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Steps to Keeping your New Year’s Resolution from Ms. MacLuckie

It’s almost time for a new year!  Are you thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution?  Here are some tips to keep your resolution from 21CCCS English Teacher Miss MacLuckie!


Steps to Keeping your New Year’s Resolution

With 2014 right around the corner, now would be the perfect time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolution. Whether your goal is to get straight A’s, learn to cook, pass your SAT’s, or lose 10 pounds, there are certain steps that you can take to make that goal more achievable.


1.    Write it down

Talking about a resolution is effortless, but they are difficult to maintain and easy to forget. Writing down your resolution, whether it is on a post-it or a giant poster, will be a constant reminder of the goal you had set for yourself at the start of the year.


2.    Be specific

There is a big difference between saying, “I want to eat healthier” and “I want to eat 5 servings of vegetables every day.” The second goal is quantifiable and can be easily tracked. When there are clear, measurable parameters, people are more inclined to stay focused and motivated.


3.    Find a partner(s)

It is always better to have a partner working towards the same goal, rather than trying to attempt it on your own. This buddy system holds people accountable for their actions. Call each other weekly, send motivational texts, or write letters of encouragement- whatever works best for you!


4.    Break goals into smaller steps

Saying something like, “I am going to lose 25 pounds this year”, can seem very overwhelming. Taking gigantic, yearlong goals and breaking them down can make them seem more attainable. Try working out a plan to lose just two pounds a month instead. It won’t seem quite so scary!


5.    Don’t let small setbacks lead to failure

The road to reaching your goal will often be littered with small problems and obstacles. Always remember that these are part of a natural process, and that they shouldn’t lead you to losing your motivation. Stay positive and optimistic!


Here is a list of the New Year’s resolutions from the staff:

– Write 3 things for which I’m grateful in a journal everyday

– Run 4 miles, 3 times a week

– Be more patient

– Drink more water

– Make time to read books that I love

– Make a schedule to get up from my desk and exercise

– To get back on track with eating healthier and exercising more

– De-clutter my house one room at a time

– Spend more quality time with friends and family

– Not get frustrated by difficult relationships

– Stop making fun of Mr. Galette