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How to Overcome Test Anxiety


Does the thought of taking an exam make your heart race and palms sweat? Though it’s normal to feel a little nervous before a test, feelings of intense worry or self-doubt can hinder your test-taking abilities, as well as cause discomfort. People of all ages can suffer from test taking anxiety— even adult professionals taking a certification test.

Fortunately, there are many techniques that can help manage and even overcome your test anxiety. However, while these strategies may for work some, they may not work for everyone. Talk our cyber schools’ counselors or a mental health provider for further assistance with overcoming your anxiety.

  1. Come prepared. Being ill-prepared for a test can contribute to your anxiety. Make sure you are preparing for your exam using a study approach that works for you. To do this, think about how you retain information best. Some students are visual learners, while others may benefit most from reading and writing the material. You’ll feel more at ease if you’ve thoroughly studied and practiced the material that will be on the test.
  1. Learn to relax. There are a variety of relaxation techniques that can help you remain relaxed and confident come exam time. Focus on calming yourself through deep breathing exercises, relaxing your muscles, and refocusing on a positive outcome.
  1. Think positive. Approach the test with confidence and personalize your success using a strategy that works for you. You may prefer repeating some words of encouragement to yourself, or closing your eyes and visualizing a positive outcome. Focus on clearing your mind of negative thoughts, and view the test as an opportunity to show off your knowledge and hard work.
  1. Talk to your teachers. You don’t have to feel alone when you have test anxiety. Your teachers are here to help and support you. Talk to your teachers and let them know what’s going on. Your teacher can help you feel more comfortable and offer suggestions, as well as help you understand what will be on the test and how to prepare.

Remember, if you suffer from test anxiety, you are not alone. Reach out to your family, counselors, teachers and classmates for support.

Beating Test Anxiety

I’ll be the first to admit that I had severe test anxiety when I was in middle and high school. For many, the things I might describe are unfathomable– maybe crazy sounding. But, here are some of the things I used to experience:

In spite of hours of preparation, as the night before a test approached, my nerves started to jitter. I was nervous about performing well on the test, which is the most common fear for anxious testers. I would feel my heart pounding, and my fingers and arms shaky. I would think about the items I’d memorized for the test, reciting and writing them down, checking that I had remembered every last thing. Sleeping the night before a test was never an option. The adrenaline would pump through me just enough to get me through a sleepless night and to the test, after which I would crash, feeling exhausted and drained. Oh, and did I mention that these feelings were often shared for quizzes, too?

My mother tried, to no avail, to help me with my anxiety. She would remind me that I was over-prepared. That I knew the material. That my grades would be great. And if they weren’t it wasn’t the end of the world. But the sweaty palms, jittery body, nausea, and inability to eat beforehand were overwhelming– to say the least. When I finally got to the test, I would freeze. It would take a few minutes before I could feel ready to collect my thoughts start the test. I didn’t think there was a solution. And, I thought I was alone in my anxiety. I thought I was just plain crazy.

So, what has changed since the days when I was a kid? Well, for starters, there is perhaps more emphasis placed on testing. Kids are tested constantly, especially through state standardized testing. While offering more tests more frequently might help to diffuse student anxiety (because they are conditioned to take more tests more often) there may be some students who experience a compounding effect on their anxiety. But, more importantly, offering more tests means we have become more aware of test anxiety as an issue. This means that parents are getting better advise to help their children.

Among the suggestions are the following:

  1. Encourage students to get plenty of sleep before the test
  2. Ask students to draft about their fears or concerns on paper
  3. Have students present the information they know. If they can teach the concept, they know the concept
  4. Provide an ample breakfast the morning of the test
  5. Encourage students to limit their distractions during the test (This might mean avoiding clothing or jewelry that a child may play with during the test. I am am earring twirler– so I never test with earrings in!)
  6. Provide encouragement and feedback after the test. Share in students’ piece of mind after the test is over

Do you have tips of your own? Comment on our Facebook page! We’d love to know what you do to avoid or suppress test anxiety!