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Who is Successful in a Cyber School?

What makes our students successful? This is a question we are asked time and time again because it has been noted that cyber school may not be the best educational option for everyone.  Well, who is it a great option for? What makes cyber school difficult? What makes it a winning educational option?

Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 1.14.03 PMLike so many other things in life, there is no simple answer to this question. Students come to our school for a variety of reasons, with a variety of ability levels, learning needs, and study skills. We are all different and we wouldn’t want to be the same. But, this means that a school must adapt so that it can provide a variety of learning models for each of its students.

One thing you’ll hear from various staff and faculty members here at 21CCCS is that a successful student is a self-advocate. This means he or she wants to learn and wants to actively participate in his or her education. How can that occur? A student can actively reach out to teachers when help is required with a given lesson or assignment. A student can communicate regularly with learning coaches and teachers, to ensure understanding and appropriate pacing of coursework. A student can also request changes when an assignment is not quite resonating. Sometimes a lesson simply does not make sense. A self-advocating student will likely take note of that and ask for help.

We’re also a great option for students in need of specific scheduling. For example, some students are athletes, dancers, gymnasts. These activities can often occur during a traditional school day.  The struggle of traveling back and forth between school, practice, and other responsibilities can create a stressor in a family. For students with these kinds of demands, cyber school can be a perfect fit!

There are plenty of students for whom we are an ideal learning option. The best way for us to successfully determine this is to give us a call! We want to get to know you and your student. We are happy to answer questions, get to know you, and help you to make the best decision possible for your family.  Call us today!