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Back-to-School Adjustments and Navigating the New Academic Year

online school in PA

As the school year begins, the transition to a new academic term can be both exciting and challenging, especially for students in cyber school. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar settings, cyber education environments present unique opportunities and obstacles that require careful adjustment. For students and families, mastering organizational skills, time management, and setting academic goals is crucial. Meanwhile, teachers focus on reviewing foundational skills and setting clear expectations. The following article explores strategies for both students and educators to make the most of online school in PA as the new year unfolds.

Embracing the Virtual Classroom

Cyber schools offer a flexible learning environment that can accommodate different schedules and learning styles. However, this flexibility also demands a high degree of self-discipline and organization. Students must navigate virtual classrooms, manage online assignments, and participate in digital discussions—all while ensuring they stay connected and engaged.

For many students, especially those new to online instruction, this transition may initially feel overwhelming. It is essential to establish a structured routine to foster a sense of normalcy and productivity. This involves setting up a dedicated study space, maintaining regular check-ins with instructors, and utilizing digital tools effectively.

Organizational Skills

Organizational skills are foundational to thriving in a cyber school setting. Without a physical classroom to provide structure, students must take initiative to manage their learning environment. Here are some key organizational strategies:

  • Create a Study Schedule: Develop a weekly schedule that includes time for classes, assignments, and study sessions. Consistency helps build a routine and minimizes the risk of falling behind.
  • Use Digital Tools: Leverage organizational apps and tools to keep track of deadlines, assignments, and projects. Calendar apps, task management systems, and note-taking apps can be invaluable in staying organized.
  • Organize Digital Files: Create a systematic way to store and organize digital files. Use folders to categorize assignments, notes, and resources. This will help in quickly locating important documents and reduce time spent searching for materials.

Time Management: Balancing Academics and Personal Life

Effective time management is critical in a cyber education setting. Students must balance their academic responsibilities with personal commitments, which can be challenging without the structure of a traditional school day.

  • Prioritize Tasks: Identify and prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance. Use techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix to distinguish between urgent and important tasks.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger assignments and projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Setting short-term goals helps maintain motivation and makes the workload seem less daunting.
  • Allocate Time for Breaks: Regular breaks are essential to avoid burnout and maintain productivity. Incorporate short breaks into your study schedule to recharge and refresh.

Setting and Achieving Milestones

Setting academic goals is an integral part of the back-to-school process, especially in a cyber school setting where students have more autonomy over their learning. Clear and achievable goals can guide students toward academic success.

  • Establish SMART Goals: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, instead of setting a vague goal like “improve math skills,” aim for “complete all math assignments on time for the next month.”
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly review and assess your progress toward your goals. This can be done through self-reflection or by seeking feedback from teachers.
  • Adjust Goals as Needed: Be flexible and willing to adjust your goals based on your progress and any unforeseen challenges. Adapting goals helps maintain momentum and ensures they remain relevant and achievable.
online school in PA

Teacher’s Role: Reviewing Foundations and Setting Expectations

For educators in a cyber school setting, the start of the academic year involves a focus on reviewing foundational skills and setting clear expectations for students. This process is crucial in establishing a strong academic base and ensuring that students understand the objectives and requirements of their coursework.

  • Assess Foundational Skills: Begin the year with assessments to gauge students’ current knowledge and identify areas that may need reinforcement. Tailoring instruction to address these needs helps bridge any gaps and sets students up for success.
  • Communicate Expectations Clearly: Outline clear expectations for assignments, participation, and conduct. Transparent communication helps students understand what is required and reduces ambiguity.
  • Provide Ongoing Support: Offer regular check-ins and support to address any issues or questions students may have. Encouraging open communication and providing resources for additional help ensures that students feel supported throughout their learning journey.


Navigating the back-to-school period in a cyber school environment presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. For students, mastering organizational skills, managing time effectively, and setting realistic academic goals are essential for a successful year. Educators play a pivotal role in reviewing foundational skills, setting clear expectations, and providing ongoing support to help students thrive. By embracing these strategies, both students and teachers can make the most of the cyber school experience and set the stage for a productive and rewarding academic year.

Pythagorean Theorem and Other Ways I Use Math in My Daily Life

Chelsey Staub – Social Studies Teacher

I use math in my everyday life, not just because I grade assignments and help students in our online schooling environment here at 21st Century Cyber Charter. From the time I was born, math has been ever-present in school and my everyday life.

I grew up in a house that was over 200 years old. My parents still live there. As a result, my childhood was filled with projects and renovations. Anytime there would be a break in the school year, we would dismantle a bathroom or prepare the house for a major addition. There are pictures of me in an infant carrier with construction going on behind me. My family is fairly handy. One of my grandfathers enjoyed woodworking and building. My other grandfather was an engineer so I have both the knowledge of construction and actual application in my background. Math is crucial in building and renovation, which I will delve into more later.

My grandfather who enjoyed woodworking died when I was in 1st grade so I didn’t get to learn directly from him about building, but I did learn it via my father who is his son. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather, who was an engineer, and I idolized him. I would sit in my grandparents’ peachy orange and brown kitchen as an elementary school-aged child and he would bring out his manila folder of math puzzles for me to solve. Many of them were way above my head at the time. Problems like “Given: A building is 10’ x 5’ and the chain is 20’ long to which a cow is attached. Problem: How much area does the cow have access to graze in when his 20-foot chain is attached to one corner of the 10’ x 5’ building?” I recall asking him to help me with some homework in 5th grade, and after he helped me with the problem, he started telling me how this would later be a building block to calculus. I had to stop him and say “Pop-pop, I don’t think I’m there yet.” He unfortunately passed before he could help me with calculus, but I learned a lot from him before that time, and I’d like to think he passed some of his traits onto me. I did have his books to help me and his metal box of math/engineering index cards. I even have his manila folder with all the math puzzles.

This gives you some background about why math is a big part of my life. It also helps you see how I was always taught about math, both in the academic sense in school and in the applied sense, primarily through my grandfathers and father.

I am certified to teach Social Studies, Math, and English. When I first started teaching at a different school, I was teaching Social Studies, but my students would come in during lunch or study hall and have me help them with their math. I used to joke with one of my students that she was getting so great at math that she would one day be a math teacher. She later became a preschool teacher, so I was partially correct. As with at that school, I’m often my family’s go-to for math questions.

My brother has even called me recently to ask about the Pythagorean theorem. This may sound strange, since you may have seen memes poking fun of learning things like the Pythagorean Theorem by facetiously saying they have really come in handy in adulthood. Sometimes, it can be helpful when you least expect it. My brother was remodeling his kitchen and was trying to figure out where to place his island. He needed a certain amount of clearance between the island and the stairs diagonally and had two other measurements off of the cabinets across from the island and to the wall. Pythagorean Theorem (a^2 + b^2 = c^2) was the easiest way to find it.

I use math often while remodeling, too. The current house I live in with my husband, son, and daughter has already had 2 additions and countless renovations. I think because of my upbringing, I’m used to looking at houses and determining how to change them to make them more workable for the family living in it. I have drawn up rough sketches of what our additions would look like, making sure to use correct measurements so we knew if it was possible to proceed with whatever renovation or addition. When we first moved in, we were renovating the kitchen, and I happened to find brand-new cabinets for sale on an online marketplace. This helped with our budget at the time, but I also needed to be sure the configurations would work in our kitchen.

I used problem-solving that I honed in my math classes (thanks largely to solving proofs) to find creative ways to complete renovations we wanted or needed to complete within our budget and with whatever resources I could find. My mom has helped me paint countless rooms, and I needed math to figure out how much paint to buy based on the surface area of the walls we were painting. I have laid new vinyl plank floors in our home and again, budgeting came into play as well as the area of the room. Measurements are of course, used while laying the floor as well. My father, brother, and I often work together, someone measures and cuts while someone else lays the planks. We also need to use division to decide if we should start with a whole plank or not. You can’t finish with a small sliver against the wall so you need to be sure it will be a wide enough plank by the end. You decide this by measuring the width of the room and dividing it by the width of the planks.

When I told my mom I would be writing this blog, she reminded me of other ways I use math in my daily life. Math is not my mom’s strongest skill – as she will tell you. She is a wonderful cook and hosts a family dinner for my family and my brother’s family each Tuesday. She often calls and asks me to double or triple the measurements in recipes. My mom is much more skilled at sewing than I am, but we both sew and use math to figure out how much material we need for a project, and we use it while sewing the project as well. As an example, I have made winter hats for my children a few times using fleece. I measure their heads first and then need to account for a seam allowance and add inches to the bottom to allow for a wider turned up band.

I’ve mentioned budgeting a few times already, but this one is important and I use it weekly when I go food shopping for the week. I have a running estimate as I shop of what my total bill will be – adding each item as I add it to the cart. My husband and I use math to figure out tips at restaurants – although I know some receipts now tell you the values for typical tip amounts, but for a long time that was not available to us. In our marriage, my husband does most of our banking and bill paying, but that is another way math is absolutely applied to our daily lives. When we bought our house, we searched for the right mortgage that could be comfortably paid each month and paid off in total as quickly as possible. Knowledge of interest rates are key when looking for a mortgage that fits best.

Math also comes in handy when my own children who are 9 and 11, need help studying or with their homework. I have tried to instill a love of learning in them as well. When they were little, you’d be surprised at the division they were able to perform quickly when they saw mini muffins come out of the oven and wanted to know how many they could have if we divided them equally. Just this weekend, we got takeout from a local Italian restaurant, and it came with 6 cannolis. My daughter asked how many we could each have and then said, “Oh right, one and a half.“

I love math and would be likely to try to find ways to use it in my daily life regardless, but most of what I use math for each day just happens naturally. I enjoy working with students to help them learn important principles of math. 21st Century Cyber Charter provides me with a fantastic opportunity to individually help many students with math. I don’t foresee everyone having friends who send them cool math videos or discussing box and whisker plots during book club (these both happen in my life – honestly). I understand my love of math is somewhat unique, but I do hope students will be able to take portions of what they learn here in school and apply those aspects to their daily lives in useful ways, as I often do.

Springtime Joy: A Student’s Guide to Wellness

by Mrs. Colleen Mullins, Middle School Science Teacher

PA’s online charter schools

Get ready for spring!

If you live in Pennsylvania and attend one of PA’s online charter schools, chances are you might be missing a view like the one above right now! I know I am. But, we are entering the month of March and you know what that means: spring and warm weather are almost here.

Are you still feeling a bit of the winter blues? Me, too!

Here are 20 things to do now to improve your well-being and make the most of each day:

1. Wake up at the same time during the school week. Yep, that’s right – Set an alarm or have a family member wake you up. Scientific studies show that having consistent times to go to sleep and wake up increase’s productivity.

2. If you have pets, spend time with them! They love your attention and it’s great for your health as well. Don’t have a pet? Offer to walk a friend or neighbor’s dog.

PA’s online charter schools

3. Head outside and get some sun and fresh air. Go out even if the weather isn’t great. My college professor once said “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes!” Rainy? Grab a water-resistant coat. Cold? No problem. Just bundle up with your favorite hat, coat, and mittens.

4. Along with #3, move your body! This can mean going for a walk, finding a YouTube video on yoga, or just dancing to some music. The great thing about exercise: you can do whatever you like!

5. If you can’t go outside, open the window for a bit. Just getting a little breeze and hearing a gentle rainfall or birds chirping can lift your spirits.

6. Take a few moments to focus your eyes on something far away. Most of us spend so much time on screens and looking at things up close. Our eyes need a break. Taking just a couple of minutes to fix your eyes on a tree, house or other object in the distance trains your eyes to be able to use their distance focusing abilities. Your eyes will thank you.

7. Tidy up your space – make your bed, clear the kitchen counter of dishes, clean up your desk/table where you do school work. Tidying up can also include your computer’s desktop. Get rid of items you are sure you don’t need. Organize your folders so you can easily find documents and other files. (Fun Fact: Tidy comes from Middle English and originally meant to have the ocean tides in order or on time.)

8. Write a to-do list at the end of each day for the next day. Aim for 3-5 things so you don’t get overwhelmed. It will let you hit the ground running in the morning. You won’t have any down time wondering what to work on first. Mark things off as you go. You’ll feel organized and accomplished. If you prefer writing down things, a sticky note or a piece of notebook paper will do. Maybe you are more of a digital kind of person. If so, try Google’s Keep app.

online homeschool program

If you are an online homeschool program student at one of PAs online schools, you might find this useful to bring some order to each day.

9. We’ve all heard this one! Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water each day. Not sure how much you need? Take your weight and divide by 2. That is the number of ounces to strive for each day. Remember, there are 8 ounces in 1 cup. Here’s an example: 160 pounds ➗2 = 80 ounces which is the same as 10 cups.

10. Laugh and smile. We are all unique so what makes us smile and laugh is different from person to person. Find what brings you enjoyment and laughter!

11. Talk to your family and friends each day. Texting is ok but try talking in person or on the phone. Hearing each other’s voice allows us to pick up on subtle meaning and mood. Sharing a funny story, picture, or video is another great way to connect.

12. Say I love you to your family and friends. Just say it. Embrace being bold and maybe a little awkward. Need some inspo on how to say I love you? Try “Safe travels!”, “Take care of yourself.”, “Hey, I’m thinking of you.”, or “Just checking in–How’re you doing today?”.

13. Learn something new each day. With the world at our fingertips, this should be easy. Share what you learned with someone else.

14. Surprise someone with a compliment. Be genuine. Take notice of something they are good at or what makes them unique. It might just make their day!

15. Randomly do something nice like finish folding laundry or pick up the mail for a family member. Remember, being nice doesn’t have to be a grand gesture! Little things count.

16. Go armchair traveling. Heard of an interesting place somewhere? Explore it virtually! Better yet, consider planning a trip to go there!

online homeschool program

17. Cook a new recipe. Share it with your family, a friend or surprise a neighbor.

18. Need some motivation for working out? Or perhaps you need some tunes to help you relax at the end of the day. Solution: Make a new music playlist. Want to ramp up the fun? Ask a friend or sibling to help create the list!

19. Sleep more. Yep. That’s right. Come up with a bedtime routine. Set a timer to get the routine started each night. A solid routine includes basic personal hygiene, such as brushing your teeth and taking a shower. What else should you include? Try dimming the lights and reading a book or writing in a journal. Or startup that relaxation playlist from #18. Research shows that avoiding the use of phones, TVs, and computers a couple of hours prior to sleep helps you fall asleep quicker and stay in a deeper sleep longer. Yay! Better Zzzzs!

20. If including all of the 19 things above is too much, focus on this: Find something that brings you joy and happiness. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal. You only get one chance to make the most of each day!

online homeschool program

“Going” to Cyber School: How to Create a Space that Promotes Success

by Rachel Livesey, English Content Developer

Friday, January 26, 2024

online schooling programs

While students and families have become more familiar with online schooling programs since the pandemic, the concept of “going” to cyber school full-time remains a foreign concept to many. Cyber students study the same subjects and demonstrate proficiency on the same standards as their brick-and-mortar peers. However, it is necessary for cyber students to learn a certain set of soft skills in order to succeed in the cyber environment.

In this article, we will discuss tips to help students be successful when “going” to cyber school.

  1. Create a designated workspace.

While “going” to cyber school does not require students to leave their houses, students tend to find more success when they create a designated workplace. This “school zone” should include books, supplies, school devices, chargers, a desk, and a chair. If possible, the workspace should be a place in the home that is designated for schoolwork only. This might be a designated office, but it could also be a workspace set up in a quiet room in the home. It should be free of distractions; in fact, students might want to put their personal cell phones on “Do Not Disturb” and/or physically place their phones just outside of the designated area while they are doing schoolwork. Additionally, this serves as good practice for limiting cell phone use in the workplace. Designating a specific place for the student to “go” puts students in the school mindset and also creates a visible boundary where the student can work uninterrupted.

  1. Follow a personalized daily schedule.

Cyber school students have the unique opportunity to hone their time management skills as they often create their daily schedules, whereas their brick-and-mortar counterparts have a daily bell schedule created for them. The asynchronous environment at 21CCCS provides students with a flexible schedule. While daily attendance is mandatory, students can organize their day around work, family responsibilities, and extracurricular activities. That being said, our most successful students report that they follow a personalized daily schedule. By creating a personalized daily schedule, students at the Pennsylvania cyber charter school must identify what tasks they need to complete, estimate how long each task will take, and determine what resources they will need in order to complete those tasks. Creating a personalized daily plan helps students to become more efficient with their time as they have outlined clear, actionable steps to achievement. The schedule also helps them to maintain focus and reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the tasks that they may need to complete in a week or quarter. Further, the cyber environment allows students to spend more time on subject areas that pose challenges and less time on subject areas that they have mastered.

  1. Utilize resources.

When participating in online homeschool programs, students must utilize their resources in order to be successful. This begins with working through their lessons and reading any assigned texts. So often, we see struggling students dive into their assignments without reviewing the material, which creates confusion for the student who often does not understand the vocabulary or the task. Students should also attend live labs, where they have the opportunity to learn from their teachers and collaborate with their peers.

One of the most underutilized yet individualized resources to help students succeed is one-on-one interactions with their teachers. These interactions take place during either tutoring sessions or office hours. A student who could use a little one-on-one help in a certain subject area might receive an invite from their teacher, but any student can also sign up for these sessions on their own! Tutoring sessions help students to block off a set amount of time to work with their teachers and they are catered to the student’s needs.

Students can also drop into a teacher’s office hours to ask questions. Office hours provide students with time when they can get immediate answers to questions or help with an assignment. Once a week, teachers also hold hours in the evening in order to help meet the student’s individualized schedules.

The school also provides tech and counseling virtual offices to meet student needs.

  1. Make connections with others.

“Going” to cyber school can feel lonely at times, especially in an asynchronous environment, because students are learning according to their own schedules, which may lead to very little or no interactions with peers and teachers. Students who are successful in cyber school report being well-connected to the school itself. They attend live labs, drop into their teachers’ virtual office hours, email their teachers when their schedules conflict, and log into the counseling or tech virtual offices as needed. Students who are successful also have a high participation in clubs and field trips. Going to cyber school does not mean disconnection. In fact, cyber school offers many opportunities for you to connect in ways that students feel comfortable, whether that be one-on-one, in small groups, or during a school-wide assembly. Over time, students are also encouraged to build their confidence by moving away from chat to using the microphone or video!

  1. Build in stretch breaks.

Think about your previous experience at brick-and-mortar. At the end of class, the bell rings, and you walk to your next class. These few moments provide your body with movement and give your brain a break in order to transition to the next subject. Your body and brain need these breaks, so it is critical that cyber school students build stretch breaks into their day! Take the dog outside, pet your kitten for a few moments, get a drink of water, or take a five-minute walk outside. Building in breaks ensures that you are meeting your body’s needs while maximizing productivity. We suggest that students use their iPads to set alarms to signal when it is time to begin/end a break or list the breaks on their personally designed schedule.

“Going” to cyber school, or homeschooling in PA, provides students with flexibility and fosters independence. In a traditional brick-and-mortar setting, the structure is already put in place for students, whereas cyber school allows the students to design a structure that meets their individual needs. These tips for success will help cyber students create structure and make the transition from a brick-and-mortar to an online, asynchronous environment. These tips also help students to practice the skills necessary for success in the workforce after they graduate.

The Flexibility Factor: How Cyber Charter Schools Accommodate Diverse Student Schedules

cyber charter schools

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, students are seeking personalized learning experiences that accommodate their unique schedules and needs. Cyber charter schools have emerged as a dynamic alternative, offering unprecedented flexibility for students to tailor their education. This article will delve into the world of cyber charter schools and explore how they provide a customized learning experience, allowing students to thrive in an environment that aligns with their individual schedules and learning styles.

Customizing Learning Environments

One of the key advantages of cyber charter schools is the ability to create a tailored learning environment. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar schools, cyber charters offer students the freedom to choose where they learn. Whether it’s at home, a local library, or a quiet park, students have the flexibility to select the setting that best supports their focus and productivity. This customization promotes a comfortable and conducive learning atmosphere, ensuring that students can maximize their academic potential.

Flexible Scheduling Options

Cyber charter schools recognize that students have diverse schedules and commitments outside of the classroom. Whether it’s due to extracurricular activities, work obligations, or family responsibilities, many students require a learning structure that adapts to their specific circumstances. Cyber charter schools empower students to take charge of their education by providing a flexible scheduling framework. This allows students to allocate time for their studies when it works best for them, whether that’s during traditional school hours or in the evenings and weekends.

Individualized Pace of Learning

In a traditional classroom setting, students often progress through the curriculum at a predetermined pace, which may not align with their individual learning needs. Cyber charter schools break free from this one-size-fits-all approach, allowing students to advance through the material at a pace that suits their grasp of the subject matter. This individualized learning model ensures that students have the time and resources they need to master concepts before moving on to more advanced material. It also allows for additional support or review for areas that require extra attention.

Supporting Diverse Learning Styles

Every student has a unique learning style, whether they are visual learners who benefit from visual aids, auditory learners who thrive on verbal instruction, or kinesthetic learners who absorb information through hands-on activities. Cyber charter schools are equipped to cater to this diversity of learning styles by offering a range of multimedia resources, interactive tools, and varied instructional methods. This adaptable approach ensures that students receive instruction in a manner that resonates most effectively with their individual preferences.

cyber charter schools

Empowering Students with Special Needs

For students with special needs or learning disabilities, the flexibility provided by cyber charter schools can be transformative. These schools can offer specialized support, resources, and accommodations tailored to the specific requirements of each student. Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) can be meticulously implemented to ensure that students receive the assistance and adaptations necessary for their academic success.

Promoting a Balance of Responsibilities

Many students today juggle various responsibilities beyond their academic pursuits, from part-time jobs to family obligations. Cyber charter schools recognize the importance of striking a balance between these responsibilities and education. By allowing students to customize their learning schedules, cyber charters enable them to allocate time to fulfill their commitments while still receiving a quality education. This balanced approach fosters a sense of independence and responsibility in students, preparing them for success in both their academic and personal lives.


In an era where customization and adaptability are valued more than ever, cyber charter schools stand as a beacon of flexibility in the realm of education. By offering customizable learning environments, flexible scheduling options, individualized pacing, support for diverse learning styles, and empowerment for students with special needs, these schools empower students to take ownership of their education. The result is a learning experience that aligns with each student’s unique circumstances and sets them on a path toward academic achievement and personal growth.

Finishing the First Marking Period at a PA Cyber School Off Strong

PA cyber school

With the first marking period ending on November 1st, we know that students are thinking about how they can finish things on the right foot. Exams, quizzes, and important assignments. near the end of the marking period can be daunting for students who want to do their best, but there are certainly simple ways to reduce this stress and keep working towards academic goals.

Below are a few helpful tips that students can leverage to end their marking period at a PA cyber school off strong!

Stay Connected With Your Teachers and Academic Advisors

Staying in touch with teachers and academic advisors can be extremely helpful for keeping on the right track towards the end of the marking period. Teachers can provide a lot of assistance for students having difficulties with course materials and can help reinforce lessons that they may need additional help with. Even if a student has great grades and is performing well, staying connected can go a long way towards maintaining habits that keep it that way. Our Academic Advisors are an additional resource and are whizzes at keeping up with our student’s classes and communicating with them to ensure that they are receiving the guidance and instruction necessary to succeed. That being said, they are great for helping students evaluate what is working, what they may need to improve on, and how to create a winning strategy for the end of the marking period.

Check Your Learning Space

We have discussed learning spaces at length in the past — and for a good reason! Having a suitable area to complete assignments and study is essential for success in cyber school. At this stage, students have spent weeks in their respective learning spaces and may have a clear idea of how well the area serves them as they work towards their academic goals. If a student or their guardian has not looked into their home’s learning space, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Checking out factors such as the learning space’s location, lighting, access to supplies, organization, etc. can be beneficial for getting the most out of it. Not only does this help with keeping students in the right headspace for ending the marking period well, but it also assists with starting the next marking period off on a high note as well.

PA cyber school

Stay Organized

Experts find that, when we are organized, we are better prepared, less stressed, and able to focus time and attention on our responsibilities. Towards the end of the marking period, students may find that there are a few upcoming deadlines for their classes to keep up with. By getting in the habit of keeping track of these assignments and ensuring that the information is in an easy-to-see location, students will be much more ready to perform at their best. The importance of organization also extends to a student’s learning space. After weeks of use, things in the learning space may be out of place, unaccounted for, or simply in need of some sprucing up. Trust us, a nice and organized learning space can lead to an uncluttered mind and prepare a student for finishing their crucial last assignments and study sessions of the marking period.

Keep Up with Your Studies

Regardless of a student’s current grades, keeping up one’s studies is a vital part of ending the marking period off on the right foot. Staying motivated and avoiding procrastination is key here! If a student finds that their grades are not where they would like them to be, a great study plan can help them make all of the right improvements as the marking period ends. If their grades are looking excellent at this point, it is crucial to keep things going, as it can prevent slip ups right at the end. Students should always be sure that they are putting in the right amount of time for their studies and final assignments and remember that it is never too late to make changes to their study plans.

PA cyber school

Get Enough Rest

Adequate sleep contributes to students’ overall health, well-being, and ability to perform at their best in cyber school. That is why 21CCCS encourages our students to be sure that they are getting enough rest at all times during the period- especially towards the end. We know that some students are in their zone as they prepare for exams, quizzes, and finishing the rest of their coursework, but it is always important to ensure that this dedication is not coming at the sacrifice of a good night’s sleep. When you are properly rested, you are much more relaxed and capable of making the right academic choices. Naturally, this can lead to better grades and fulfillment of one’s academic goals.

Finishing Off the Semester Right Can Be Simple!

We know that the end of the marking period can be tough for students as they want to make the grade and stay ready for what’s to come for the rest of the school year. While the above tips cover just a few things that students can do to remain on track in the last couple weeks of the marking period, remaining mindful of one’s challenges at this point of the year, successes, and leveraging the resources that we have available at 21CCCS will help tremendously!

To all 21CCCS students, do your best and good luck with the rest of the first marking period!

The Versatility of Education in Cyber Schools

virtual charter schools

The Covid-19 pandemic had an enormous and lasting impact on nearly all aspects of society, not least of which was our educational system. Students of all ages from pre-school through university took to their computers and electronic devices to continue learning at a distance from home. While this was difficult for some, it allowed others to experience great freedom and a more targeted, successful learning environment. Now, virtual charter schools are becoming a standard option for students post-pandemic.

Let’s explore the versatility and educational freedom cyber schools provide and discover how these institutions can cater to diverse age groups and learning needs.

The Benefits of Online Learning

Students in both elementary and higher education can benefit from online learning and thrive in a setting that caters to their individual preferences and learning patterns in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Increased Accessibility

Cyber charter schools allow students to tune in from anywhere in the world. Even at a local level, this can allow students in rural or remote areas better accessibility to schooling without having to travel to a traditional school, which could prove to be impractical.

For learners with diverse abilities, cyber education provides a haven of tailored support that aligns with their unique circumstances and needs. The flexible nature of cyber learning accommodates various learning styles, whether kinetic, visual, or auditory, fostering a comprehensive and inclusive educational experience.

Personalized Learning Environment

Educators in online charter schools collaborate intimately with students to sculpt personalized academic and ensure that course loads, timetables, and subjects harmonize seamlessly with each student’s distinct strengths, aspirations, and requirements. Such personalization is simply not possible in an in-person group learning environment; cyber learning, in turn, allows for greater freedom.

Many cyber middle and high schools amplify this customization, curating specialized learning modules that address individual deficiencies or interests. These targeted interventions offer invaluable mentorship and attention, particularly beneficial for students grappling with specific challenges.

An Excellent Alternative to Public Schools

Navigating the social milieu of public schools can pose formidable challenges, especially for students contending with social anxiety. Online charter schools circumvent these hurdles, shielding learners from potential distractions while providing focused support. Students still have the opportunity to communicate with each other Balancing academic excellence with social development, cyber schools foster interaction through virtual forums, chat rooms, and off-campus extracurriculars, nurturing a holistic educational experience. Students still have the opportunity to communicate with each other whichever way is the most viable for them.

virtual charter schools

More Flexibility

Students in cyber schools enjoy increased flexibility, allowing them to learn at their own pace based on their own needs, abilities, and schedules. Those pursuing virtual higher education even have the freedom to travel and work while tuning into school from anywhere in the world where they have internet access.

For those engrossed in multifaceted extracurricular commitments, online learning delivers the freedom to pursue passions without compromising on educational quality.

In Conclusion

Students looking for a flexible, personalized, and more accessible education can benefit greatly from enrolling in cyber schools. It unlocks a world of learning tailored to individual aspirations, equipping students with the tools to carve their unique paths toward success.

Individualized Attention From an Educator Can Have a Profound Impact on Student Success

personalized learning experience

Students who register for our online schooling program receive a flexible, rigorous, and personalized learning experience. With teachers available more than 56 hours per week to offer one-on-one assistance, every 21st Century Cyber Charter School student has everything they need to reach their academic potential. Today, we will dive deeper into the benefits of personalized attention from our dedicated educators. Personal attention has helped countless graduates reach their full academic potential and go on to enjoy success at the collegiate and professional levels.

One of the most significant advantages of personalized attention from an educator is that students feel heard and get immediate support. A large classroom in a traditional school setting will often lead to extroverted students interacting and answering the questions of their instructor while the introverts sit back. When introverted students fall behind or misunderstand an assignment, they can compound the problem with their silence. One-on-one instruction time at 21st Century Cyber Charter School allows all students to receive immediate support via Virtual Offices.

Our teachers are experts in learning the communication preferences of their students and understanding which teaching methods best benefit the students. Because online schooling programs provide flexibility and educational technology, teachers have much more information regarding collaborating with their students. This allows conversations and assignments to align with interests and inspire students to perform their best. Through 21st Century Cyber School’s staff-developed curriculum, it’s vital that our students feel comfortable and individualized attention provides a nurturing environment students can thrive.

While there are many ways students interact and learn social skills while attending our online schooling programs, scheduling one-on-one sessions with teachers can significantly reduce stress and boost learning tremendously. Individualized learning sessions are less stressful for some students than group sessions. The biggest reason is that the fear of failure or public embarrassment is reduced when peers aren’t there to judge or snicker. With a caring educator leading the way, no question is deemed too silly, and there’s no falling back on the ideas of others. A judgment-free zone allows a child to develop into themselves during their years of online schooling. Students are encouraged to learn to take responsibility for their work and effort to master their educational materials properly. Teachers can monitor and gauge each student’s academic progress and develop strategies for student success. More importantly, educators can also diagnose areas where a student may be struggling, which helps them to adjust lesson plans and course projects to benefit each student.

Finally, in the digital age, there are many benefits, but there are also many distractions. One-on-one instruction time demands a student’s focus solely on what is being taught. Not only are there no other students to distract attention, but there’s also no chance to stare at a phone or get lost scrolling on a social media app. With one-on-one interactions, all attention is directed precisely where it should be focused between a teacher and student.

How 21CCCS Supports Our Students

pa cyber school

Cyber school can be an incredible experience for young learners as it provides freedom and flexibility as they continue on their learning paths. Naturally, this freedom and flexibility must be combined with strong supports to form a positive learning environment for students. At 21CCCS we recognize that many newly enrolled students and their parents may have questions about the practices we have put in place to support our cyber school community at every turn. Here, we explore a few of the innovative ways that 21CCCS supports our students.

Academic Advisors

Academic advisors are educators assigned to our students to support them as they work towards their learning goals. Advisors do everything from helping students as they navigate resources to answering coursework questions and acting as a liaison between students and their teachers. The objective of academic advisors is to engage with students and act as an academic advocate through the length of the student’s studies at 21CCCS. Because they stay with the student through their school career, advisors learn a great deal about them which empowers them to offer thoughtful solutions, support, and encouragement with their success and wellbeing in mind. Advisors are the glue that holds our cyber school community together, and they are dedicated to ensuring that 21CCCS upholds the positive learning environment it has become known for.

State Certified Teachers

When attending cyber school, it is crucial to have teachers who are fully invested in the learning outcomes of their students. At 21CCCS, our faculty are dedicated to our students’ education and form the backbone of our school. Teachers offer support for our school community in a variety of ways. They are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for any questions, comments, or concerns students may have as they complete their coursework. Newly enrolled students and their parents are often surprised by the robust network of support offered by 21CCCS faculty. They excel at keeping students motivated and working towards their learning goals and are trained to quickly key in on signs that students are having trouble engaging with the coursework.

cyber charter school

Technical Support Department

It is important for students to have access to technical support department during their time in cyber school. After all, properly functioning equipment is integral for success in any online school environment. 21CCCS handles all tech questions through our dedicated technical support department and notes that the most important step is to supply students with high-quality equipment. With this in mind, each student at 21CCCS is supplied with a kit that includes a MacBook and charger, iPad, stylus, calculator, textbooks, and kits for art, physical education, and science when applicable. Our tech support department recognizes that students may need tech support throughout the day and are available from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Fridays. Many problems can be solved through tech support’s remote management software; however, the department can issue replacement computers if necessary.

Quality Equipment as an Apple Distinguished School

We realize that one of the most efficient ways to support students through their careers in cyber school is through partnerships that provide them with the best equipment on the market. Access to great tech helps students seamlessly access their online course material and plays a huge role in our ability to support students throughout their academic careers. 21CCCS is proud of our position as an Apple Distinguished School. As part of this distinction, 21CCCS provides students with high-quality Apple products such as MacBooks and iPads to allow students streamlined access learning platforms. Apple technology also empowers us to transform the way students learn through functions such as learning integration tools, accessibility features, and apps tailored to encourage engagement-based learning. Most importantly, being an Apple Distinguished School is key to helping 21CCCS create individualized learning experiences for our students. Quality technology is crucial for determining innovative strategies to support learners on the road to their personalized versions of success.

Our Dedication to Students

At 21CCCS, we know that it takes a village to support our cyber school community. All of our staff and faculty have one thing in common— an unwavering dedication to our students! We want to see each student succeed and do so on their own terms, and all of the supports we have in place are crucial for helping students feel empowered, encouraged, and engaged during their time here. Each year is another opportunity for us to learn more innovative ways to support our school community, and we look forward to the 2022-2023 school year!

How Summer Camps Keep Kids Engaged and Learning

Summer is officially here which means no school! While some families will go on vacation, other parents will enroll their children in summer camps. From sports to the great outdoors, there are summer camps for numerous interests and learning abilities. The following article explains how these camps are a great option to keep kids engaged and learning, during summer break.

online schooling programs

Discover New Interests or Cultivate Talents

One of the main reasons why parents send their children to summer camp is to cultivate love or interest in a specific hobby. Whether someone is interested in sports or learning more about nature, there is a summer camp out there that will cater to specific niche interests.

How is this different from enrolling a child in a summer class? At summer camps, children are completely immersed in the experience and are spending several weeks learning about a specific interest. In a classroom, there is often a focus on several different subjects, so it’s not as activity centered, or as in-depth towards your child’s specific interest.

Develop Social Skills

Summer camp attendees are going to be interacting with their peers who have had different experiences and backgrounds. Oftentimes, there will be instances where kids have a chance to meet and talk with others, which could potentially lead to lifelong friendships.

According to Psychology Today, friendship is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life. Being able to make friends, especially in a social group setting such as summer camp, can enrich someone’s life and offer health benefits that will last for the rest of their lives. They will learn to take an interest in others and how to form meaningful connections.

pennsylvania cyber schools

Teaches Teamwork

Similar to the social aspect, learning to make friends also goes hand-in-hand with improving upon teamwork-building skills. Being part of a team and learning to navigate all the nuances of different personalities is an important life skill for anyone, especially kids. By teaching teamwork early in a summer camp setting, the child is gaining an edge both in the classroom and in life.

In addition, summer camp shows that teamwork is a positive and poignant aspect of life. Children will come to understand that teamwork is a solution, and not a barrier, to get tasks and projects done. Children will want to learn from others, and working as a team makes that easier.

Responsibility And Decision-Making

Many summer camps are sleepaway, meaning that participants will be away from home and will spend upwards of days to several weeks’ accommodation at the camp. It’s often the first time that a child is away for an extended period without their parents.

While this can seem scary, many people cite this part of summer camp as one of the most important to a child’s development. They will learn responsibility and decision-making since they cannot turn to their parent for advice while away. Of course, there are adults and counselors at the summer camp, but they will encourage the kids to make choices based on the environment and circumstances.

Promotes Self-Sufficiency and Independence

Much like learning about responsibility and decision-making, summer camps are also a wonderful way to promote self-sufficiency and independence. There is usually a set schedule for the day and activities or programs at certain times at a camp. This teaches the kids to learn how to be productive, efficient and be responsible for scheduled tasks throughout the day.

Time management and figuring out how to make it to activities is a fantastic way to cultivate a sense of independence and can help a child become better suited to the real world. Learning from experience is one of the best ways to better understand how society functions.

Time Away from Screens

Lastly, summer camps are a way to get kids away from their screens. The federal health website says most children spend a total of seven and a half hours each day with a screen, which can affect sleeping patterns and how well they do in school, productivity, and mood.

During summer camps, participants are often without any technology for extended periods of time, some with limited or no reception to access the internet. Without the distractions of a phone or tablet, children will be able to fully immerse themselves in the camp and its provided programming.