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Exciting Events and Field Trips at 21CCCS: Join Us for a Year of Learning and Adventure!

Kickoff Celebration

As the new school year begins at 21st Century Cyber Charter School, we eagerly look forward to exciting events and field trips we have planned. These experiences not only enhance online schooling programs, but they also foster community connections, hands-on learning, and real-world applications of classroom concepts. Let’s take a closer look at what we have in store!

Back to School Picnic

We’re kicking off the year with our much-anticipated Back to School Picnic! This event is a wonderful opportunity for students, families, and staff to come together, enjoy delicious food, and celebrate the start of a new school year. You’ll have the chance to meet your teachers, connect with classmates, and engage in fun activities that build our vibrant school community. It’s the perfect way to bond and set a positive tone for the year ahead.

Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire

Join us for a journey back in time at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire! This immersive experience allows you to explore history in a lively and entertaining environment. You’ll witness captivating performances, engaging demonstrations, and authentic crafts that bring the past to life. By participating in this event, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of historical contexts discussed in your online classes, making history feel relevant and exciting.

You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops where you can try your hand at archery or learn about medieval cooking techniques. These hands-on activities will deepen your appreciation for the skills and knowledge of the past.

By attending this event, you’ll connect the dots between the historical contexts discussed in your online classes and the tangible experiences of the Renaissance. You’ll discover how social structures, art, and innovation during this time period have influenced our modern world. This exploration makes history not just a subject to study but a vivid narrative to experience, making learning both relevant and exciting.

So come along, immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the past, and enrich your understanding of history in a way that only the PA Ren-Faire can provide!

Back to School Picnic
Back to School Picnic

Adventure Club: Cherry Crest Farm

Get ready for some hands-on learning at Cherry Crest Farm! This adventure will offer you the chance to explore agriculture and nature in a fun, interactive setting. From navigating a corn maze to learning about farm-to-table practices, this field trip emphasizes the importance of sustainability and food production. These experiences tie directly into subjects like science and social studies, enriching your understanding of the world around you.

Events at 21CCCS

Adventure Club: Acrisure Stadium Tour (Western PA)

For sports enthusiasts, the Acrisure Stadium Tour promises to be an unforgettable experience! This educational tour offers a look at one of Western Pennsylvania’s most iconic stadiums, home to thrilling games and memorable events.

As you walk through the stadium, you’ll delve into its rich history, discovering the stories of legendary players and unforgettable moments that have taken place within its walls. From the roar of the crowd to the excitement of the game, you’ll feel the energy that makes this venue so special.

The tour goes beyond just the history of the stadium; it also explores the intricate economics of sports. You’ll learn how major sporting events are organized, the role of sponsorships, and the financial impact of the stadium on the local community. This real-world perspective allows you to see how various elements of business intersect within the world of sports, providing you with valuable insights that connect directly to your online curriculum.

Additionally, you’ll explore the importance of teamwork both on and off the field. Discover how athletes collaborate to achieve success, and understand the parallels to teamwork in everyday life and business settings. Engaging with these concepts will enhance your understanding of leadership, cooperation, and the collective effort required to achieve goals.

By attending the Acrisure Stadium Tour, you’ll gain a comprehensive view of the sports industry that enriches your academic experience. This blend of history, economics, and teamwork not only makes for an exciting outing but also prepares you for future endeavors, whether in sports, business, or community involvement. Come ready to be inspired and to see the world of sports from a whole new perspective!

Herr’s Factory Tour

Another exciting opportunity awaits you with the Herr’s Factory Tour! This behind-the-scenes look at a local snack food manufacturer will give you firsthand knowledge of production processes and business operations. It’s a fantastic way to see the application of math, science, and entrepreneurship in a real-world setting. Engaging with industry professionals will also inspire you to think about your future career options.

Combining Online Education with Hands-On Experiences

At 21CCCS, we believe that education extends beyond the virtual classroom. Our events and field trips are designed to complement your online learning by providing hands-on experiences that enrich your understanding of various subjects. By connecting classroom concepts to real-world applications, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for learning.

These outings not only encourage socialization among students and families but also create lasting memories that enhance the overall educational experience. As you engage with these events, you’ll find new perspectives and insights that contribute to your growth as a learner and community member.

We’re excited about the year ahead and look forward to seeing you at these events! Together, we can make learning a dynamic and enjoyable adventure.

Graduation Live Stream Links

Dear 21CCCS Community,

Can’t be physically present for the West Chester and Murrysville graduation ceremonies? No worries! Don’t miss out on the joy of celebrating our incredible graduates. Tune in to our live stream and witness this special occasion virtually. Share the pride and cheer them on as they embark on the next chapter!

West Chester Graduation

Murrysville Graduation

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

21CCCS Celebrates The Start of the 2022-2023 School Year With Socializing Opportunities for Cyber Students


Welcome back 21CCCS community! As of August 23rd, school is back in session, and we are excited to start the 2023-2024 academic year off strong!

At 21CCCS, we are consistently on the lookout for ways to help our cyber school community feel connected to one another, which is why we offer a variety of opportunities for socializing at the beginning of the school year to set the stage.

Want to learn more about back to school, our field trips, and our plans to start the year off right? Below, we’ve provided a few details!

The Adventure Club Holds Its First Field Trip of the Year

On Thursday, September 14th, the Adventure Club held its first field trip of the year and went on a hike to Mount Minsi at the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware Water Gap.

34 people came out to the field trip to Mount Minsi, which makes up part of the Appalachian Trail, and a fun time was had by all! The trip offered an excellent opportunity to enjoy time with friends, complete a fitness log, meet teachers, and enjoy the incredibly scenic views that Mount Minsi is known for.

Mount Minsi is truly a sight to behold— and its right in PA!

If you missed out on the first Adventure Club field trip of the year, don’t fret! There will be others, as the club creates events all throughout the year to get students out and moving, involved in adventurous activities, and exploring interesting places that our region has to offer. Be sure to check Cyber School Announcements for information to receive updates when the club plans its next event!

The Annual Welcome Back Picnic Will Take Place on Thursday, September 28th!

One event that students, families, and staff look forward to each year is the annual Welcome Back Picnic. Hundreds of 21CCCS students along with their families come from all over the state of PA to spend a great day outdoors enjoying student activities, building tours, a picnic lunch, and a variety of Field Day games.

Attending the Welcome Back Picnic is always a fun time for students as it provides the opportunity to meet and spend time with other students in-person! It really is something to experience and is a highlight of the beginning of the school year!

This year, the Welcome Back Picnic will be held on Thursday, September 28th. Parents and students can learn more about the event on Moodle, and we are excited to see you all there!

Tune in for More Field Trips, Activities, and Interesting Events All Year Long!

As one of the best cyber schools in PA, we offer many ways for cyber students to get connected with other students and staff. This is because recognize just how important socializing is for the academic experience as they seek to build meaningful connections, make friends, and play a more active role in their school community.

At 21CCCS, there are various opportunities throughout the year to participate in events. What’s more is that these events are held in different areas across PA so that all students are able to participate if they choose. Community outreach nights, field trips, etc. are open to students, friends, and family, and allow students to get to know their peers and teachers better in-person!

If you are interested in incorporating social activities into your cyber school experience, look into our events, field trips, and clubs. Students can get more information on upcoming school events and RSVP here!

We are incredibly excited to welcome another school year at 21CCCS! As always, be sure to tune in to our blog for more information, updates, and insights from our staff!

Congratulations to 21st Century Cyber Charter School’s Class of 2023!

On June 5th and 7th, 21s Century Cyber Charter School celebrated the class of 2023 with ceremonies in Murrysville and Westchester.

The ceremonies celebrated 218 June graduates and 26 21CCCS students who graduated in January. There were also great speeches from our principal, Dr. Monica Frank and several graduating seniors.

It was very exciting to see both the Murrysville and West Chester communities come together to honor and celebrate the success of our graduating seniors. Each student has shown such incredible dedication during their time at 21CCCS, and these ceremonies represented the culmination of all of their hard work.

Graduation Ceremony Speeches

The graduation ceremony was kickstarted and closed by our principals, Dr. Nora Wheeler and Dr. Monica Frank. In her remarks, Dr. Frank encouraged the Class of 2023 to reflect on the goals that they have reached up to this point in their academic careers as well as all of the people who made such a journey possible. Dr. Frank also took the time to include the words of wisdom, advice, and encouragement that the Class of 2023 had been asked to share earlier in the school year. A few examples were “Stay strong and keep going.”, “Take it one day at a time.”, and “Do the best with what you have.”.

The ceremonies also included speeches from several graduating 21CCCS students: Ava Lindsay, Ayishatu Hamid-Alhassan, Dalton Samuel, Jada Taylor, Jeremiah Shellhamer, Madison Doyle, Michael Iozzi, Sophia Dayan, and Sunshine Krill.

The student speeches included various words of wisdom, reflections on the challenges and triumphs of this academic year, and examples of experiences that allowed the audience to really understand each student’s unique perspective. 21CCCS would like to thank all of our student speakers for sharing what they have learned, and we know that all are destined for great things!

A Note from the CEO of 21CCCS, Dr. Matthew Flannery

CEO of 21CCS, Dr. Matthew Flannery, wanted to share a few words with the Class of 2023, acknowledging the tenacity of our students as they overcame challenges, stepped up to the plate, and fulfilled all of their required coursework to graduate.

Dr. Matthew Flannery: “I would like to congratulate the class of 2023 on the successful completion of their high school careers. I am so proud of these graduates. Not only did they deal with the normal requirements of being a high school student, they also showed grit and determination as they faced many pandemic-related challenges over the past several years.”

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

The 21CCCS community truly cannot overstate how proud we are of the Class of 2023 and all that they were able to achieve within their high school careers. Despite challenges associated with spending a good portion of their high school experience in a pandemic, students were able to succeed in reaching important learning goals, building lifelong connections with each other and 21CCCS staff, and showing that they are more than capable of forging paths toward futures that make use of their many gifts.

From the entire 21CCCS community, we would like to say congratulations to the Class of 2023! We cannot wait to see what you are able to accomplish as you step into the adult world. With you all leading the way, we know that the future is in great hands!

March is National Honor Society Awareness Month!

21st Century Cyber Charter School

March is National Honor Society Awareness Month, and at 21st Century Cyber Charter School we are excited to have the opportunity to celebrate the organization as well as our students who have been honored with membership!

In recognition of National Honor Society Awareness Month, we wanted to keep our 21CCCS community updated not only on our recent NHS induction but the history of National Honor Society Awareness Month and the role it plays in honoring our scholars as well.

21CCCS Inducts NHS Scholars for the 2022-2023 School Year

This March, 21st Century Cyber Charter School has inducted 45 students into the National Honor and National Junior Honor Society for this academic year! Our induction ceremonies were held at both offices with our school also including a live stream so that students who could not attend in person could attend virtually.

Here at 21CCCS, we are incredibly proud of and excited for our NHS scholars. NHS represents some of the most important virtues of education, service, and leadership, and the future is truly in their hands.

More about NHS and the History of National Honor Society Awareness Month

While people are aware of the National Honor Society and its status as a prestigious organization that recognizes outstanding achieving high school students, many do not know just how long NHS has been at it.

Founded in 1921, the National Honor Society has stood out as the nation’s premiere organization to recognize high school students who have shown excellence on the path of excellence 100 years. Over time, NHS has expanded to include chapters in all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico and other US territories, and Canada.

Students accepted into the prestigious organization have maintained a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and have filled various requirements in terms of leadership and community roles. The Pillars of Membership for students who wish to join NHS are scholarship, service, leadership, and character, with only students who display a commitment to all four being eligible for NHS acceptance.

National Honor Society Awareness Month began with the mission of celebrating our NHS scholars, their successes, and the continuous commitment that they display to excellence in education and leadership settings. to academic excellence. Being inducted into NHS and maintaining membership over the course of one’s high school career are huge accomplishments, and it is important that we recognize all that our scholars are doing as the next generation of leaders.

Celebrating National Honor Society Awareness Month

One of the best things about National Honor Society Awareness month is that there are many different ways to celebrate! Supporting students’ academic pursuits, doing some academic research in the spirit of NHS Awareness Month, and joining in on the conversation online are just a few of the most common ways to do so.

21CCCS recognizes the accomplishments of our NHS scholars as they lend helping hands to our community and continue on their path. Congratulations on your achievements and have a great NHS Awareness Month!

Expand your horizons

Your time in high school is critical. Part of your job as a student, beyond your school work, is to explore and learn as much as you can, about yourself. Doing well in your classes is only one piece of the larger educational puzzle.  You can try new things and learn from incredible experiences outside of school as well. Read below to learn about some opportunities that may interest you!

Walt Disney  1.) Discover the World of Communication: Students can journey to American University for a summer program in 2014. This program will help students to build a digital portfolio using lessons in television, radio, studio production, and more. CLICK HERE for more details.

2.) Multimedia Journalism Camp: Students can travel to Penn State for a few days in July of 2013. No experience is needed. Students will have an opportunity to be exposed to the world of journalism. This includes story writing, reporting, discovery of information, and research. CLICK HERE for more details.

3.) Summer at Georgetown: Students can participate in a summer law program. They will learn about interesting topics, including: punishment for minors vs. adults, victim rights vs. prisoner rights, arrests and sentencing, and the peer jury system. Workshop is offered in July. For more details CLICK HERE.

4.) Harvard Extension School: Students in high school, and those who are home-schooled, have the opportunity to enroll in courses to earn credit at Harvard’s Extension School. Scholarships are available (with some restrictions) and online study is an option. CLICK HERE to learn more.

5.) Abbey Road Programs: This website will give you a chance to consider and learn more about residential study abroad programs, home-stay immersion programs, and more. Take a look to see if any of these might work for you! CLICK HERE for more details.

Socialization in Cyber School? No Way! Well, Guess Again!

“You don’t socialize in cyber school.  How can you?  It’s just you and your computer all day!”

Does this sound familiar to you?  If so, you’ve most likely found yourself on the defense, explaining to friends and family that your beloved cyber school choice does involve a community and social learning experience.  At 21CCCS, one of the most frequently asked questions our enrollment team fields from prospective families is, “What opportunities are available for my child to socialize?”  We explain that it is true that 21CCCS provides an asynchronous, cyber learning environment, which means we do not require students to log into classes at any specific time of day. However, our students come together for lots of things! We’ve developed many ways to offer social outlets for our students.  Let me share a few.

1.) Community Outreach Events

These events are held throughout Pennsylvania on a weekly basis and are attended by our teachers, students, family members, and friends. Students are often given a chance to work on schoolwork and tutoring for the first half of the evening. Then, they are given time to play games, meet with their friends, and get to know their teachers. Next month we have cooking class on the calendar.  Don’t miss it!  The schedule for these events is posted weekly in Moodle and if you have any questions, ask Ms. Hoyt, Mr. Kinsch or your learning coach.


2.) Field Trips

Our field trips are most often educationally minded opportunities for students to come together and share a common learning experience.  Ms. Elder and Mr. Chu work to schedule and organize the trips on a monthly basis.  In the past we have ventured to Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and the Carnegie Center. Smaller scale field trips have been scheduled to welcome students back to school, or to celebrate the end of the year! If you have ideas for new field trips, let us know! We are happy to explore and schedule new visits.


3.) Clubs

21CCCS offers a variety of cyber clubs each year. We change them when needed, depending upon the interest and needs of our students. In the past, we’ve had a Literary Magazine, Radio-Drama Production, Chess Team, Debate Team and Photography Club. Be sure to ask your learning coach about club opportunities, and if one doesn’t exist that fits an interest, we will work with you to create it.


4.) Live Class and the the Virtual Office

Live class and the virtual office are a great way to reinforce learning materials. But, they are also a great way to get to know teachers and classmates and where most daily socialization happens at 21CCCS. Through one click on the computer,  our cyber community is transported to a virtual room full of fellow teachers and classmates, and the learning and discussion opportunities are endless.


The power to get involved and socialize lies within each one of our students at 21CCCS. We believe that socialization in our cyber school is thriving, growing and most certainly possible!


Mental Illness Awareness Week!

October 6-12 is Mental Illness Awareness Week- I encourage each of you at some point this week to do a little investigative research to educate yourself about this condition. Most of us have assumptions or stigmas in our minds about those affected by mental illness, but in reality, 1 in 4 American’s live with mental illness om a given year. Moreover, there are a great deal of students that we serve who are affected by one or more than one illness. These may include:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Depression
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
  • Eating Disorders

There are many ways to educate yourself and become better versed in the characteristics and behaviors of mental illness. Again, I encourage you to become more aware of these so we can end the negative stigmas our society has attached to individuals living with a MI.

What Can You Do? You might:
Read a book:

  • The Center Cannot Hold by Elyn Saks
  • Crazy by Pete Earley
  • Divided Minds by Pamela Spiro Wagner and Carolyn S. Spiro, M.D.
  • The Soloist by Steve Lopez

Watch a movie (and read a fact sheet about the mental illness that’s part of the plot):

  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Canvas
  • Silver Lining Playbook
  • The Soloist

Visit these sites:


If you would like to talk about these or other concerns, call us today! We are a resource for you!

Information in this blog post was brought to you by Ms. Erin Kline, Special Education Coordinator.

Fall Fun Ideas!

While we are experiencing a sort of Indian Summer at the moment, cooler weather is sure to follow. I love this time of year. Everyone is outside, enjoying the sunshine and taking breaks from back-to-school tasks whenever possible.

Don’t miss out on this great season! Here are some great family ideas to consider this fall.

Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 12.02.14 PM1.) Pumpkin Picking

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere! I’ve seen them all over the place (including outside my grocery store) ever since the middle of September. Pumpkin picking is easy to find on a farm near you! Bring your family, bring your van, and haul home some pumpkins. You can turn them into jack-o-lanterns, pies, soups, and other delights. For information about pumpkin carving competitions, consider The Great Pumpkin Carve, hosted by the Chadds Ford Historical Society each year. You won’t believe what some people can craft with a pumpkin!

2.) Start a Flag Football Team

It’s a great idea to keep healthy. Physical activity is very important and one of the best ways to keep healthy.  What better way to get your physical activity in than football? Fall makes everyone think of football, and while having your own fantasy team is cool, starting your own team is even better! Gather your friends,  be sure you understand the rules, and hop to it! Go team!

3.) Sample the Local Cider

Farms are busy harvesting apples this time of year. That means lots of apple cider is being made! Ciders are different all over the state. Some farms go so far as to sell pasteurized versus unpasteurized versions of their cider. Sample the goods and contribute to the livelihood of local farmers near you! If you live near Chester Country, consider a trip to Barnard’s Orchard in Kennett Square, PA.

4.) Find a Corn Maze

There are a ton of corn mazes throughout the farms of PA. There is bound to be one in your area. Consider this 5 acres maze at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm in Lancaster, PA. Farm fun activities are available on the property for all ages. Get lost in the fun of fall!Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 12.05.59 PM

5.) Visit a Haunted House

Philadelphia is home to the Eastern State Penitentiary. Every year, this prison-turned-museum launches its Halloween themed haunted attraction, Terror Behind the Walls.  For $13-39 (dependent upon the night of your reservation) guests can tour the cell blocks of this institution.


What do YOU like to do in the fall? Share with us! We want to know! Tell us on Facebook or Twitter!