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Get Facebook Ready for College

Making college decisions are right around the corner for many of our seniors! If you have not already learned of your acceptance into the university or college of your choice, it is likely that admissions and enrollment staff are currently gearing up to make final decisions and send out those admissions letters.

facebook-67361_640What can you do to prepare, now that the applications and essays are signed, sealed, and delivered?

Clean up your Facebook page!

Hopefully, it’s no surprise to you that college admissions staff (and even prospective employers) are bound to hit “search” in Facebook. How much can they learn about you from your Facebook page? How much information are you giving away to the public?

The following article provides helpful hints as to what you can do to protect your privacy and prepare your Facebook profile page for your future. CLICK HERE to read more.

Why is School Sometimes Boring?

There are plenty of reasons why students pursue education in a cyber school. Sometimes, the reason we learn from inuring parents and prospective students is that students feel bored in their current school. They are eager to find an alternative to their education, and cyber school seems to offer something fresh and new. But, what does boredom really imply? What do students means when they say they are bored? Why are students bored? Check out this article recently written by Amanda Morin, “4 Reasons Kids Are Bored At School,” to learn more.

What do you think? Join the conversation on Facebook!

Why Online Learning Soars

When it comes to alternative education, Pennsylvania is now home to 154 charter schools, according to PDE reports. When it comes to the numbers, we are high on the list; PA is the 4th highest state in terms of number of charter schools, in the U.S. What is more interesting, or perhaps telling, is that 16 of our charter schools are cyber charter institutions. And, enrollment numbers are climbing. The cyber school stamp is expected to double next year, with eight cyber charter proposals waiting in line to open. The numbers are impressive. Over 32,000 Pennsylvania students are enrolled in Pennsylvania’s cyber schools as full-time students.

Many educators, parents, and administrators are asking the same questions: why all the hype? What is it about cyber learning that makes a difference? Cyber education offers the best of many worlds, granting students the opportunity to direct their learning. Cyber school offers individualized instruction, flexibility, appropriate pacing, differentiated lessons, and more one-on-one time with instructors. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, many cyber school students tout knowing their teachers better in cyber school. They also feel they are able to learn more directly from longer one-on-one instruction (a teacher outside the traditional classroom can spend 10-20 minutes discussing a concept with a student). Further, cyber school gives students more control of their own learning. Students are choosing when and where to learn. Taking education into their own hands fuels their interest in learning because for once, students are in the driver seat. A welcomed sense of ownership helps students to learn self-sufficiency, self-advocacy, and independence.

At 21CCCS, we are huge proponents of independent learning, and teaching students to think critically at their own pace. We want students to grow their academic curiosities and hone their strengths and skills in a way that is comfortable for them. We are able to provide the right amount of assistance, guidance, and mentorship through our P4SL model.

Each charter school is different, but we’ve found that our students benefit from cyber education. They have embraced new technologies, expanded their sense of adaptability, and reap the rewards academically. “All the hype” is about seeing students succeed. We have seen the success stories, watched our students grow, and look forward to a bright future in which cyber schooling continues to positively influence our community. Students who know how to think for themselves and live as self-advocates are sure to shine in the future.

Alumni Spotlight

21CCCS is proud to recognize the interesting jobs our alumni pursue after they leave the comforts of our school behind. The world is a great big place with a plethora of opportunity. This week, we’d like to feature an alumni who graduated in the spring of 2012. Since commencement, Jess has entered the cosmetology world. Read below to learn what she had to say about her life transition and what’s to come.


After high school I didn’t think I wanted to go to school at all. But, I decided one day to go to beauty school. I spent nine long hard months working hard to get through it. Despite lots of struggles and tears shed, I made it through and took my boards. Now I’m working as a hairstylist.

You need to have patience when working with the public. I’ve always had patience, but in this industry there are a lot of times you have to bite your tongue.

I don’t have a lot of free time anymore due to the fact I went from being a full-time student to working full-time. When I do have days off, I like to spend them at home relaxing with my animals.

I’m always at work. But I love it. Sometimes I don’t get things as easily and I get frustrated but I’m brand new and I’m getting there.


We are so proud of Jess! She has followed her passion and embraced a career that allows her to work with people, challenge herself, and learn new things. We look forward to hearing more about her and her latest endeavors!

What the Common Core Means for 21CCCS

It has become a buzz phrase: Common Core Standards. Across the country, states and the schools within those states are choosing to utilize the Common Core. But what does that mean? What are the core? Why are they so common? And what does any of this have to do with your child?

The “Common Core” is a set of standards that outline what children should learn in schools. These standards were developed in an attempt to establish what curriculum is needed in order to help children succeed in college and the workplace. Further, the Core Standards outlines how schools should hope to deliver adequate knowledge and skills to their students.

Working with a new learning template is no easy task. The country is abuzz with how to implement the new standards. At the same time, speculators are looking to analyze whether or not the Core can really help schools to achieve what they propose. Articles are constantly written, examining the Core and what they may or may not be able to do.

Edutopia.org has recently provided a series of five articles, examining the purpose of the Common Core, and the effects it may have on schools. The Heritage Foundation recently published information on their website about the Common Core that suggests some needed areas of learning may be abandoned when the Core are implemented.

What does 21CCCS think about the Common Core? They are meant to act as a guideline. They provide a robust template, offering insight into what children need to succeed in the public school system. The Instructional Systems Design team here at 21CCCS  uses the Core and develops individualized instruction that works for our students. We are in line with state standards and expectations and find that the new set of standards offers flexibility to learning.

Being informed is critical! For more information on the Common Core, see the article, “Facts High School Parents Must Know about Common Code State Standards,” provided by Studentnews.ie. And, if you learn of other articles that might help our constituents to remain in the know, feel free to comment via email or Facebook post! We love to hear from you!

More Cyber Schools to Come?

The PA Department of Education currently has eight new cyber charters to consider for the 2012-2013 school year. In deciding which schools will be granted charters, controversial topics and discussion items have surfaced. A recent article by The Notebook features details about recent PDE meetings in Harrisburg. To view the article, CLICK HERE.

Stay informed and join the conversation!

What Is the School Choice Movement?

The ‘school choice movement‘ refers to the concept that students and their parents should have the opportunity to attend school where they choose. As the shape of public education shifts over time, parents are more interested in finding alternative educational opportunities. Some parents favor the charter school movement while others are in search of vouchers and scholarships to send their children to private school. As a response to this, there are several organizations that exist to help parents navigate these choices.

How does 21st Century Cyber Charter School fit into the school choice movement? Because we are a public school, there is no fee to attend. Enrollment is not selective, but based on seat availability. As long as our school is not at capacity, we are able to offer enrollment. Being a cyber charter school makes it that much easier for us to accommodate the demands of our incoming students.

We enjoy being a choice for students because we feel that we offer opportunities for success. Students come to us in search of an alternative. In a recent article published by Lancaster Online, our CEO reported that we offer courses and opportunities that other schools can’t. We provide an online individualized curriculum to cater to our students’ learning styles. To learn more, CLICK HERE and read the article!