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Webcam Hackers?

For those who caught Jeff Rossen’s morning segment last Friday on The Today Show, webcams were examined and scrutinized. The shocked faces of parents realizing their webcams could be easily hacked spoke volumes. Hackers are capable of much more than nabbing your credit card and bank account numbers. They can also use your webcam to see what you’re doing. What’s worse is the fact that many times, users walk away from their computers for a period of time, and that idle computer is still susceptible to hacking.


This issue was first brought to the media about two years ago when a school district in Pennsylvania was brought up on charges for illegally accessing student webcams. While it seems the issue itself has not yet been resolved (since individuals are still able to hack into your webcam), it is critical to note how 21st Century Cyber Charter School has dealt with the issue.

Each student-issued laptop from out school is sent to students with the webcam feature disabled as a default setting. Should a student choose to utilize the function, he/she can do so by accessing the iSight toggle. Setting options will be available there to turn the webcam on or off. Students can actively turn this function on or off as they so choose. Classes do not always require students to use the iSight function. It is often an option offered to complete particular assignments.

We encourage students to be in-the-know about these things. If you have questions about your webcam and how to use it, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


We Made AYP! But, What Does That Mean?

Adequate Yearly Progress, or AYP, is a measure of a school’s yearly scores, received by their students for state standardized tests. It was enacted as a part of No Child Left Behind Act, first instituted under George W. Bush’s administration in 2001. The act allows state to set individual standards. Pennsylvania has been regarded as a high roller in this regard, due to the fact that our standards are both high and demanding on students and teachers alike.

Each year, students throughout Pennsylvania are tested in areas of science, math, reading and writing. Testing is held throughout the months of October, November, March, April and May. It is intensive for our students, but they are well prepared. Teachers spend time discussing test taking strategies, and what will be expected of students. Every public school in the state is responsible for having their students take these tests, and pass them with proficiency. Scores are recorded by PDE and posted on their website.

So, how has 21st Century Cyber Charter School fared? As an LEA, 21st Century Cyber Charter School was able to make AYP, yet again. Our Middle School made all required AYP goals. While our High School was not able to meet AYP goals, we are very proud of the strident efforts by students, teachers, parents, and everyone else in our learning community who contributed toward this goal. The future offers new challenges that we hope to tackle as the year progresses. We are confident that performance and efforts will improve with hard work and determination.

For details about our scoring, CLICK HERE and view what has been published by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Why is School Sometimes Boring?

There are plenty of reasons why students pursue education in a cyber school. Sometimes, the reason we learn from inuring parents and prospective students is that students feel bored in their current school. They are eager to find an alternative to their education, and cyber school seems to offer something fresh and new. But, what does boredom really imply? What do students means when they say they are bored? Why are students bored? Check out this article recently written by Amanda Morin, “4 Reasons Kids Are Bored At School,” to learn more.

What do you think? Join the conversation on Facebook!

Socialization Worries? Cyber Students Don’t Live On An Island!

The opinion is out there. Cyber school = no socialization. As a cyber school, we’ve heard the arguments and continue to believe that not everyone sees the whole picture.

21CCCS high school teacher, Mr. Bonnette, feels strongly that in spite of common beliefs that cyber schools limit socialization opportunities for students, we have a way of helping to engage our students through several mediums. Read below to learn more about this topic of interest, and what Mr. Bonnette has to say about it.


If you are a prospective parent and this is your first investigation into the possibility of sending your child to a virtual school, it is understandable you may have some concerns about socialization in a cyber world.  Let’s face it; you are making a major decision, which is going to affect your child’s education, and life in general. So, understanding how we in the cyber community strive to ensure students have ample socialization opportunities is probably important to you.

There is a stigma existing in our world that cyber education isolates or eliminates the social opportunities children need in order to grow and mature into successful citizens.  You may have had this thought brewing at the back of your own mind. As a parent and child it is important to understand that 21st Century Cyber Charter School strives to pay particular attention to this facet of the cyber school experience.  We understand social interaction is important and place a heavy emphasis on providing each student, regardless of geographical location, with both virtual and face-to-face opportunities to socialize with peers and staff.

According to Watson and Gemin, virtual schooling fosters a number of positive social developments for our youth. The cyber learning environment provides:

  1. Greater collaboration amongst students across grade levels, leading to accountability and responsibility for older students.
  2. Cross-curricular communication outside a grade level cohort.
  3. The break down of social and ethnic barriers.
  4. Interaction with a broad range of cultures, ideas, and perspectives (2013).


In addition to the benefits of virtual socialization, 21st Century Cyber Charter School offers a host of activities in which students and parents may collaborate and socialize face-to-face.  We host field trips each month, which are geared toward all grade levels and afford students the opportunity to meet with peers in an educational and social climate.  Each week we host a community outreach program. These events welcome teachers and staff to various locations throughout Pennsylvania so that students may experience live tutoring and mentorship.  We offer a number of clubs, which also  provide students positive interactions with their peers. Finally, we encourage students to come into our main office location to work with their teachers during the school year. We’re always here for our students!

The possibilities for additional activities and socialization opportunities continue to grow. We are always learning, adapting, and changing. We welcome input as well! Students here have a voice and often help us to discover new trips, events, and outreach possibilities. We are a school of collaboration and exploration. We invite you to give us a try!

Hopefully this short segment has alleviated some of your concerns about socialization in a virtual school setting.  By considering cyber school you are making a big decision, so be aware that 21st Century Cyber Charter School will do everything in its power to make your child’s education everything he/she wants it to be.



Watson, J., & Gemin, B. (2013). Socialization in online programs. North American Council for Online Learning. NACOL, n.d. Web. 9 Jan 2013. Site available at: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&ved=0CG8QFjAG&url=http://www.inacol.org/research/promisingpractices/NACOL_PP_Socialization.pdf&ei=l7XtUPTeI8a70AHs1YHYDw&usg=AFQjCNHti2mBpBIi3UXFF_7bPAs5CT-rkA&sig2=yhE-M3CWemMvMP5gKcS-LQ.


What Is the School Choice Movement?

The ‘school choice movement‘ refers to the concept that students and their parents should have the opportunity to attend school where they choose. As the shape of public education shifts over time, parents are more interested in finding alternative educational opportunities. Some parents favor the charter school movement while others are in search of vouchers and scholarships to send their children to private school. As a response to this, there are several organizations that exist to help parents navigate these choices.

How does 21st Century Cyber Charter School fit into the school choice movement? Because we are a public school, there is no fee to attend. Enrollment is not selective, but based on seat availability. As long as our school is not at capacity, we are able to offer enrollment. Being a cyber charter school makes it that much easier for us to accommodate the demands of our incoming students.

We enjoy being a choice for students because we feel that we offer opportunities for success. Students come to us in search of an alternative. In a recent article published by Lancaster Online, our CEO reported that we offer courses and opportunities that other schools can’t. We provide an online individualized curriculum to cater to our students’ learning styles. To learn more, CLICK HERE and read the article!


Critics Are Asking: Are Cyber Schools Making the Grade?

The critics are everywhere. Although the cyber school movement has been in full swing for more than a few years (with Pennsylvania at the forefront), developments are occurring constantly, shifting what cyber school looks like for students across the country. With constant growth, development, and change, it’s no wonder people are asking, “Are cyber schools making the grade?”

Assessing this question is no easy task, and it leaves room for plenty of speculation. In an article recently released by ‘Lancaster Online,’ reporters Mary Beth Schweigert and Chip Smedley report on some of the differences between cyber charter schools, some of the arguments for and against them, and whether or not they can perform the job of traditional brick and mortar public schools.

One of 21st Century Cyber Charter School’s students was featured in the article, expressing that our teachers are supportive and helpful. Our student is receiving the type of education he sought when considering cyber school.

Later in the article, our CEO, Jon Marsh, commented on the types of courses we have made available online. Further, the article provides a well-rounded assessment of what is provided through a cyber delivery of education.

The bottom line remains this: because charter schools each operate under different charters, each school operates a little differently, following different learning models and educational strategies. 21CCCS has been fortunate to find successful ways to cater to the needs of our students. For more information on one of our learning models, CLICK HERE.

To view the recently published article from ‘Lancaster Online’ CLICK HERE.