It’s school
built around

Teachers are available 56 hours per week for one on one help
Performance profile surpasses many other cyber charter schools.
Higher PSSA scores than many other cyber charter schools
One of the TOP college readiness scores among PA charter cyber schools
  • Our only regret is not moving to 21st Century sooner. My daughter had far more help and support when needed.

    The Athey Family
  • Over this last year, my daughter had tremendous support in and outside of school. This gave her back her confidence, smile, enjoyment of life and most of all her voice!

    The Nunemaker Family
  • The teachers, academic advisors, and counselors are top notch. As a parent, I have so much more communication and knowledge of how my son is doing at all times.

    The Mortensen Family
  • My son was accepted and enrolled so quickly. The transition was so easy. All equipment and necessities were shipped here immediately. I swear, my son was happier than he'd been in years!

    The Scholl Family
  • My daughter has struggled with anxiety and depression. Traditional school settings with bullying just were not good for her. So this year her junior year we decides to allow her to try cyber school.

    The Lucas Family