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Examining Graduation Rates

An article recently released by ‘Lancaster Online‘ announced the graduation rates and PSSA assessment scores associated with several cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania. 21CCCS was included in the article, with mention made to our school’s successes over the past few years, (including recent scores from the 2011-12 school year).

The article, titled “Cyber-Charters: Cyber-charter pupils not connecting well on PA tests,” explores some of the test results recorded and proposed reasons for successes and failures among schools across the commonwealth.

In the article, our CEO Jon Marsh recognized our successes as a school to stem from three major areas. He says it has to do with our how our teachers, curriculum, and our learning coaches work together. The article quotes Jon saying, “We wrote our curriculum. If it doesn’t make it, we have to fix it. Because the teachers who wrote the curriculum are sitting right there … they’re connected to it. They’re passionate about it.”

For more information, CLICK HERE and view the article!

Critics Are Asking: Are Cyber Schools Making the Grade?

The critics are everywhere. Although the cyber school movement has been in full swing for more than a few years (with Pennsylvania at the forefront), developments are occurring constantly, shifting what cyber school looks like for students across the country. With constant growth, development, and change, it’s no wonder people are asking, “Are cyber schools making the grade?”

Assessing this question is no easy task, and it leaves room for plenty of speculation. In an article recently released by ‘Lancaster Online,’ reporters Mary Beth Schweigert and Chip Smedley report on some of the differences between cyber charter schools, some of the arguments for and against them, and whether or not they can perform the job of traditional brick and mortar public schools.

One of 21st Century Cyber Charter School’s students was featured in the article, expressing that our teachers are supportive and helpful. Our student is receiving the type of education he sought when considering cyber school.

Later in the article, our CEO, Jon Marsh, commented on the types of courses we have made available online. Further, the article provides a well-rounded assessment of what is provided through a cyber delivery of education.

The bottom line remains this: because charter schools each operate under different charters, each school operates a little differently, following different learning models and educational strategies. 21CCCS has been fortunate to find successful ways to cater to the needs of our students. For more information on one of our learning models, CLICK HERE.

To view the recently published article from ‘Lancaster Online’ CLICK HERE.

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath

Hurricane Sandy devastated areas up and down the east coast. 21CCCS was fortunate to see little damage. We know that our teachers and many students remained safe and sound. However, some were much less fortunate.

The federal relief efforts are already estimated at $12 billion.  There is always something more we can do to help. For more information about relief and donation possibilities, check out some of the links below.

1.) CLICK HERE to learn how to donate supplies via Media Patch

2.) CLICK HERE to learn about efforts for NJ residents

3.) CLICK HERE for information from the Red Cross, Hurricane Relief

4.) CLICK HERE for information provided by the Huffington Post

Controversy Surrounding Cyber Charter Schools

Educating the masses is no easy task. It’s easy to keep up with the news as long as you’re talking about Justin Beiber or those Kardashians. But when it comes to cyber school education, it seems that the jury is still out. Here at 21CCCS, we recognize that not everyone knows the truth and the whole truth about cyber charter schools.

With 11 cyber schools currently operating in the state of Pennsylvania, people are becoming more and more in-the-know. Click here to read an article featured in Timesleader.com on July 17 of this year. It offers some insight into what either side of the fence contemplates. In the article, our CEO, Jon Marsh, helps to voice the strengths of cyber education. He also speculates on why a sometimes negative perception permeates the media.


Corbett Aims to Help the Charter School Cause

On October 19th, 2012, Governor Corbett released a statement expressing his commitment to the charter school movement. He acknowledged disappointment in the House’s failure to bring a recently proposed Senate bill 1115 to the table. Although the bill passed a vote in the state Senate, it has yet to be voted on in the House, says Daily Time Correspondent Lois Puglionesi.

Her article, Haverford Discusses Charter School Bill outlines the reasons that both supporters and naysayers of the bill feel the way they do. Ultimately, the bill will bring attention to fiscal allocations for charter schools, specifying “governance and academic accountability rules.” Movement on the bill would help charter schools by setting more specific expectations for school funding.

The governor’s intention to draw attention to the bill means high hopes for January elections. For more information on the bill proposed, check out this link to view a copy of it! Playing an active part in your education starts with knowledge. Get informed!

More Cyber Schools to Come!

Pennsylvania is one of the more popular states in the nation to have a high concentration of cyber school options. This year saw the addition of four new cyber schools. The 2013-2014 school year already has proposals in for eight more cyber schools. Because cyber charter schools each follow a different learning methodology, the goals and focus of each proposed school is a little different. To learn more about the ambition and goals of these school models, CLICK HERE, and read the article recently released by Post-Gazette.com.

Parents Like You! PA Families for Public Cyber School

Sometimes the best way to discover whether a public cyber school is the best option for your child or not is by conversing with other parents. To learn the skinny on public cyber schools and what they can afford your student, check out the ‘Pennsylvania Families for Public Cyber School’ Organization. They keep up to date on the legislation affecting Pennsylvania schools, build advocacy efforts, and reach out to other parents like you!

Want to know what’s trending in the public cyber world? Check them out and join their efforts to keep public cyber education as an option for our children!

What Is A Charter School and Why Are They Working in PA?

The Pennsylvania Department of Education constitutes a charter school as one that “operates free from many educational mandates, [and] offers alternatives in education using strategies that may save money and improve student performance.” Charter schools in PA have benefited student learning because they are awarded the flexibility to cater to different student learning styles. They do this by piloting different learning models, which work to find innovative delivery of instruction.Research suggests that some models are more effective than others.

But what is the charter school movement actually achieving? The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools recently released data suggesting that Pennsylvania state’s charter schools are outperforming district schools across the commonwealth. In October of this year, the organization reported, “Statewide, 49.85 percent of traditional school districts made AYP, compared to 58.97 percent of Pennsylvania’s charter schools.” 105,056 students are currently enrolled in charter schools throughout Pennsylvania and that number is climbing. There are waiting lists for several charter schools, and enrollment has doubled over the last ten years.

Pennsylvania has seen first hand that charter schools are helping children to achieve, and they’re doing it one school at a time. There are presently 167 charter schools in PA and that number continues to increase. Also increasing are the number of cyber schools. The 2012-2013 school year will see the opening of four new cyber charter schools. The standardized test scores speak for themselves, but what’s more important are the increasing demands of students. They want educational options. They want learning alternatives, and they want to succeed.

For a list of new charter schools opening across the state, check out PCPCS’s posted article here.

Cyber Education Working to Surpass Traditional School

In an article recently released by DistanceEducation.org, columnist Jennifer Williamson writes, “Today’s online education programs look nothing like they did decades ago—and some studies suggest they surpass traditional education.” The article titled, ‘Online Education: Better Than Traditional School?’ suggests that cyber schools afford students the opportunities for more individualized instruction, pacing, modified learning times, collaboration, and reflection. What’s more, recent reporting provided by the U.S. Department of Education, suggests that hybrid learning model (those which offer a mix of online education and on-ground instruction) provide the best all around experience for students.

While 21CCCS does not provide a hybrid education model, we do feel it is critical to invite distinctly personal elements of learning into our teaching model. This is, in part, what 21CCCS provides through our Learning Coach Model and our commitment to hosting monthly Community Outreach Events.

The role of the Plan for Student Learning Coach acts to bridge the gap between a fully online asynchronous learning experience and a synchronous one. Our Learning Coaches communicate with different students each day, answering questions, helping with assignments, and getting to know our students as individuals. They are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. The learning coaches monitor student progress and engage students to work to their full potential.

In the way of outreach events, we believe that our school thrives because we combine individual instruction with many opportunities for students to socialize and interact in person. While students are not required to participate in synchronous lessons or our events, we recognize their positive effects and recommend them to all students. We find as a result, many students do participate in our events, and reap the benefits. They get to know their peers, interact with their teachers, and learn to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses as learners.

Williamson’s article really hit home the message that cyber education is nothing like it used to be. Today, we are not simply extrapolating on-ground instruction and shifting it into comprehensive text for a computer. Instruction is dynamic, mulch-faceted, and rigorous. It is interactive, adaptive, and constantly growing to meet the needs of students. 21CCCS is helping to show schools that, in the long run, online education can take students far beyond their computers and far beyond their own expectations.

Here is a full copy of the report released by the U.S. Department of Education, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning.

Cyber Schools Save Kids

We see first hand how our school is changing the lives of our students. Cyber education offers students the kind of individualized instruction that encourages them to embrace learning. Our students are excited to log into their classes each day. They work with teachers who show students how to heighten their natural abilities, hone their strengths, and challenge their weaknesses.

The news about cyber school success is spreading! A news release recently posted by the Commonwealth Foundation on PATownHall.com reports that Pennsylvania’s  cyber schools are providing the alternative students have been looking for. A reporter at the Commonwealth Foundation, Nate Benefield said, “Education has finally caught up with twenty-first century technology to produce viable choices for parents and opportunities for students to grow, learn, and thrive in a competitive global market.”

21CCCS proudly contends that our learning styles and strategies are reaching a population of students in search of something different. Education is accessible by all when offered in different delivery models. Because 21CCCS is able to accommodate and shift instruction to be presented in inventive and exciting new ways, our students reap the benefits. We hope to help others see how cyber education can offer more than just computer screen images to its students. We are offering resources, opportunities, and growth in education for students.

To read the case study on which the PATownHall.com article was written, entitled, The Learning Revolution, CLICK HERE. It was released by the Commonwealth Foundation in October of 2012.