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What the Common Core Means for 21CCCS

It has become a buzz phrase: Common Core Standards. Across the country, states and the schools within those states are choosing to utilize the Common Core. But what does that mean? What are the core? Why are they so common? And what does any of this have to do with your child?

The “Common Core” is a set of standards that outline what children should learn in schools. These standards were developed in an attempt to establish what curriculum is needed in order to help children succeed in college and the workplace. Further, the Core Standards outlines how schools should hope to deliver adequate knowledge and skills to their students.

Working with a new learning template is no easy task. The country is abuzz with how to implement the new standards. At the same time, speculators are looking to analyze whether or not the Core can really help schools to achieve what they propose. Articles are constantly written, examining the Core and what they may or may not be able to do.

Edutopia.org has recently provided a series of five articles, examining the purpose of the Common Core, and the effects it may have on schools. The Heritage Foundation recently published information on their website about the Common Core that suggests some needed areas of learning may be abandoned when the Core are implemented.

What does 21CCCS think about the Common Core? They are meant to act as a guideline. They provide a robust template, offering insight into what children need to succeed in the public school system. The Instructional Systems Design team here at 21CCCS  uses the Core and develops individualized instruction that works for our students. We are in line with state standards and expectations and find that the new set of standards offers flexibility to learning.

Being informed is critical! For more information on the Common Core, see the article, “Facts High School Parents Must Know about Common Code State Standards,” provided by Studentnews.ie. And, if you learn of other articles that might help our constituents to remain in the know, feel free to comment via email or Facebook post! We love to hear from you!

More Cyber Schools to Come?

The PA Department of Education currently has eight new cyber charters to consider for the 2012-2013 school year. In deciding which schools will be granted charters, controversial topics and discussion items have surfaced. A recent article by The Notebook features details about recent PDE meetings in Harrisburg. To view the article, CLICK HERE.

Stay informed and join the conversation!

What Is the School Choice Movement?

The ‘school choice movement‘ refers to the concept that students and their parents should have the opportunity to attend school where they choose. As the shape of public education shifts over time, parents are more interested in finding alternative educational opportunities. Some parents favor the charter school movement while others are in search of vouchers and scholarships to send their children to private school. As a response to this, there are several organizations that exist to help parents navigate these choices.

How does 21st Century Cyber Charter School fit into the school choice movement? Because we are a public school, there is no fee to attend. Enrollment is not selective, but based on seat availability. As long as our school is not at capacity, we are able to offer enrollment. Being a cyber charter school makes it that much easier for us to accommodate the demands of our incoming students.

We enjoy being a choice for students because we feel that we offer opportunities for success. Students come to us in search of an alternative. In a recent article published by Lancaster Online, our CEO reported that we offer courses and opportunities that other schools can’t. We provide an online individualized curriculum to cater to our students’ learning styles. To learn more, CLICK HERE and read the article!


Critics Are Asking: Are Cyber Schools Making the Grade?

The critics are everywhere. Although the cyber school movement has been in full swing for more than a few years (with Pennsylvania at the forefront), developments are occurring constantly, shifting what cyber school looks like for students across the country. With constant growth, development, and change, it’s no wonder people are asking, “Are cyber schools making the grade?”

Assessing this question is no easy task, and it leaves room for plenty of speculation. In an article recently released by ‘Lancaster Online,’ reporters Mary Beth Schweigert and Chip Smedley report on some of the differences between cyber charter schools, some of the arguments for and against them, and whether or not they can perform the job of traditional brick and mortar public schools.

One of 21st Century Cyber Charter School’s students was featured in the article, expressing that our teachers are supportive and helpful. Our student is receiving the type of education he sought when considering cyber school.

Later in the article, our CEO, Jon Marsh, commented on the types of courses we have made available online. Further, the article provides a well-rounded assessment of what is provided through a cyber delivery of education.

The bottom line remains this: because charter schools each operate under different charters, each school operates a little differently, following different learning models and educational strategies. 21CCCS has been fortunate to find successful ways to cater to the needs of our students. For more information on one of our learning models, CLICK HERE.

To view the recently published article from ‘Lancaster Online’ CLICK HERE.