About Us
Established in 2001, 21st Century Cyber Charter School serves Pennsylvania students in grades 6 through 12. 21CCCS features one of the best academic track records among all cyber charter schools in the state, including our SAT scores in the top 10% of all Pennsylvania public high schools. 21CCCS provides students with a flexible, individualized learning environment catered to meet specific student needs. 21st Century’s asynchronous learning environment provides students with 24/7 course access. Students may visit the Virtual Office (VO), where they can work one on one with PA certified teachers.
Vision and Mission Statements
To continually enhance our flexible environment in support of all students’ academic, social, and emotional growth using innovative approaches to learning in preparation for their future aspirations.
To foster a student-centered experience that inspires and empowers our learners through engaging curriculum facilitated by supportive educators to develop the whole individual.
21st Century Cyber Charter School…
- Commits to keeping the needs of all students at the center of decision-making.
- Understands the need all students have to feel safe, respected, and free from judgment in order to achieve their personal best.
- Engages with stakeholders vested in the academic, social, and emotional growth of students.
- Develops multiple academic pathways to maximize student potential and meet state requirements.
- Believes a high-quality learning environment is grounded in multidisciplinary teamwork focused on advancing our mission and vision.
Get to know our team of PA certified, highly qualified teachers Meet the faculty
Our History
In 1999 the Intermediate Units of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties saw the need for a cyber school to serve their students, but they wanted to ensure that the school offered a high quality education. These IUs and their 64 member school districts formed our school in 2001. The four IU executive directors, along with two school district superintendents from each county and several parents, serve as our charter school board. Our board has a tremendous amount of experience in education, and its members take an active role in guiding our school.
Since our start, we have implemented a steady growth model, making sure to have the resources and staff available to meet the needs of each student. Today, we have over 1,000 children enrolled as full-time students. We continue to grow, offering open enrollment periods to students in grades six through twelve throughout the school year.
Our Faculty
People as invested in your child’s education as you are. Our teachers are the backbone of our school. From the curriculum they develop, to the live classes they teach, their goal is to give your child a first rate educational experience. Students are able to reach teachers directly via Virtual Office, phone, or e-mail to receive any support they need.
Our Staff
The true strength of our school lies in the staff and faculty. Our administrative and support staff work together with our faculty towards our one common goal: providing the best possible school experience for your family. We are proud of our school’s status as one of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing cyber charter schools and intend to build upon that success each year.
Board of Trustees
You may have heard that for-profit companies or educational management organizations run all cyber charter schools. This is not true. A school board composed of public educators (Intermediate Unit Directors and Public School Superintendents) and parents is responsible for governing 21CCCS. As a result, the decisions made by our board are always made in the best interest of our students’ education.
Meet the Board