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What’s A Hashtag?

It's just a pound symbol. This should be easy enough to figure out!
It’s just a pound symbol. This should be easy enough to figure out!

I’m sure you’ve heard the word before. Hashtag. Or, maybe you’ve heard it used in a sentence. A friend casually makes a joke by saying, “Ugh, I have so much homework to do tonight! Hashtag– Life Is Hard!” You laugh with the best of them and say something like, “Yes! Totally! Hashtag times a million!” But inside, you might be asking yourself: What on earth is a hashtag? Where does it belong? And how do I use one? Never fear! 21CCCS knows all about the mighty hashtag. We can help!

Twitter.com offers a help center to help you understand what you’ve been missing out on. CLICK HERE to access their article. If you don’t feel up to reading that, here is all you need to know:

  • Hashtags are used to categorize Tweets, or group messages
  • There are lots of hashtags already in use, so you can usually add a pre-existing hashtag to your tweet
  • Hashtags may help you to find trending topics, or simply topics that may interest you
  • Yes, it is spelled as one word. I promise. I looked it up.

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