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21CCCS Blog

Stunning Projections for Cyber Charter School Growth by 2025

In the past decade, enrollment in cyber charter schools has been on the rise and is projected to grow even more by 2025. Institutions’ reasoning for this rise in cyber charter enrollment tends to vary. In executive director of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, Ana Meyers’ view, more parents are beginning to choose […]

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3 Tips to Help Parents Find the Right School for Their Child

One of the biggest apprehensions for parents is whether the school that their children are placed in is a good fit. Parents know that a good school can put a child on the fast track for academic and behavioral success, but many are unsure of the ways in which they can find the right school […]

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21CCCS Testing Schedules

Please see 2019 testing schedules below: Algebra Keystone Schedule Biology Keystone Schedule Literature Keystone Schedule PSSA ELA Day 1 Schedule PSSA Math Day 2 Schedule PSSA Science Day 3 Schedule  

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