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Separating Myths from Facts When it comes to Pennsylvania’s Public Charter Schools

When it comes to Pennsylvania charter schools, there are some common misconceptions that leave people mistaking fiction for fact.

We’re here to help debunk some of these deceiving myths and set the record straight about Pennsylvania’s public charter schools.

Myth #1: Charter schools are not public schools.

Fact: Charter schools are public schools.

Much like traditional public schools, public charter schools are tuition free for families and publicly funded. Also like traditional public schools, public charter schools are non-sectarian and have nondiscriminatory enrollment. Both types of schools are accountable to state and federal regulations and are governed by a Board of Directors comprised of public officials.

Myth #2: Charter schools take funding away from traditional public schools.

Fact: Charter schools do not take funding away from traditional public schools.

Contrary to popular belief, charter schools don’t take money. The money follows the student from their home school district to a public charter school when a parent makes a choice for their child’s public school education to take place in a charter school.

Myth #3: Charter schools ‘cherry-pick’ the best students from traditional public schools.

Fact: Charter schools serve all students.

There are no selective enrollment requirements when it comes to charter schools. Charter schools must accept all students, including English learners and students with special needs. Charter schools hold lotteries to enroll students if there are not enough seats to meet demand.

Myth #4: Charter schools do not answer to the public since their boards are not elected.

Fact: Charter schools are directly accountable to the authorizing school board or the Pennsylvania Department of Education who have the authority to renew or not renew a school’s charter.

Once appointed, a charter school board member, just like a traditional public school board member, is a public official who must comply with the PA Ethics Act and file an annual statement of Financial Interest Form. Also, the board must comply with the PA Sunshine Law regarding open meetings.

Myth #5: Charter schools segregate students based on race.

Fact: Charter schools in Pennsylvania are very diversified. In fact, charter schools serve higher percentages of African-American and Hispanic students than district-run schools.

The racial breakdown of district-run schools is about 67 percent white, 13 percent African American, and 11 percent Hispanic. In charter schools, those numbers change to 30 percent white, 46 percent African American, and 17 percent Hispanic.

Myth #6: Charter schools are not accountable.

Fact: Charter schools are the most accountable public school systems in Pennsylvania with the threat of closure as the ultimate accountability.

Both public and charter schools have state exams, periodic reviews, financial audits, and annual reporting. However, charter schools also have closure processes and parental choice.

Myth #7: Charter schools are large for-profit companies.

Fact: Pennsylvania requires all brick and mortar and cyber charter schools to be

organized as public, non-profit corporations.

Myth #8: Charter schools get more money than other public schools.

Fact: Charter schools receive less funding than traditional public schools.

In the 2015-2016 school year, charter schools across Pennsylvania received approximately 75 percent of the funding that traditional public schools received. This means that charter schools operate with less public funding than traditional public schools.

Myth#9: Charter schools do not enroll special education students.

Fact: Charter schools enroll a similar ratio of special education students as public schools.

In the 2016-2017 school year, 17.61 percent of charter school enrollment was special education students, while traditional public schools had enrollment of 16.37 percent special education students.

Myth #10: My child will not be challenged academically in a cyber charter school.

Fact: Cyber charter schools offer the same rigorous coursework as traditional brick and mortar schools.

Working on assignments through a computer does not mean coursework is any less challenging. Students are expected to check into each subject area regularly to show progress and understanding. Further, cyber charter schools offer Honors, Gifted, and Advanced Placement (AP) coursework, just like traditional schools.

This information has been brought to you by the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools.

“No Bells in Pennsylvania Cyber School” – Time Management Advice From Principal McSweeney

By Dr. Teresa McSweeney, 21CCCS High School Principal

I have served as the 21CCCS high school principal for almost a year, and I believe my transition to Pennsylvania cyber school proved to be almost as difficult for me as it is for many of our cyber school students. I cannot help but wonder if cyber school students feel some of the same feelings and have some of the same issues that I have experienced as the principal of one of the best cyber schools in PA.

Can you guess one of the changes that require an adjustment for a cyber school principal…and perhaps cyber school students? No bells!

Until I came to Pennsylvania cyber school, I did not realize all the purposes those bells served. In a traditional school, we had a bell that rang every 55 minutes that triggered the urge to stand up and walk to the hallway. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my work, that I forget to stand and walk, so I set an alarm to remind me. In fact, my alarm just sounded…time for a walk…brb…ok, back to writing the article. Most of your 21CCCS teachers have specific times to stretch each day, similar to the “7th Inning Stretch” in baseball, and we all try to take a walk as often as possible.

The traditional school bell also reminded students, even gave us permission, to stop one subject and move to the next. In traditional school, when the bell rings, you go to the next class, whether or not you have completed an assignment, finished a paper, or had more to learn for that lesson. I know that some of you really like to do one or two subjects per day, but research actually shows that you will retain information longer if you practice the content you are trying to learn every day. (https://www.daniel-wong.com/2015/08/17/study-smart/)  If you think about it, this really makes sense. If you want to play an instrument well or excel in a sport, you practice every day. Academic skills require daily practice, too, whether you’re attending a traditional school or are a cyber school student.

Are you a cyber school student who misses the bells that ring in a traditional school? If so, you might try setting an alarm. I actually set an alarm to function as a “tardy bell” for me each morning, and some mornings I literally race the clock to plop into my office chair before my self-inflicted tardy bell rings. Just like the 21CCCS high school principal, you might need something to remind you that it is time for cyber school to start. If you struggle with following a structured, disciplined schedule to complete your Moodle assignments, set alarms to function as bells to tell you when to stand up, walk around the house, and sit back down to study. Follow the link for an interesting article on the benefits of naps, you might even schedule yourself a naptime bell (http://prepmatters.com/2017/09/25/back-school-brain-fog-theres-nap/).

So, those annoying bells of traditional school sometimes served as ringing reminders for how we can structure and schedule our learning for maximum success. Time to wrap up this article. The alarm on my phone says it is time to go home.

Kids that Enroll in Cyber Charter School Don’t Miss Out on Clubs and Sports

One of the biggest myths surrounding students that attend cyber charter school is that they miss out on extracurricular activities like clubs and sports. But we’re here to tell you that this just simply isn’t true.

Students who attend our Pennsylvania Online School have just as many opportunities to participate in clubs and sports as any public school student. Children who attend a cyber charter school are eligible to participate in or tryout for any after-school sports or activities that are provided by their home school district as long as they are held after school hours and do not require a prerequisite course that must be taken at a district building during the school day.

But sports aren’t the only way that online learning can be social! We also offer several groups and clubs that cyber charter school students can join so that they can interact with other students who share the same interests. The best part about these student-run clubs is that they’re all online, making them accessible for all cyber charter school students.

The list of clubs and groups vary from year to year based on students’ interest, but here are some that are currently offered:

Adventure Club: The adventure club gives students a chance to create events that get them out and moving for some adventurous activities. Nature hikes and rock climbing are just some of what students might get to experience in the adventure club.

Charity Club: For those students that are passionate about giving back, the charity club gives them the perfect avenue for doing so. The students in the charity club aim to combat poverty and help the elderly, among many other charitable goals.

Coding Club: If you’re a student who loves computers and wants to learn how they work, the coding club is the perfect fit. Students can learn how to build their own apps or webpages in this technologically advanced club.

Gaming Club: Gaming is common hobby amongst students, and the gaming club brings gamers together so that they can discuss and play their favorite games.

Photography Club: The photography club is a place where students can learn more about different types of photography styles, techniques, and history. How to properly camera features and ways to improve photo quality are also common topics of discussion.

Survival Club: Learn how to survive emergency situations and become tougher than ever by joining the survival club.

Yearbook: Our yearbook team is comprised of volunteer students who work together throughout the year with a yearbook advisor to produce a yearbook that catalogs the year’s events and memories.


21CCCS Not Only Producing Scholars, But Athletes As Well

One of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber schools—21st Century Cyber Charter School—is already considered one of the best cyber schools in PA because of its impressive academic scores and undeniable achievements. But now 21CCCS is making waves in the world of athletics by producing some amazing athletes to go along with its many scholars.

There are many who believe that attending a cyber school means children miss out on social activities such as sports. But that couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Students who are enrolled at 21CCCS are given ample opportunities to socialize and grow with other students who share their same interests. There’s a wide array of clubs and extracurricular activities offered to 21CCCS students. These clubs are run by 21CCCS teachers and help cyber student branch out and explore new things. And when it comes to athletics, 21CCCS students are encouraged to participate in and try out for sports and activities that are provided by their home school district as long as they are held after school hours and do not require a prerequisite course that must be taken at the district during the school day.

In fact, many 21CCCS graduates have gone on to have some incredible athletic careers, including two recently who broke through big time in the world of swimming.

In July 2016, 21CCCS graduate Cierra Runge qualified for the women’s U.S. Olympic Swim Team and would compete later that summer in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

At the time, Runge was a redshirt sophomore for the University of Wisconsin swimming team and she had finished fifth overall in the 200-meter freestyle final in the same week that she received the great news of her Olympic qualification. Her performance in the U.S. Olympic Team Trials in Omaha, Neb., helped cement her spot in Rio as an alternate for Team USA’s 800-meter freestyle relay team.

“To finally make it is unbelievable,” Runge told Wisconsin’s athletic website shortly after receiving the news. “I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. It’s been a dream of mine since I was 4 years old. It’s a dream come true. I’m so happy.”

Later that year, 21CCCS had another female swimmer whose accomplishments in the pool helped her also earn an athletic scholarship from a Big Ten school.

Sierra Schmidt was a senior at 21CCCS at the time but she also happened to be a U.S. National Junior swim team member who was highly sought after by college swimming programs. When it came down to making a final decision in October 2016, Schmidt decided to verbally commit to the University of Michigan.

With the announcement, Schmidt brought her 800-meter freestyle gold medals from the Pan American Games and FINA Junior World Championships with her to Ann Arbor to join a Michigan women’s swim team that had won the Big Ten Championship the year prior.

“I am so grateful to have this opportunity and I want to thank everyone that helped me along the way to make this decision,” Schmidt told Swimming World Magazine after making her announcement. “I am incredibly excited about this next step in my life as well as working with world class coaches, a supportive and fun team, and learning at a superb academic university. Also looking forward to dancing in Ann Arbor for four years! GO BLUE!”

So as you can see, 21CCCS is not only a great institution for academics, it also helps develop the athletic potential of its students.

21CCCS Infographic: Keeping Students Safe Online

As a virtual charter school in Pennsylvania, education and security are two of our top priorities. Whether students are accessing their lessons or conducting outside research to complete an assignment, it’s important to protect them against the dangers that can be present online. With a little knowledge and proactivity, we can work together to keep our students safe while they explore the web.


cyber charter school

A Day in the Life of a Cyber School Student

Enrolling in a Cyber School like 21CCCS, a Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School, can provide an education that’s built around you.

21CCCS offers individualized instruction to every student and flexibility so that students can find a schedule that works best for them. This approach makes for day-to-day schedules that are unique for each student, so it’s difficult to pin down exactly what a day in the life of a Cyber School student is truly like, but there are many examples out there of 21CCCS enrollees that have developed productive and manageable daily routines with the help of their school counselors, academic advisors, and parents.

Here’s one example of how a 21CCCS Cyber School student made his schedule flexibility work for him:

“My typical day starts out like any other.  I get up before 8 a.m., usually grab a bite to eat for breakfast, grab my computer and log on for school for the day. The best thing about Cyber School is I can do my schoolwork wherever and whenever I want. When I attended a normal brick-and-mortar high school, I noticed I was missing more and more days of school and was just not able to keep up with the workload. I travel to New York a lot because I am pursuing a career in the business world of the fashion industry, so with 21st Century, I’m able to take my work with me, never miss a day of school, and always be on time or ahead on all of my course work.”

Many might think the independence granted to Cyber School students means they can’t get the help and support they need if they’re struggling with any schoolwork throughout the course of the day. But this is not the case at 21CCCS. Each student enrolled in 21CCCS receives a dedicated Academic Advisor who will be there for him or her whenever they need it.

There are also those who believe enrolling in a Cyber School leads to the loss of social interaction. Once again, this is not true at 21CCCS. Field trips, community days, and yes, even Prom and Graduation, allows 21CCCS students to build long-lasting relationships with their peers and teachers.

The typical day for a 21CCCS student consists of about five to six hours of work a day on average. Each class has weekly online lessons that are about an hour long. They are not mandatory and they are recorded in case a student would like to go back and watch them on their own time.

Students enrolled in 21CCCS also receive any educational equipment they might need to succeed academically.

Another frequently asked questioned by those considering Cyber School is ‘What’s the school year like?’

21CCCS follows a traditional school year calendar. But keep in mind, there are no snow days in Cyber School. But there are also no buses to catch early in the morning! The flexible schedule and online setting of 21CCCS also prevents scheduling conflicts throughout the school year.

Although schedules are individualized and students are encouraged to learn at their own pace, 21CCCS teachers still strive to help their students stay organized so that they can maintain consistent progress throughout their daily routines and the school year.

Why Choose 21CCCS For Your Child?

Parents have to make many tough decisions for their children. But choosing what school they should attend is now easy thanks to 21st Century Cyber Charter School. That’s because 21CCCS is one of the best cyber schools in PA.

One of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber charter schools serves students in grades 6-12 and provides a unique blend of rigorous, personalized curriculum, a highly qualified instructional staff, and a supportive educational community.

Parents can feel relaxed and comfortable knowing their child is receiving a quality education from 21CCCS. There are many reasons for parents to choose 21CCCS, here are a few:

Performance: 21CCCS is one of the highest-performing cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania based on standardized testing and graduation rates.

Flexibility: Cyber school allows for ultimate schedule flexibility. When enrolled in 21CCCS, you choose when and where you do your schoolwork. Managing extracurricular activities like sports, jobs, music, and more is made easier through 21CCCS.

Technology: We use the most up-to-date technology and tools for learning at 21CCCS. We mail our students the hardware and software they need to participate in our curriculum at no extra cost.

Academic Advisor: Every student enrolled in 21CCCS is assigned to an academic advisor who will serve as a guide and mentor as the progress through each class. Academic advisors communicate frequently with their students and students’ parents to ensure academic success.

Opportunities to Socialize: Some might think that enrolling their children in a cyber school will stunt their social growth, but that’s not nearly the case at 21CCCS. We host several events throughout Pennsylvania during the school year for our students, giving them opportunities to socialize with their peers. Most of these opportunities fall under ‘Community Outreach Events’ and ‘Field Trips.’ 21CCCS also offers many clubs to help broaden students’ horizons and enhance their interpersonal skills. Our clubs include: Adventure, Art, Astrology, AWESOME (Anti-Bullying Club), Baking, Charity, Chess, Coding, Comic Creation, Cooking, Debate, Drama, Epic Gaming, Fishing, Follow Christ, Harry Potter, LGBT+, Literary Magazine, Middle School Literature, Moviemakers United, Mural Painting, Music Journalism, Photography, Poetry, Polymer Clay, Radio Theatre, Video & Photo Editing, Writing, and Yearbook.

Individualized Attention: At 21CCCS, your child is not just a number or another learner sitting behind a computer screen. 21CCCS makes sure to give students the individual attention they need by interacting with them on a one-on-one bases when it’s needed.  Teachers and learning coaches are also available for 56 hours per week, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays.

Sports: Enrolling in a cyber school doesn’t mean your child has to miss out on playing sports. All 21CCCS students are eligible to participate in after school sports that are offered in their home school district.

Graduation Experience: Our graduation ceremony at 21CCCS is special. Held in June of each year, it provides an opportunity for family, friends, faculty and staff to come together and celebrate all of the hard work that your child and their classmates have put in.

Customizable: We offer a customizable curriculum at 21CCCS, ensuring that each student receives an individualized education. We can make accommodations for the needs of unique learners and help them reach their full potential.

College Prep: 21CCCS’s college prep is second-to-none. We had the highest 2014 SAT scores of any Pennsylvania charter school. On average, 80 percent of our students go on to attend college. The list of schools that have accepted students from 21CCCS includes Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Berklee College of Music, The Julliard School and the University of Pittsburgh, and many others.

So what are you waiting for? Enroll your child in 21CCCS today by calling 484-875-5400 or visit their website for more information on the enrollment process.

What to Know for 21CCCS Enrollment 2017-2018

It may seem like just yesterday, school was out for the summer and you sent the kids off to camp. Now, it’s August, and a new school year is right around the corner. Soon, yellow school buses will be back on the road and children will be sitting at the kitchen table doing their homework. Don’t look now, but the 20017-2018 school year is right around the corner. While your children are busy enjoying their last few weeks of summer, parents still have some homework left to do.

Enrollment for 21CCCS’ 2017-2018 school year is underway! Our great staff at 21CCCS is dedicated to making the process as easy and simple as possible. Through a new streamlined enrollment procedure, there are two simple actionable phases for students and parents to complete. Though the process is simple, there is a lot that needs to be covered to ensure that children are properly registered and ready to take on the new set of academic challenges that we have in store for them.

Enrolling with the best cyber school in PA is easy. Now that enrollment is open, here is what you need to expect.

  • In accordance with the Department of Health’s changes, school immunization regulations are being implemented beginning August 2017. This is to ensure that all entering children are being adequately protected against preventable diseases. According to Pennsylvania state requirements, all vaccinations reports must be submitted no later than 5 days after enrollment.
  • Complete the initial inquiry form. This form provides 21CCCS with necessary contact information for your student.
  • During this process, a member of the 21CCCS staff will be in contact with you. During this communication, an email will be sent to you with a link that directs you to a registration portal.
  • After you have successfully completed the registration portal process, an enrollment package will be emailed to you. This package, along with your child’s immunization records, proof of age, proof of residency, and academic records, must be sent to our registrar.
  • Upon the successful completion, submission, and processing of your files, you will receive a notification from 21CCCS that your child has successfully and officially been enrolled.

Additionally, though it is not required, it is advised that you take the opportunity to attend an open house with the best cyber school in PA! This is a great opportunity for prospective parents and students to visit the facilities and learn more about the online middle and high schools. For convenience purposes, we have two types of open houses available: in person and virtual. Either one of these is a great opportunity to learn as much as possible and meet the staff that will be working with your child on a daily basis.

For more information about 21CCCs and the enrollment process, be sure to visit our enrollment site.

Summer School Isn’t for Failures

Summer is well underway. The pools are filled with children of all ages enjoying the cool water under the hot summer sun. Playgrounds are abound with the sounds of laughter while the all too familiar jingle of the ice cream truck fills the air. It’s summer in Pennsylvania and the last thing any child is thinking of is school.

If you mention anything about school to children during their 3-month vacation, you can almost expect to be met with tears, tantrums, and flat out refusal to attend. It’s common. Many children (and some adults) still attach a negative connotation to summer school. It’s no secret that in previous years before the cyber school environment, summer school was primarily used for those students who failed courses during the regular school year and needed to make up the class to pass on to the next grade. Now, the tides have changed and summer school is more than just a “punishment” for children in the summer.

In fact, cyber summer schools have helped to change the landscape of summer schools for the better. Attending a cyber school summer program, like the one 21CCCS offers, provides students with a number of great benefits and opportunities to catch up, get ahead, or try something new.

One major way in which summer schools are great for children, whether they like it or not, is that these summer programs help to prevent summer learning loss. According to a 2010 study done by Johns Hopkins School of Education, children will, unfortunately, lose more than two and a half months’ worth of skills and education necessary to successfully integrate into the next grade. Instead of regaining this information in the upcoming school year, these educational losses continue to amass over the years. Enrolling your child in a summer program guarantees continued exposure to previously learned topics as well as the introduction to new ones.

Additionally, many children find it hard to balance their school work with their demanding schedule for extracurricular activities. In this competitive landscape, sacrificing one for the other just won’t do. Summer programs provide a great benefit in that they allow for children to focus on one class at a time. Whether you’re retaking a class or wanting to get ahead, this is a great opportunity to develop or refine your studying skills and focus on passing the one course.

The most noticeable benefit of summer school programs, specifically cyber school programs, is the flexibility associated with the scheduling. Many children and parents hold issue with the inconvenience of summer school as they have to work family vacations and summer trips around the class schedule. With a cyber school setting, the classroom goes wherever you go. This means you can still study and attend class at the beach, while babysitting for extra money, or wherever else your Wi-Fi connection can take you.

While the deadline for most summer programs has passed, many schools still hold late summer sessions that are perfect for easing students back in the school year. Learn more about cyber school programs here.


Camp 21: An Academic Experience Unlike Any Other

Now that the homeschooling in PA year is over, do you know what your children have planned this summer? In between the family vacations and mall hopping with their friends, will the majority of their summer be spent on the couch, binge-watching their favorite Netflix shows? Or maybe they plan on eating their body weight in candy and relaxing all summer. While this sounds like a great time, here at 21CCCS, we think we have a better solution for keeping your children entertained this summer. Welcome to Camp 21 Summer Program!

Camp 21, the “edutaining” supplemental summer session held by 21CCCS, is a 2-day camp traveling throughout the Downingtown, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg areas. Whether your child wants to stay refreshed on the material they have already learned or get ahead by being introduced to new topics, Camp21 is the perfect blend of education and entertainment to keep children engaged. This program, open to students entering 6th through 9th grades, is jam packed from 9 am to 2 pm with plenty of activities to keep children busy throughout the day. The best part (for the parents) is that the program is totally free!

Now, you may be wondering why you should send your children to a summer program like 21CCCS. They spent all year learning, isn’t it fair to give them a few months off? Well, of course, which is why Camp 21 is short but sweet. Even though this program is only 2 days, it’s still filled with plenty of enriching material that will benefit your children in the long run. Studies show that children, who attend summer learning programs, even for as short as 2 days, have the potential to improve their academic and social behaviors. During the summer, it’s very easy for children to develop poor habits and lose valuable skills and knowledge that are necessary for the school year. According to a study done by the Wallace Foundation, by the end of the summer, a student’s average performance is one month behind where they left off. In today’s competitive academic landscape, even just a short time away from academics can create a detrimental academic slide in performance.

From retaining more information to learning lifelong skills, the benefits of attending Camp 21 are enormous. Help your children combat boredom this summer with an “edutaining” experience that will keep them on track to an excellent academic performance. Registration deadline is June 21st. For more information, be sure to visit http://bit.ly/2rv3Qb3.