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Why Cyber School Doesn’t Mean the End for Your Child’s Social Life

When most people think of virtual cyber schools in Pennsylvania, they envision one of two things. Their first thought is that students are either sitting in front of a TV all day and doing the bare minimum work or learning in a quiet, solitary experience. The latter tends to be the most common belief amongst those who have little to no knowledge about the cyber charter school experience. That is just not accurate.

This belief that students who learn in a digital capacity are less exposed to the social interactions comes from the idea that digital communication impedes and possibly replaces interpersonal communication and education. On the contrary, online schooling does not limit the quality of a child’s social interaction. In fact, the pattern of acquiring socialization skills for students who learn in a cyber charter school environment does not vary much from students who attend school in a traditional setting.

The flexibility of the cyber charter school environment allows students who have rigorous schedules in regards to sporting, acting, modeling, and other activities that require them to travel constantly. Students who enjoy this flexibility still find time to enjoy their favorite extracurricular activities, pursuing athletic or creative ventures. Many students who opt for a cyber charter school do so because their schedule does not allow for them to be in a traditional setting. It’s the perfect compromise to allowing children to follow their dreams while also obtaining their education.

Every school year, cyber schools do more to integrate face to face experiences to satisfy the concerns that many have regarding isolation and limited social interaction. One overlooked fact for many is that virtual cyber schools in Pennsylvania, like 21CCCS, offer a variety of clubs and organizations for students to still join. From chess club to poetry, students still have the opportunity to interact with fellow classmates in a personal, fun-filled setting. Just because a child is educated online does not mean that is the breadth of their social interaction.

Cyber schools work to create a more inclusive and personalized educational environment. It’s easy to assume that children who are in a cyber charter school will fall behind on social interaction, but that is just not the case.

Cyber Schools and College Admissions

So, you’re thinking about sending your child to an online high school. While that’s a great decision, as a parent, you are probably concerned about your child’s ability to still be competitive in the college application process. Do colleges and universities look down on cyber schooling? Is the cyber academic environment comparable to that of a traditional school setting? These are valid questions that many parents and students have when it comes to attending virtual charter schools in Pennsylvania, but rest assured, we’re here to help.

In some aspects, an online high school may seem too good to be true. With virtual schools, you have the flexibility to make your class schedule work around your other responsibilities. With this, comes the added responsibility of developing great time management, self-motivation, and critical thinking. Not being in a traditional setting for school helps students become more independent and rely more on their own abilities and talents than looking towards outside influences for help and validation. Cyber charter schools help students to foster pertinent skills at a young age that will be necessary to succeed in a collegiate environment. Those same aspects of cyber schools that make it seem fun and ideal are also the same reasons that make cyber schools an excellent preparatory setting for colleges.

While the college prep benefits for the student to attend a cyber school are prevalent, that still leaves us with the question, “How do colleges view cyber schools?” The answer is simple, they are judged just like a traditional school. This means, grades, extracurricular activities, test scores, and course load are all still factored into the college admissions process. As long as the program in which you enroll your child is approved by Pennsylvania Department of Education, colleges will give your application consideration regardless of having attended a traditional school or cyber charter school.

Choosing a highly ranked and qualified cyber charter high school, like 21CCCS, is a surefire way to stick out amongst the crowd. Not only does 21CCCS offer a challenging curriculum instructed by top-rated teachers, but in addressing the needs for extracurricular activities, also offers a variety of clubs and organizations that students can join. Attending a virtual cyber school in Pennsylvania doesn’t mean sitting on your couch all day and doing assignments in between your favorite TV shows. It’s about having the opportunity to challenge yourself through a cutting-edge education on a flexible schedule that works for you.

Despite common belief, cyber charter schools are not viewed differently in the eyes of college admissions. When it comes to the competitive nature of college admissions, cyber charter schools, like 21CCCS, still open the door for success.

Useful Life Skills that Online Schools Teach Students

What we learned in school went well beyond the lessons found in a textbook or the slide presentations given by teachers. Any adult now can tell you that the skills they acquired and developed in school were just as valuable as the lessons they learned. Now, in today’s Pennsylvania educational environment and the increasing presence of online schools in PA, an online high school can do more in the way of life skill preparedness than a brick and mortar school could.

The following are 4 simple yet useful life skills that you can learn from enrolling in an online high school.

Time Management
In a traditional high school, you have teachers, fellow students, and class bells to keep you on track throughout the day. Your entire schedule is laid out for you, dictating where you need to go and when you need to get there. Online high schools; however, do not have a fixed schedule. This forces students who are enrolled in online high school programs to manage their time effectively. Additionally, it teaches them to be accountable for their work and balancing their studies with their personal obligations.

In tandem with time management, the absence of teachers and students being physically present and reminding you to stay on top of your studies reinforces the idea of self-motivation within those enrolled in online programs.  Strengthening the ability to motive yourself into getting something done-even if you don’t feel like it-can go a long way in college and in your potential career field. Self-motivation leads to a self-starting attitude and many future employers look at that as a desirable skill to have.

Critical Thinking
In a brick and mortar high school, the traditional method of learning is simply giving the children the information they need to complete assignments. With an online structured setting, students not only hone their research skills, but also learn how to disseminate all of the information they have researched. Students enrolled in online schools quickly learn how to make decisions and follow through without the need for excessive amounts of instructions.

Technology and e-learning have a very real presence in today’s world. While many schools teach computers as an elective or life studies course, only spending 45 minutes a day, every other day, or once a week is nothing compared to the continual exposure that online students have. Gaining your education through an online-structured program helps prepare students for the high-tech world that we are currently in. As the landscape for technology is growing at a rapid place, online students experience these changes in real time, on a first hand basis, instead of waiting for their class’ scheduled day in the computer lab. Furthermore, with email being the main form of communication in an online school, students develop the ability to express themselves effectively. They hone their writing skills and develop the ability to express themselves in concise, more meaningful manners.

While online schools may not be for everybody, there are a number of added benefits that can come from choosing an online learning environment over a traditional high school. For online students, the best part of their education is knowing that they are well prepared for whatever obstacles and challenges this digital word may throw at them.

How Can Online Education Benefit Gifted Students?

Online schooling is on the rise in the United States, as many students, parents, and educators are realizing its benefits. Cyber schools offer students increased flexibility, convenience, personalized learning, and fewer distractions. How online education can benefit gifted students is a topic that is often overlooked. Traditional schools often lack a systematic way to address the needs of gifted students, but virtual charter schools provide instruction based on a student’s ability, not their age. Read on to discover how online education can benefit the gifted.

Get Ahead

A traditional classroom setting can be restricting for highly capable students. In a large classroom, instruction is usually taught at a pace that suits the majority of the students. The gifted have a quicker learning rate than the average student, and can therefore be held back by this type of environment. Learning at too slow of a pace can leave gifted youth feeling bored, frustrated, and unenthused.

On the other hand, online education allows gifted students to work independently and at their own pace. The learning environment is based on the individual, not the group. Students can spend as much time on a subject as they need and enjoy personalized curriculum based on their ability and passion.

Explore Your Interests

Due to the scheduling and logistical restrictions on traditional schools, they often lack the types of classes that highly capable students are interested in taking. Online schools can go beyond the basic classes and offer courses that allow gifted students to explore their passions and interests.  Cyber school students have a greater variety of courses to choose from and reap the benefits of higher level and more specialized subjects.

No Distracting Classmates

From the bully to the class clown, disruptive students get in the way of their classmates’ learning. Fortunately, online schooling eliminates these distractions. Also, online schools don’t have the social pressure of a normal school environment, enabling students to remain focused on what matters most— their education.

Online schools can provide numerous advantages for gifted students. To reap these benefits, enroll in our Pennsylvania virtual charter school. 21st Century Cyber Charter School is one of the highest-performing cyber charter schools in the state. Contact us to learn more about academics and enrollment: 484-875-5400.

21CCCS Named 2016 Top Workplace


The 21st Century Cyber Charter School (21CCCS) has been named one of the “Top Workplaces in the Delaware Valley of 2016” by Philly.com’s Top Workplaces program. Recognized for a high level of employee satisfaction from an annual survey conducted by Workplace Dynamics, LLC, 21CCCS ranks among 100 companies across a number of various industries within the Greater Philadelphia area.

“To be a Top Workplace, organizations must meet our strict standards for organizational health. And who better to ask about work life than the people who live the culture every day—the employees. Time and time again, our research has proven that what’s most important to them is a strong belief in where the organization is headed, how it’s going to get there, and the feeling that everyone is in it together.” says Doug Claffey, CEO of Workplace Dynamics, a leading research firm that specializes in organizational health and workplace improvement. “Without this sense of connection, an organization doesn’t have a shot at being named a Top Workplace.”

The 21st Century Cyber Charter School is a non-profit Pennsylvania cyber charter school for children grades 6 through 12 based in Downingtown, PA. The dedicated faculty and staff work hand-in-hand to ensure that their students receive the best possible educational benefits from their unique and engaging academic approach, which allows students to be challenged and excel in and out of the classroom. 21CCCS is also Pennsylvania’s top ranked charter school for computer learning with a mission to provide students with a unique and valuable curriculum – exceeding expectations of students who benefit from an asynchronous learning environment.

“Each member of our faculty at 21CCCS is extremely talented, innovative and invested in the work that they do,” says Kim McCully, CEO of the 21st Century Cyber Charter School. “These men and women are creating foundations for success that students will utilize years after they’ve graduated. They deserve to be recognized for their hard work and dedication in nurturing the bright minds of our future.”

By offering students a flexible and individualized curriculum, 21CCCS is enhancing the face of cyber learning and is continuously striving to make cyber learning an ideal option for students. Students are able to utilize the latest information and communication technologies to ensure that they will master all essential content in school to better prepare them for their future goals upon graduation.

21CCCS was featured in a special Sunday edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer that included the full list of Top Workplaces which also ran live on the outlet’s website affiliate, Philly.com this past Sunday, March 20, 2016.

How to Help Your Child Succeed in Online School

Online school has many advantages over traditional public schools. Students experience fewer social distractions, more personal attention, and a much more flexible schedule. There are also some things that you can do to help your child get the most out of the experience. Whether you are new to the online charter school or cyber charter school approach or would simply like some advice about making it even more effective, here are some tips for helping your child succeed:

child at computer, doing work

Give them some motivation

Motivation is one of the primary things that students need for success in an online school setting. Finding a way to motivate your child can help set them up for success. Depending on your child, this could mean having a goal, setting some sort of target, or providing an incentive. If your child realizes school is important and is willing to invest time and effort, their teachers and learning coaches will work with them to ensure their success.

Talk to teachers

It’s important that both you and your child establish and maintain open communication with teachers and the learning coach. Introduce yourself and make sure that instructors know that they can always contact you with any concerns or important notifications. Also, have your child communicate with their teachers and learning coach regularly. Establishing a rapport with the teachers will make it easier for your child to reach out later on and ask questions when they have them, which will be crucial to the learning process.

Make sure that they have a regular workspace

Working in the dining room one day, the living room another and their bedrooms at other times can throw off a student’s routine. In order for your child to remain attentive, they often need a certain amount of structure, so it’s a good idea to designate a specific area for them to learn in. You can base this on the way that they learn best. If, for instance, your child needs a quiet space to learn and you have a busy house, their room may be the best place. On the other hand, if their bedroom has too many distractions in it, a computer study might be a good alternative. Ensure that the space is well lit and comfortable. This way, your child will feel comfortable working from their designated space.

Teach them good work habits

girl playing game on computerMany kids need a little help honing good work habits, so make sure to give them some pointers and be consistent with the standards that you have for them. For example, taking breaks from work is a good idea, but the time should probably be carefully monitored and used to walk around a bit, get some fresh air, grab food or water, etc. It shouldn’t be used to surf the web or play video games; these things can be incredibly distracting and can stretch from an intended five or ten minutes to 45 without them even noticing.

Another thing you can help them to do is stay up-to-date with assignments. Parents have access to online student activity logs and gradebooks, so you can ensure your child is on the right track and not falling behind. If you have questions or need help interpreting this information, your child’s teachers and learning coaches are a phone call away!

These are just some of the ways in which you can help your child to do their absolute best at our Pennsylvania virtual charter school. Call us at 21CCCS at 484-875-5400 for more information!

Parent Letter- Dear Cyber School Teacher

Recently, we received a letter from one of our parents expressing their gratitude for all our teachers do.  We felt compelled to share it.  

Dear Cyber School Teacher,

I don’t see you on the other side of the computer helping my child, but I can hear you. In your voice, I hear a hint that it’s been a very long day, and you are ready to call it a day but you stay a few minutes after your hours to make sure my child truly understands before you say goodnight. You help so many students and some days I bet you are not sure if you have made an impact or if they were listening. The experience in my house is they are listening. It is so exciting to walk in the house at the end of the day and have my child tell me about his day and what happened in Live Class before I even have a chance to put my bag down. Let me share what you didn’t get to see.

You didn’t get to see my child’s fist pump when you told him he correctly worked through a problem after you explained the concept. You didn’t get to see the change of his expression when he was feeling down about math and you told him how good he was at math, and he believed you and started believing in himself. You didn’t get to hear him talk about not wanting to read out loud in Live Class and how proud he felt when he finally did after you encouraged him. You didn’t get to see our expression when he chose a Macbeth work session over sports.

As a parent, I worry often that I am making the best parenting choices. I worry about his education and his future. As the quarter comes to the close and I watch him take responsibility and work harder to reach his goals, I know we have made the right choice. Being a cyber parent is not always easy, but it was the best choice for my child.

Thank you for encouraging my child. Thank you for taking those extra few minutes. Thank you for explaining the concept a third time to my child. Thank you for pushing him to give his best. Thank you for sharing your passion for your content and showing the endless possibilities of the future to my child. Thank you for being a cyber school teacher!


A proud cyber school parent


According to figures released by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 21CCCS’s average SAT scores ranked in the top 10% of all Pennsylvania public schools. 21CCCS ranked 63rd out of 630+ schools with data with an average score of 1,589. This average score also made 21CCCS the top ranked charter school (brick and mortar or cyber) in Pennsylvania. A full list of scores can be found at: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/state_assessment_system/20965/sat_and_act_scores/1339721

21CCCS Testimonial- Brendan B


My name is Brendan and I am a student at 21st Century Cyber Charter School. I am from Effort, Pennsylvania. I moved to Effort between my first and second year in Cyber School so it was nice not having to change schools and teachers.~ I wanted to let you know why I choose Cyber School. My previous school district failed to provide me an appropriate school environment and quality education. My parents worked with the teachers and school system for a number of years to find the right solution, but the school system could not make things right.

I would like to give you a little background about myself. I was born 3 months premature and had developmental delays. I am on the Autism spectrum and sometimes my mannerisms or words had hurt others when I was younger. I did not always understand that what I said could be hurtful. I also have a Tic disorder which gets worse when I am nervous, frustrated, or excited. I don’t even realize I’m doing it. This made me a target for other kids to bully me. I also Stim when I’m overstimulated which caused a huge problem in school. The teachers didn’t like me touching my hair constantly (even though I was listening to them).

Because of my developmental delays I started out in preschool with early intervention which was in the same elementary school that I ended up attending all through 5th grade. I enjoyed going to school every single day even though things did not go very well. I had difficulties academically and socially. I was put into part time learning support but was main streamed for most classes. Full-Time learning support was not an option for me inside the school. I would had to be transferred to a different school which was for lower functioning children. Everyone in my educational team thought this would not be the best option for me.

My educational team agreed that I needed my own student aide. My parents were excited that the school district was able to provide this for me, however, my first student aide could not understand my needs and challenges. I frequently was told that my actions were “bad” or that I did not do “the right thing”. Nothing was modeled to me as to what I should have said or done. This left me frustrated and upset much of the time because I did not know what I had done wrong.

I watched my parents get upset every day. They always called the school or wrote multiple notes. In the schools eyes I was a problem child. At one point I had a meltdown in the classroom. I crawled under the table and refused to come out. The teacher tried to pry me out and I got up and threw a chair. I was taken to the principal’s office. I was unable to tell them what got me upset and I was suspended for my behavior.

Things got worse in middle school. Kids continued to bully me. I was being taunted in the school bus and in the school. Academics was not any better. I was provided a different student aide who became very frustrated with me. She would often do some of the school work for me when I was running behind. My educational team worked with my parents to come up with the right solution for me, however, nothing seemed to work. This is when my parents decided to research cyber schooling.

My parents and I spoke to a number of cyber schools before deciding on 21st century cyber charter school.~ My first school year online was tough but it was nothing like the frustrations I experienced in my previous school district. Other kids I speak with online and at school events are friendly. I have not had to deal with any bullying which has given me a much better attitude towards school. My previous schooling had left me with very little positive study skills.~ My learning coach and teachers in my new school provide me personalized attention. They worked very hard to put me in the best possible position to succeed.~ I am now in 10th grade and in my 3rd year in cyber school.

I receive the one on one attention that is helping me succeed. If funding to cyber schools is cut I am afraid that I may not receive the individual support that I have received up to this point.~ Because of the wonderful education I receive at 21st century cyber charter school I am now reading at my own grade level. My previous school district told my parents that I would not exceed beyond a 6 grade reading level.~ I am very thankful for everyone who works with me.~ I do not believe I will get the same level of attention if funding is cut.

I could not imagine what my life would have been like now if I continued in my previous school district. Cyber schools provide kids who have been failed by their local public schools another option. Please understand that cutting funding to cyber charter schools will hurt those children who have been failed by their local school district.

21CCCS Testimonial- The Lane Family

Lane pic 1

Your child’s name: 

Sophia (Sophie) Lane

How long has your child attended 21CCCS?

Sophie has attended 21CCCS for 10th and 11th grades

Tell us a bit about your child:

Sophie is dedicated to becoming a professional Ballet dancer. She dances over 20 hours a week. Sophie enjoys controlling her time in and out of the dance studio. Sophie is a creative person and student. Sophie strives for high grades and sees herself attending College in the future.

Why did you decide to send your child to cyber school?

Sophie attended 9th grade at Cheltenham High School. Sophie was injuring herself during gym. We tried working with the administration to have dance count as her gym credit. Pennsylvania has laws in place that require students to take four years of gym. Cheltenham High School would not accept dance hours for gym.

We decided to send our child to cyber school for the flexibility in Sophie’s schedule academically and for her physical safety.

How has your child been impacted by his or her experience with cyber schooling?

Sophie has flexibility in her schedule, which allows for more training and performing.

Sophie feels that she is learning 100% during the time at cyber school. She felt so much time was given to commuting to and from school.

Sophie has the flexibility to spend her day just in one subject and really understand the concepts. Cyber teachers and learning coaches are available to talk at any time. The concept of a learning coach is wonderful. This teacher keeps an eye on the students progress and alerts students and parents to problems.

Sophie has developed computer skills that will benefit her through any career.

Sophie feels so much happier and less stressed, balancing dance and school.

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