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21CCCS Blog

Parents And Pupils Seeking Flexibility Pick Cyber Charter Schools In PA – Here’s Why

It’s easy to see why the “traditional” school setting can also prove to be an overwhelming one. We expect children to seamlessly transition from the comforts of home to an ever-changing list of classrooms, teachers, friends, academic expectations and more. It’s all a bit unrealistic and many parents/guardians have likely taken umbrage with negative critiques […]

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Online School Programs Make Room For Exciting Extra-Curricular Adventures

The cyber charter school sector is one that’s often considered to be in a league of its own. While meeting educational benchmarks is of utmost importance to teachers and administrators, the non-traditional setting often prompts many questions from pupils and parents alike. One of the frequently-asked questions is about extra-curricular activities. A cyber charter school […]

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Why Cyber School Enrollment Is Growing

Cyber school enrollment has grown immensely over the last decade, and we’re here to explore why. According to the International Association for K12 Online Learning, there were 200 virtual charter schools in operation nationwide during the 2008-2009 school year, and that number has grown an estimated 30 percent annually since. The number of students taking […]

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How Cyber School Can Benefit Students with Physical Limitations

For some students that have physical or medical limitations, going to a traditional school can be difficult or sometimes impossible. Giving students the ability to work from their home or just about anywhere they can find a computer and an internet connection is a unique benefit of a cyber school that allows these types of […]

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