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Fun Field Trips

This fall, we were fortunate to host several field trips across Pennsylvania. We love the opportunity to spend time with our students, and fall is the perfect time to enjoy fellowship and great weather.

We met at Adams Ricci Park Community Park in Carlisle, Lower Perkiomen Valley Park in Oaks, and North Park in Pittsburgh, over the course of three days. The students had an opportunity to play icebreaker games, build marshmallow towers, problem solve, and play team builder activities.We ate lunch together and even had time to chat about our plans for the rest of the school year.We had a blast! Thanks to all those who came.

Field trips are an integral part of the school program, and the students are always encouraged to participate. This year’s trips provided our students with educational enrichment, as well as socialization with their peers, something that students in a cyber school setting sometimes miss out on.

We look forward to seeing each of you at our next event!