We are well into Quarter 1! Great job to everyone who has been working hard in classes. Your teachers are glad and excited to see such great progress!
In an effort to help you keep on track, we wanted to share some great tips. What is time management all about? How can you get on the right track and organize your day in the best possible way? Read below to learn more about time management.
1.) Discover Your Schedule.
What do you do everyday? How is your schedule currently arranged? The first step to designing a time management plan that will work for you is to recognize and then analyze what you are currently doing. Then, you can start to break down how you work. You can ask yourself questions such as these:
– Do you spend several hours each day working at all once?
– Do you need to take frequent breaks?
– What are the biggest distractions for you?
2.) Build Blocks of Time
Are there certain things that you would like to do in specific chunks of time? Perhaps you love art and would like to spend at least two hours each day working on that. Perhaps you struggle with science and need to dedicate a lot of time to that. Whatever you need to schedule in order to complete your work should live on a schedule, broken into feasible chunks of time. Perhaps 2 hours of science or math will not work for you. That’s ok! Maybe 15 minute chunks will work better. Trial and error will help you decide. Piece together something that you can feasibly see yourself completing, and take it from there.
3.) Create Breaks!
It is unrealistic to work all day every day. You need to make sure to include appropriate break times. That means just the right amount of them, and breaks that last for the right amount of time. Maybe taking a two-hour break will become too distracting, making it harder to get back to work. Figure out what is feasible for your learning style and stick to it!
Be sure that the area in which you are working is appropriate for your work. Your study and work space should be quiet, comfortable, temperature appropriate, and productive. Setting up shop in your living room with the television on may not help! Sitting in a space that is too cold or too hot can even become distracting! Ask your parents/guardians for help. Make your study space someplace you’d like to be each day.
5.) Make Time for Review
Your attempt at time management may not be successful the first time around. That is OK! This means that you may need to map out a new plan or a new schedule. Talk with your learning coach, teachers, and parents/guardians for assistance. Trying a new schedule, blocks of time, break routine, or study space is completely acceptable! Evaluating your needs on a regular basis is important. Be sure to openly communicate your learning needs so that you can become successful!