly basis.  In the past we have ventured to Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and the Carnegie Center. Smaller scale field trips have been scheduled to welcome students back to school, or to celebrate the end of the year! If you have ideas for new field trips, let us know! We are happy to explore and schedule new visits.


3.) Clubs

21CCCS offers a variety of cyber clubs each year. We change them when needed, depending upon the interest and needs of our students. In the past, we’ve had a Literary Magazine, Radio-Drama Production, Chess Team, Debate Team and Photography Club. Be sure to ask your learning coach about club opportunities, and if one doesn’t exist that fits an interest, we will work with you to create it.


4.) Live Class and the the Virtual Office

Live class and the virtual office are a great way to reinforce learning materials. But, they are also a great way to get to know teachers and classmates and where most daily socialization happens at 21CCCS. Through one click on the computer,  our cyber community is transported to a virtual room full of fellow teachers and classmates, and the learning and discussion opportunities are endless.


The power to get involved and socialize lies within each one of our students at 21CCCS. We believe that socialization in our cyber school is thriving, growing and most certainly possible!