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Transitioning from a Traditional to Online School

A book coming out of a computer with library on the screen of the computer representing online library, school, manual, instruction, e-book, research, search, dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia.With the rise of technology, online schooling has become a popular option among students of all ages. While online education is common at the university level, it has become prevalent at the high school and middle school levels as well.

A lot of students grades six through 12 are considering making the switch from traditional to virtual schooling because they feel it better suits their lifestyle and academic needs. For someone who has spent most of their years in a traditional school, the switch to an online school can seem like a big transition. Consider these tips for a smooth transition to online learning and to get the most out of your educational experience.

Designate a Specific Learning Space

While PA cyber schools don’t have distractions like class clowns and bullies, it’s important to create a designated home study space, where you can remain focused on your school work. This space should be someplace quiet, where you won’t be distracted by family members or the television. A desk in a secluded home office, for instance, makes a great learning space.

Commit to a Schedule

One of the major perks of being a cyber school student is getting to set your own schedule. With this, a cyber charter school offers great flexibility, allowing you to learn when it’s best for you. But, because you are responsible for setting your schedule and completing your schoolwork on your own time, you need to be very organized and create a daily schedule.

Whether or not you’re someone who needs to balance work and school, reach out to your teachers and learning coaches to help you build a schedule.   Your teachers and coaches can help you create a schedule around your other obligations to lay the foundation for academic success.

Utilize Your Resources

A key difference in online schooling is you aren’t being taught by a teacher in person. Just because you can’t raise your hand to ask a question or speak with a teacher after class, it doesn’t mean your teachers aren’t available whenever you need them. In a cyber charter school, teachers are always available, but you have to reach out to them. Your teachers and learning coaches are just a click away, so maintain open communication with them and ask for help and guidance whenever you need it.


5 Back to School Tips for Online Students


After a summer full of fun and sun, students across Pennsylvania are gearing up for Back to School. The new school year provides the perfect opportunity for online students to start fresh and set the stage for a successful year. Our Pennsylvania virtual charter school is sharing five Back to School tips for cyber students.

Get Organized

Start the school year off the right way by getting organized. Most cyber students work from home, so it’s beneficial to create a designated learning space. Assigning a specific place for school allows students to eliminate distractions and fully concentrate on their studies. Choose a comfortable, quiet space that offers plenty of room for your notebooks, computer, and other supplies. Also get organized by creating physical and/or electronic folders for each course, and use a planner to keep all of your schoolwork and social activities in order.

Set Attainable Goals

Setting personal goals can increase your motivation and improve your performance. Perhaps you want to make Honor Roll, get a B on your math exam, or improve your time management skills. Set short-term and long-term goals that are attainable, specific, and measureable, and determine the steps you’ll take to achieve them. For instance, if you want to improve your time management skills, you can make a list of each task you need to complete each day and assign them a specific time slot for when they’ll be completed.

Along with setting goals, decide how you’ll reward yourself for achieving them. Having an incentive will help you work harder toward accomplishing them. Talk to your parents about your goals and what they can do to help you reach them.

Establish a Routine

Many students choose a Pennsylvania virtual charter school because it offers greater flexibility than a traditional school. This flexibility puts students in charge of managing their time. Establishing a routine for your schoolwork can help you stay on track.

Get to Know Your Teachers                                       

At 21st Century Cyber Charter School, your teachers and learning coaches are here to help you succeed. Just because you’re not in a traditional classroom setting doesn’t mean your teachers and counselors aren’t available to offer assistance and guidance. Get to know your teachers, principals, and other school staff and learn how you can reach them. 21CCCS also provides every student with a learning coach, who helps keep track of your progress and communicates with you at least on a bi-weekly basis to ensure you are receiving the instruction and guidance you need.

Check Your Tech

21CCCS students are supplied with all the technology they need for their schoolwork, including a Macbook, tablet, calculator, and more. When you receive these items, take the time to familiarize yourself with them, as well as any computer programs or software you may be using for your courses.  Our new student orientation will help you with this.


Is a Cyber Charter School Right for Your Child?

Pennsylvania virtual charter schools are revolutionizing what it means for a child to get a truly individualized, high quality education—and one that prepares them for the digital future. Online charter schools provide an alternative to traditional K-12 schooling, one where students can work asynchronously and in a more self-directed way, while striving for the highest possible academic achievement. Many parents find themselves wondering if this kind of school might be right for their child. And for many, the answer is yes.


There are many different kinds of families and children who choose a Pennsylvania virtual charter school. It’s a personal choice that only you can make. Here are some of the top reasons we see with students who thrive in the virtual environment:

  • To learn to be self-directed. One of the most important life skills for anyone growing up today is being capable of taking initiative and managing oneself in self-directed work activities. This has always been a key skill for leaders and is increasingly in demand for top jobs across all industries. A virtual charter school helps students learn this habit at a young age, by allowing them to structure their own schedules around fixed academic requirements. Academic mentors will help the student build a schedule that will allow him or her to be successful.
  • To provide stability with busy schedules. All kinds of families find value in an online school, but for many, it’s a way to accommodate a life that is busy with other interests. Traditionally, students would attempt to balance a schedule that required them to be in school for seven straight hours with pursuit of an outside interest such as acting, dancing, music, or athletics. With an online school, students are still able to have the structure of formal schooling while working their school hours around an intense pursuit of their interests.
  • To teach 21st century computer skills. The future of business is online. When your child grows up, they will perform many of their work tasks in an online environment and often work with colleagues and supervisors who are in different cities or even on different continents. By growing up in this kind of environment, they will be at home in tomorrow’s professional climate.
  • Individualized education. The flexible environment provided by cyber charter schools allows students to build an educational experience tailored to their specific needs. Students are able to structure their days around a school schedule that suits them, spending less time on subjects they learn easily and spending more time on subjects they struggle with.